
Villain System in Naruto

Tendo thought long and hard on how he could really traumatize Naruto who was pinned against the ground, nail through his hands, like the messiah he was until he got it. "Uzumaki Naruto. The guiles and lies you have been told through your youth had blinded you to a simple truth..." "..." He then bent down to Naruto's ears and whispered the words that would forever traumatize the young man and even the beast laid within. "There's no such thing as a 'Haki-man'." ... Somewhere outside the destroyed village, Yamato-sensei looked ahast at the burned sigil on his hands. "Impossible! Lord Fourth's seal has been broken. The Nine Tails has gone berserk." . . . . . A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Komik
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1 Chs

Chapter 01 - Welcome To the Villain Hub

[Welcome Host, to the Villain Hub.]

Those words caused me to blink as I suddenly found myself in an all white space that I couldn't even make out if there was a wall or not.

"Did Jaime spike my drink again?"

I mean, what else would this be other than the result of drinking myself to stupor and smoking my lungs away.

[The Villain Hub is an independent space that connects to what you'd refer to as 'fictional' universes]

Fucking say what now? Is this it… am I HIM?

My heart couldn't help but race at that thought and the possibilities it gave but I first needed to make sure I wasn't high and drunk. That would be the most cruelest hangover in the history of hangovers.

I mean, I just left the university and was lucky enough that I managed to land a good job quickly after and like any sane guy in 2023, I have delved into both the good and darker paths of what entertainment had to offer. I was experienced.

So hearing whatever this thing said and also the most abundant cliché scene in written history, I could make a few guesses where this would go.

"Uhm, system or whatever you are? Why am I here?"

[The Villain Hub is the nexus point and also the preparation space of villain candidates]

"Sorry, come again?" Villain? Why do I get to be the Villain? I mean, I do enjoy those villain reads but I'd rather choose to be whisked off to my fantasy land with my allegiance setting on the 'good' side.

[Fret not, Host. The Villain Maker System is immune to world benefits to a subjected party, in other words, the protagonist, so you won't be restrained or restricted by the fate of the world you are transmigrated to]

Hmm, that's good enough to work with but the question still remains – why a villain?

Well, I mean, it's not like I'm fervently against the idea, but you know, just curiosity why. And it also looks like I'm immune to plot armor, good to know.

[The Host will inhabit the body of a villain in that world upon his reincarnation and is expected to drastically change the fated plotline of the world]

Hmm, that's the basic outline but hey, a man can dream right?

"Okay. So how do we get this started? I'm guessing I won't be able to choose the world I'm going to, right?"

[Correct. Your first world will be chosen at random from a few specially selected worlds. Both the world and your villain avatar will be chosen at random from a preselected list]

I nodded at those words as they were completely in line with what I thought. Since it said they would be selected at random from whatever 'special' list they made, it was also highly likely that there was a chance that I'd be reincarnated as a high-end villain rather than a volume 1 end mob.

Hopefully I was on the mid-high end villain since it would be pretty damning if I had to start from scratch at the same time as the protagonist.

"You know what, let's get this thing started." I psyched myself up and got ready to get the shit going. My mind couldn't help but race to what kind of world will be chosen for me.

Harry Potter, God of War, Worm, The Boys, Ben 10, Avatar, damn the options were just too many.

A white roulette appeared in front of me with a lot of sectioned parts listing the optioned worlds. The roulette started spinning, way too fast for me to even make out anything from it before it started slowing down.

I crossed my fingers in anticipation as the words once more became readable only for my face to drop into a deadpan as it landed in {Naruto: Shippuden}.

"Seriously? And here I thought I'd have to torture someone like Harry, or even try my luck with Kratos. Heck, Arthur Pendragon would have been a great pick, but no… I just had to pick an anime world."

[Since this is your first villain run, starting at the mid point of the main plotline is a good pick, but conversely it also means it would depend heavily on your villain avatar if you want to have a successful villain run]

"Yeah, no shit." I snorted. I still remembered the show, at least the main plot points in Shippuden, so it will depend heavily on my avatar in how much I can influence the plot.

If I can get any of the remaining Akatsuki members then I'm golden. It will also be game over if I get any of the filler villain characters. Hmm, a bit steep but I can live with it.

I also don't know at what point of the storyline I will start in, anything near or during the Fourth Great Ninja War will be very bad. A lot of things happened off-screen and it'll be harder to influence the plot during that time since things pretty much ran at automatic during the war, for the villains at least.

Another wheel appeared and just like the first one, it also had names but of characters on it.

This here was the game changer.

Looking at the spinning wheel, I closed my eyes until I heard the soft sound of a character being chosen and opened my eyes.

[Villain Avatar selected – Pain: Tendō]

"Huh?" My brain froze as I tried to understand what kind of bullshit choice that was. Tendo is a dead man, literally, and also his Rinnegan are fake and he is also a puppet of Nagato. All the cool abilities he showed weren't his but Nagato's.

This was a very bad choice, not to mention that I was being reincarnated into Shippuden. Fuck! Well it wasn't that bad as long as my body isn't under Nagato's control but then again, that will immediately alert the squad of S – class ninjas.

[Congratulations to the Host for choosing his first villain avatar]

"Yeah, about that…"