
Taking a Risk

<Crestwood City>

Inside the walled city, the once lively streets turned into something out of a zombie movie.

Bodies littered the ground like discarded dolls, their pale faces showed just how much they suffered before they all die. 

Traces of dried blood stained their clothing, an indication that they had succumbed to the virus's critical stage, coughing blood from a raptured lungs in their final moments. 

Their suffering was beyond cruel, worse than death itself. 

They had to wait for their end while struggling to breathe, watching their loved ones die one by one. 

Some of the corpses were even hugging each other, likely a family accepting their fate together. 

Others chose to end their agony quickly with a bullet to the head. 

Rats scurried and nibbled on the dead, their beady eyes gleaming , accompanied by the incessant buzzing of flies that was feasting on the dead bodies.