
Villainess no Yume

Ryuu-jin Aoki, one of the top 10 powerful people in the world, found that his favorite character in the novel named Yume suddenly became a villainess. For this reason, he used his wealth to find the whereabouts of the author. But to no avail, he failed. One day, the newest chapter of the novel, condemned Yume, who was punished into slavery. This is where Ryuu-jin's patience got broken. Luckily, a miracle happened where he was given a choice to live in her world and save her. So he became Ryu Xanastre, a self-made male lead who will save the damsel in distress. "Wait for me my princess," he said, "if the male lead abandons you, then I'll be the second male lead and protect you."

KonpekiSensei · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 19 - Followed by a Princess

Crown Prince Shin De Lughes Zenonidas' Private Quarters.



Shin bellowed while his face lay on an expensive-looking couch in his room.

"Rosie... Be gentle—Ouch!"

"I'm just trying to massage your neck; why such a crybaby?"

"Now you're insulting me?"

"No, of course not, my Love."


Shin clenched his hands, squeezing them between his head.

"That barbarian! He just got lucky because I underestimated him!"

"But, what if his skill is the real—"


Infuriated, Shin got up and unintentionally brushed off Rosie to the side, making her fall to the ground.

"Aaack! I...It hurts!"

"Wah, Rosie, I'm sorry..."

Shin immediately grabbed her hands, supporting her.

"It's that bastard's fault! Don't worry, Rosie, I'll make him pay!"

"Wait, my Love."

Rosie interrupted while grabbing the end of Shin's tunic, preventing him from leaving.

Jealous, Shin thought that Rosie was somewhat protecting Ryu.

"Are you also charmed by that uncivilized black-haired guy?!"

"Of course not! I only love you, Shin... But listen. I have an idea."


When Rosie showed a smirk, Shin's thoughts calmed down, opening his ears to listen.

"Yes, if that person is really skilled, isn't it better if we can let him join our faction instead? He would be a great addition to the academy as one of your aides."

"Hmm... You're right. But how?"

"Maybe, I can seduce him?"

"No! You're mine, Rosie! Are you sure you aren't interested—"

"Shush, my love..."

Rosie knew his temper, so she understood how to react quickly to his whims. She placed her delicate finger over his mouth, preventing him from speaking further.

"I'm doing this for you. Haven't you noticed that your fiancee is somewhat interested in that Ryu? So we must steal him from her before it's too late."


The Royal Academy's duel incident was settled, and one month had already passed.

Royal Academy F-1 Classroom. A room filled with long, rustic, wooden desks placed in ascending and elevated order, large whiteboards attached to the front wall for writing things, and some distinctive valuable paintings hung around each side. Chairs were neatly organized beside the tables with enough spaces, enabling someone to sit comfortably for a long time.

It was the first day of class. Ryu was sitting at the back, near the window, listening to the birds singing on the tree branch. Though he wanted to relax, the tranquil atmosphere was ruined by the students who couldn't stop looking at him.

Chatter... Chatter... Chatter...

"Isn't he the one who knocked out Prince Shin?"

"There is only one black-haired freshman in the entire school."

"So it's true. Will, will he also beat us?"

"Don't go near him. The Crown Prince might want revenge."

"I-I want to change class."

Students feared that it made Ryu the only person occupying the whole row. Even the seats around him were empty.

He thought about how to diffuse the awkward situation when someone abruptly appeared at the door.

"Psst, hey guys, there is a beautiful lady at the door."

"Who was—black hair? T-That was Lady Yume, daughter of the north duchy!"

"Lady Yume? Oh! She's a senior student."

"What? Why is there a high-ranking noble here?"

Meanwhile, Ryu was lost in thought that he instinctively looked when he heard the name of Yume being discussed.

There, he saw Yume staring in his direction. Ryu tried looking around to check who she was looking at but remembered that he was the only one in the entire row of her line of vision.

'Is there something wrong? Why is the Princess here? Is she looking for me?'

The Princess stared at him for a while, so he had no choice but to stare back. Ryu didn't know if he should talk to her.

'Maybe there was a chance that it was not me who she wanted.'

So Ryu avoided making assumptions just to reach an embarrassing situation later.

After some commotion, a female classmate of Ryu initiated to ask her.

"Greetings, Lady Yume. Is there something we can help you with?"

Surprised, Yume blinked a few times and was stunned.

"No...! Pardon, I mean pardon me. I, I was only looking around."

Yume turned around and left. Everyone was dumbstruck, including the Lady who asked.

"What was that all about?"

"Maybe she's lost?"

"I... Think so?"

For what reason did she come here? Ryu wondered.

The class returned to normal when the instructor arrived. The thoughts he had earlier disappeared as he focused on the lecture. It was about history. The instructor started teaching.

700 years ago, monsters started to appear in this world called Azure. Every kingdom was in turmoil. Myriad of people died as they tried to run in random places. Even the sea or the sky was not safe from the monster's eyes.

Fortunately, some people pursued the path of strength: The Holy Church, Royal Army, Hidden Mountain Assassins, Mercenaries, Rebels, tribes such as the Ischyros, and more.

They were the ones who suppressed the monster outbreaks, and later on, a specialized group for dealing with monsters was created called Adventurers.

After these organizations mitigated the monster invasion, the kingdoms were left in disorder. Human greed took control and used this opportunity to do what they wanted, resulting in crimes that eventually led to wars between humans that lasted for hundreds of years.

Four victorious kingdoms succeeded in this process: the Chioni Kingdom in the north cold mountains, the Erimos Kingdom in the west desert, the Thalassa Kingdom in the east ocean, and the Zen Kingdom in the middle south, which primarily composed of green forests.

And just four years ago, the recent addition of the mysterious Xan Kingdom in the south of the Zen Kingdom or the so-called Dark Continent.

The lecture continued until lunch break. When the time finally arrived, Ryu walked straight to the school restaurant since his tummy started to argue with his brain.

'I'm hungry.'

After a few minutes of walking, a place that made his eyes sparkle appeared how unique and grandiose the place was.

"Is this really inside the academy?"

"Hello Milord, how may I serve you?"

A waitress graciously asked.

"Oh, I would like to have lunch."

"Right this way, Milord."

"Thank you."

The waitress led Ryu to a small table with exquisite decoration, including a bouquet of flowers as a centerpiece.

"Milord, here's our menu. Please take your time."

Surprise! Ryu's eyes went wide and almost flew when he saw the price. The soup that was barely an appetizer cost too much.

"1 copper coin?"

It was $10. And a full course meal was at least 1 silver—a month's worth of labor for ordinary people.

This price might be hard for a regular employee to afford.

'Why was this place so expensive?'

Ryu might have used to expensive food even in his past life, but this academy consists of commoners. Relatively, he was shocked, not because he couldn't afford it. But the thought of how others could eat in this restaurant bothered him.

Curious, Ryu glanced at the waitress and whispered, "How can a normal person afford these?"

The waitress professionally smiled at him.

"This is a restaurant for nobles, Milord. The cheaper restaurant is on the other side."

"Oh... So that's why."

Now Ryu fully understood why there were fewer people around.

"Yes, Milord, and mostly the high-ranking nobles have their own private quarters and attendants to serve them."

"I see... Thank you."

"My pleasure."

"Then please take my order... I'll have this soup... This... And that..."

"It would take approximately 30 minutes to complete your order. Thank you."

"Mhmm... Oh, can I keep this menu for a while?"


The waitress bowed and then went to the kitchen to process his order.

Ryu was skimming through the menu while waiting.

'This one looks good for next time.'

Then he noticed people started to look at him.

'Is there a problem with my face?'

Only then did Ryu hear a person say.

"Why is Lady Yume eating in this place?"

'Oh, it's just the Princess—wait... What?!"

Quickly twisted his neck to the point of snapping, so he could see whether the lady behind him was the Princess they were talking about.

At the back, just behind Ryu, he saw Yume sitting elegantly, reading through the menu. But even with her calm demeanor, the waiter serving was terrified.

People were afraid because she was labeled a horrible person who bullied students for years. Furthermore, people say she became more irritated when the Crown Prince didn't respond to her feelings. Another reason why they avoid her as much as possible.

But despite those nasty rumors, the experience of coincidentally seeing her in this restaurant was fantastic. So Ryu ate his lunch heartily.

A good memory.

'That was good stuff.'

After eating, Ryu walked into a garden to help digest the food he had just consumed. It was a little sunny, but the air was cold. He walked a few steps and heard something weird.

Tap... Tap tap.

His experience in the south enhanced his sense against those who tried to ambush him. So Ryu knew when someone was following.

When he took one step forward, he mysteriously heard two other footsteps. Ryu thought he was just delusional because his stomach was full.

But he knew this feeling.

So Ryu tried to take two steps forward to confirm his speculation that someone was behind... There should be footsteps after.

Tap tap... Tap tap tap tap.

Ryu took two steps, and he heard four behind. Not wanting to believe it, he quickly moved three steps forward!

Tap tap tap...! Tap tap tap tap tap tap!

Six followed.

"Kyaaaaa!" Ryu shouted.

"Kyaaaaaaaa!" Someone shouted.


"It, it's me, Sir Ryu."


Ryu sighed, knowing that it was not an assassin following. He relaxed.

"Pfffft! Haha—"

Yume, who has the stature of an elegant noble lady, suddenly burst out laughing.

"—Pfffft! Hehehehe."

"...My Lad—Princess!"

"Yes? Huu... Wait... What? I told you I'm not a princess, Sir Ryu."

"I know."

"Then why?"

"Why are you following me, Princess?"

"Because I need to talk—wait, please don't change the subject—"

Ryu teased Yume when an unwanted entity interrupted.

"My, my, my... Who do we have here?"

Yume furrowed. Only a selection of people could make her show this grim expression.

One of them was Lady Rosie.