
Infiltrating the University

Alex had no idea that he and his mother had suddenly become the targets of an internationally renowned assassin. Because of this, he went about his normal business when he woke up the next day. But the Assassin herself had spent all night trying to get all the information she could about Alex. And what she had found out made her second guess her attempts to kill the young man in direct confrontation.

"Name: Alex Smith

Age: 19

Profession: Cage fighter

Former Combat Experience: 2023 Eastern Rock Country Club Hostage Crisis

Formal Training: Hand to Hand, CQB, Urban Warfare, and Basic Marksmanship. 

Relationships Status: Polygamous–17 known lovers

There is far more to this man than one would think upon initial observation… It is ill advised to engage him in direct combat… Although he does seem to have a weakness for beautiful women… Perhaps seduction is the best method of assassination?