


After continuous use, the steak knife finally bent to the point of being useless. 

Alfonso felt relieved that it was just an ordinary knife after all, but his relief was short-lived when Reign delivered another kick that sent him staggering back five steps, despite his attempt to block it with his weapon. 

"Come on, do you think I only brought one weapon?" Reign mocked. 

He reached into his pocket, and everyone anticipated he would reveal his true weapon.

Instead, to further taunt Alfonso, he pulled out another steak knife. 

"This is more than enough for someone like you," Reign sneered. 

His insulting words struck his opponent's pride.

With a furious roar, Alfonso spat back, "You Bastard!!" 

His attacks grew fiercer, driven by anger. Each swing of his blade was aimed to kill in one shot. 

But as his emotions clouded his judgment, he began to become more open for attacks.