
Villain: The Spear of Destruction

WPC #320 We are turning to the Dark Side [Warning: Disturbing content within the entirety of the book, you have been warned.] After confronting the Demon Lord Astaroth hoping to put an end to the demon's life, the heroes did everything they can but failed. A while later after that event, the members of Garnan are mysteriously targeted and some even died. Shocked and angered by this, the party of the heroes vowed to find the killer and avenge their fallen comrades.

Hyuuse · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


[City of Orelm]

[9:00 AM]

'Look at him, doesn't he look so handsome?' 

A man in jet-black clothes walks along the street, catching the attention of every young maiden he passes by. With his captivating looks and the dependable aura around him, most men instantly feel jealous.

'Tsk! Just because he is a tab bit handsome, he can walk around like that? Just looking at his clothes, one can tell that he is not from here at all.' every man that feels jealous said to themselves.

But amidst all the commotion around him, the man is ignorant and continues to mind his own business, until a certain person notices him, that is.

'Heh~ this guy is the center of every man's jealousy, huh? Now that I take a look at him, he really does seem impressive. But not as impressive as me, though,' Franz says to himself as he sits along with countless maidens, 'Well, I'm not really that jealous though? How can I, the great Franz, be jealous of a nobody?' he says to himself.

Just then, as he turns to the ladies who he is with, he witnessed them stealing a glance at the man walking down the street. It is as if his pride was hurt, he clenched his teeth and glared at the man.

'This guy- I thought I have nothing to be jealous about. I was wrong.' he said to himself. To appease his anger, Franz grabs all the girls and drags them towards a brothel. 'Since my mood is a bit sour, I will have you all please me.' he said with a malicious look on his face. 

The young maidens looked at him in fear, but still accompanied him inside the brothel out of fear. 'Heh~ Me? Jealous? Like that is even a thing, there is no way I would be jealous of someone like that.' he said to himself as he enjoys the services that the girls are offering him.

'That guy should be the one who should be jealous of me in the first place. I mean, I got all these beautiful ladies kneeling before me and sucking my thing. They should be jealous of me.' As if taking advantage was not enough, in the next few minutes, Franz had sex with four of them. He used them to fulfill his fantasies and tossed them away after he was done with them.

'Now, leave. I'm tired of all of you.' he said as he tossed a pouch filled with coins at every single one of them. They reluctantly accepted it, which angers Franz even more, 'What the hell are you all waiting for? Leave, you damned bitches!' 

The young ladies left the room after wearing something that could barely cover their bodies, Franz glared at them and sat on the couch to calm his head, 'Those bitches! They dare look at someone else while in my presence?! Me, one of the great heroes?!' 


He instantly slams his fists on the arm rest and breaks it instantly out of anger.

'Those bitches, they should be my slave. We are the ones who fought the Demon Lord and saved this place from being overrun by demons! They should be grateful to me! That's right! I will make sure to punish them accordingly!' 

While talking to himself, someone suddenly walks into his room. Franz paused for a second and then flashes a grin, 'What are you doing here? Don't tell me you are lost.' he says with a flustered look on his face as he walked towards the door half naked.


'That bastard, why did his name appear on that note?' Shelly asked as they ride the carriage towards the City of Orelm, 'That's what I want to know as well. Is someone perhaps targeting us?' Arche pointed out, alerting everyone else inside the carriage.

'Targeting us? Garnan? That's crazy, is there anyone who would do that?' Shelly asked in complete shock, but Devian immediately backs Arche's suspicion, 'No, it is possible that someone is targeting us. Just think about it clearly, we may have created enemies along the way whilst fighting the forces of the Demon Lord, or maybe he is the one that's sending his men to target us.' he added.

His suggestion was acceptable, but there is one thing that all of them understand all too well, and that part is not covered in Devian's explanation. 'That should be the case, but I don't think the Demon Lord has anyone that can take anyone of us alone, though?' Rona pointed out.

It was what everyone else knew all too well. And the fact that there is someone targeting them is what makes their situation more terrifying. 'I never thought a day like this would appear. I hope that we are not too late.' Devian thinks to himself, hoping that they would arrive just in time.



'Me? Sorry, I think I entered the wrong room.' the man from the streets earlier said while scratching his head and proceeds to leave, but Franz throws a dagger to close the door, 'What are you doing?' the man asked, 'That's my line. I should be the one asking you that. You got into the wrong room? That's bullshit, you know I was here, so you went inside.' Franz takes out another dagger and licks the blade.

'So, who sent you? Did the Demon Lord sent you to get rid of us one by one?' he asks with a grin, 'I don't know what you are talking about? I just went inside by accident.' the man argued and reaches out to the door when all of a sudden, another dagger flies straight to the door, missing the man's finger by an inch.

'Don't think of going out so easily. If you don't tell me who sent you, I have not choice but to hear those words from you, personally.' Franz proceeds to threaten the man, but the next thing that happens caught him completely off guard.


'Hoh~ you knew?' the man's tone is completely different from earlier. This time, his cold voice sent chills down Franz's spine, 'What the hell? He made me tremble, me?' Franz felt afraid for a second, but he quickly regains his cool, knowing that he is a step ahead of his enemy.

'You seem pretty cocky for someone who is about to die, you should have come here prepared to die, right?' the man responded by pulling out two daggers inside his clothes, 'You use daggers too, huh? Let's see who's the strongest!'