
Art Piece

Reign listened to the engine sound of the pickup truck as it carried him away, helping him avoid the hassle of sneaking out of the station.

This saved him a lot of work, and whoever took him should get an award for bringing someone nearly as powerful as a Demon Lord into the city. 

It would have been troublesome, considering the place was filled with CCTV cameras. 

Plus, with the current threat of a sudden invasion, overall security had already quadrupled.

The only reason this truck was able to pass through without many questions was because of the corrupt guards under someone's payroll and the bald man's important status. 

It wasn't the first time he had smuggled an art piece, so when the guards saw him, they just let it go. 

The pickup truck drove through the exit and, after leaving the underground tunnel and passing the military camp, emerged into a bustling city.