
Free Ride

He felt a subtle vibration emanating from outside his eggshell, located among other stuffs in the container.

It had been his best option when he entered it. 

By assuming the guise of an egg, he bet on the chance that they would merely pass him off as part of the collection, a mere art piece among many. 

The egg he had created around himself featured a striking pattern of black and red lightning. 

To the untrained eye, it appeared as an intricate piece of artwork, blending seamlessly with the other stuff in the container . 

It had been a risky gamble, but one that ultimately paid off .

'Close call,' he chuckled to himself, grateful for the incompetence of the haulers. 

It seemed they never considered the possibility of a monster like him lurking inside the egg. 

Now he just needed to wait here until he reached the next city.