
Change Is Coming Part 2

"Mr. President, if we don't act now, I believe this will get worse, and more cities will fall," Snider insisted. 

[But sending an army? That could weaken our forces and put Tempest Fort at risk.]

[Why not let the Tier 2 city responsible for the region to handle it?]

"I don't think they can. These corrupted must be close to Demon King level to cause this much destruction," Snider said, shaking his head.

There was a brief pause between them. 

[I understand your point, Governor. However, I still believe there's a better way to handle this.]

"Then how about asking the Abyssal Alliance for help?" 

[We can't ask for the Abyssal Alliance's support right now since they already helped us with Brentwood. It wouldn't look good for us if we asked again]