
The Garden

"Impossible! How could this happen? I was supposed to be as strong as you! How did you beat me so easily?" the doppelganger gasped, its body reduced to only the torso after their clashed.

It had even used the other doppelgangers, but the result was still the same. 

"It's because I have something you can't copy," Reign replied with a playful laugh, exhilaration coursing through him.

His system had made this whole ordeal almost effortless. While the doppelganger could copy his powers, techniques, mannerisms, movements, and even strategies, it lacked the constant optimization that came with his system.

As the fight progressed, this difference became very clear.

No matter how well the doppelgänger imitated him, it couldn't match his speed in switching between skills or the efficiency of those skills.