
Villain Support Agency ( On Hiatus )

In a world where superhumans and villains clash with epic regularity, a secret organization exists, hidden in the shadows, known only as the Villain Support Agency (VSA). Enter the Villain Support Agency, a clandestine organization that offers guidance, training, and resources to aspiring supervillains. Led by the enigmatic council, the agency is a melting pot of diverse and unconventional individuals with extraordinary abilities, all united by their shared desire to challenge the status quo. Frustrated with the seemingly untouchable heroes and their self-righteousness, the protagonist of the story, Carl, joined the agency as a handler, a person that helps the villains out and does his best to do what is best for them. As Carl becomes acquainted with this new underworld, he encounters many characters, each with their own motivations and ambitions. From the mischievous trickster to the mastermind strategist, Carl learns that villains are not just one-dimensional evildoers but complex individuals driven by their own desires and dreams. One faithful day, Carl gains an opportunity to not only become better at his job and rise through the ranks of the organization quickly, but to become much more than a simple 'handler'.

TheReign · Fantasi
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146 Chs

Entrepreneurial Offer: Convincing Blorg to Craft a Path of Profit and Prestige

"Blorg, the items you made for me, why haven't you made yourself such items, I mean, they're reliable, they're good, powerful, why not just make those kind of items for yourself?" Carl asked after listening to Blorg describe his coat.

The coat could change how it looked, and it provided some decent defense, one could even change the material it was made of as Blorg used multiple different kinds of materials in order to give such a function to the item.

The drawback was the fact that sometimes, the cloak would provide incredible defense, it would allow the wearer to block even a grenade explosion without suffering a scratch, but at different times, the defense would be nearly paper thin, which meant that one couldn't afford to rely on the cloak as they might die from a normal attack if they were unlucky.

"Why, they're boring, life needs to have its ups and downs, so my items should have them as well, without that, it would be way too boring for me to fight against the heroes, hahaha," Blorg said with laughter as he looked at Carl who was shaking his head.

'So, does that mean that there is still a chance to persuade him to make more normal items since they won't be used by him?'

[ Your guess is as good as mine, just ask him, try. ]

"Blorg, I have a proposal for you, one that would make you a lot of money, as well as influence, and would allow you to get even more things from the agency and make more items, better items, you do like to make better items, right?" Carl asked Blorg who stopped laughing and nodded his head.

"Well of course, who doesn't like all of those things bro?"

"So, here is the proposal, I want you to start making items and work with the agency to distribute and sell them, the agency will take a small cut, but you will gain a huge network of villains and handlers that will buy your items, as well as reputation and benefits from the agency, sounds good, right?"

"Hmm, I don't know, I mostly just make items for myself, and for you bro, cuz I like you, the other villains and handlers, I really don't care about them, those guys can die in a ditch somewhere for all I care."

"Well yes, I understand your view, and I agree with it, but they will be giving you money, and what is better than getting money from those you don't care about, plus having them try to sweet talk you and kiss your ass in order to get their items faster," Carl said with a smile as Blorg placed his hand on his chin and started thinking.

"That does sound good, I can even place some conditions on the items, make the malfunction when some bastards use them and send them to an early grave, hehe," Blorg said as he chuckled, which made Carl gulp.

"No, you can't do that, the agency will test the items first, and if malfunctions appear, especially more of them, they will hold you accountable, and they will punish you for that."

"Awww, well that is no fun, why would they do such a thing, bro?"

'Maybe because they don't want the villains they are working with to die because some homicidal green bastard decided to make malfunctioning items just for the fun of it?' Carl thought before sighing.

"You know why Blorg, the same rules that help the other villains help you as well, none of the items you ever bought, nor the materials, have ever been subpar, that is because the agency makes sure to never give their villains anything that could harm them or is useless."

"Yeah, you're right, well I don't know bro, I mean, I do like the idea of making more money and getting more benefits, but making normal items like the ones I made for you, just sounds boring."

'Tch, this guy, is he serious right now, he might not make them because they're boring?!'

'It's not boring, it's reliable, people want reliable things, they don't want a sword that might cut through a diamond once every 10000 swings, but might not even cut through a thin branch every 10 swings!'

[ You're looking at this the wrong way, this is just who Blorg is, he does things his way, and you can't get him to start making such items as he will just end up hating it and might stop making anything in the end, you have to give him something he will like, an incentive that will get him motivated. ]

'Easier said than done.'

[ Maybe, but maybe not. ]

'You got a plan?' Carl asked as he heard some noise from the system, he didn't know why, but he could imagine the system rubbing her hands together with an evil smile.

[ Maybe this will help … ]

Carl listened to the system before a smile appeared on his face as well. He glanced at Blorg, who was looking at him with curiosity before coughing slightly.

"Sorry for my silence Blorg, I think I might have a plan that would interest you."

'You can be a goddamn genius sometimes, you know that?'

[ I'm a genius at all times, don't forget that, and be lucky I decided to help you this time. ]

'Aww, don't be like that, you're being like, super useful right now, I can see why your creator is called a 'God' scientist, by the way, is he connected to the G-grade hero and villain, since he has the 'God' title as well.'

[ No, not at all. ]

'The likes of them could never be compared to someone like the three of them, hmph, the arrogance of the people on this planet, to actually call them 'God' level beings.'

The system scoffed upon hearing Carl's question, it felt as if such a question was even insulting to the person that had created it.

"So, you said making such items was boring, but what if you only create a limited number of each item?"

"Hmm, I'm listening bro." Blorg sat down and rubbed his chin while staring at Carl who smiled at him.

"Yeah, instead of simply making item after item, creating them each time somebody ordered them, why not place a limited number on each item, for example, for the gun you made for me, you can say that there are only 50 that will ever be made and sold, that will not only bring the price up, but you can stop making them after making 50 and move on to other items."

"That way, not only will you not have to make too many 'boring' items, but the people that bought them will also feel a bit proud that they have one item from a limited series, and the best thing is, if you decide to do so in the future, you can modify the item slightly and sell it again."

"You can even make some of the items you like making, but only create like 10 of them, they will be mostly sold to those that love collecting and researching such items, which will bring you a lot of money, but also a lot of prestige from such people," Carl said with an evil smile as Blorg suddenly mimicked him and grinned widely.

"Brother, I think this will be the start of a great business relationship."

'Yes, hell yes, hell fcking yes man!' Carl was shouting and jumping inside but merely nodded to Blorg.

"I will notify the agency, you should create a couple of different items, think of how many you want to make in total as well, we will send them to the agency for evaluation before signing the contract with them, you can also choose to not put your name on them, but to create a brand name, or use a different moniker."

"That sounds good, that way, people won't pester me with personal calls or orders, but the agency will still know it was me, so I will get benefits."

"Well yes, but you will probably have to give your number to the agency so that they can allow those that wish to purchase things, or have purchased items, to call you or send a text if they wish to ask some questions about the items to which only you would know the answers to."

"Tch, that might be a bit annoying, but sure, why not," Blorg said as he shrugged his shoulders and Carl nodded.

"I will notify the agency and get the documents ready, you can focus on creating the items, how long do you think you would need to make, let's say, 5 different items, three offensive, and two defensive items?"

"They'll be done by tomorrow."

"Great, I'll call you tomorrow then."

"Sure, see ya tomorrow bro."

'I can't believe we got him to say yes.'

[ This should be interesting, I have to say, I'm looking forward to seeing how far that guy can go. ]

'Really, is there something special about him, something you are not telling me?'

[ No, I'm just interested, that's all. ]