
Villain: I have to marry women to get stronger??

Lin Tian, transmigrated into the "Green core" cultivation world as an earthling he was naturally excited, he was obviously surprised when his golden finger was a system that required him to marry women rather than a legendary bloodline, Follow Lin tian's journey to the top * note that I don't own the image, if the the owner want's it taken down please message me and I will replace it asap * * also note that the mc will be evil, hence the villain tag, but he is not going to go around looking for trouble since he is a cautious man nor will he look for chances to be evil, he will only do things that benefit him if pretending to be good at that moment is in his best interest he will do it without hesitation *

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18 Chs

The Crescent Moon Empire

Deep within the forest, far east of the red siege gang's territory was a large caravan, although not fancy the wood used to build it was polished and seemed to be sturdy, pulling this large caravan were two slightly oversized horses, each with fur running across their body's, inside this caravan were three individuals each wearing a cape covered their entire body's, their faces covered with a seemingly normal mask, their outfits left everything to the views imagination, next to these figures was a small basket, the inside of the basket was woven extremely soft silk creating a very comfortable place to rest for the small baby that was held inside.

One of the figures peeked their heads out of the caravan before his deep voice rung out

"We still haven't left the forest that means we still have at least two more weeks of travel"

The figure who just spoke was naturally Lin Tian

The masked figure next to the basket holding the baby, nodded but she still didn't look away from the cute little baby inside the basket, This was naturally Hun Yi Xun. and last remaining masked figure was their slave, Wang Yingying.

Lin Tian suddenly heard some unnatural commotion in the surrounding bushes and such, his ears perked up as a serious expression appeared on his face, thinking to himself

'God damn it, these monkeys are back at it right after the beast tide huh? the chances of one of them being a high grade Body refinement cultivator was slim to none, since cultivators of that level can become outer court deacons in various small sects throughout the realm'

He quickly ordered

"Stay here, and do not come out, if anybody but me opens that door use the annihilation talisman you have in the storage ring"

Hun Yi Xun nodded in response as a solemn expression appeared underneath her mask she quickly summoned the talisman from her storage ring and pointed it towards the door, ready to infuse it with qi within a moments notice

Lin Tian suddenly shook as he felt the caravan stop he quickly heard a crude voice ring out

"Come out and hand over everything you have if you want to live!"

Lin Tian let out a quick sign before slowly opening the door and exiting his caravan

He was met with a small group of 6 bandits, 3 were pointing arrows at him but he quickly took note of their aura which was abysmal to say the least they were at level 2 body refinement cultivators, 2 of the bandits were standing behind a big burly man as they wielded swords in their hands these two were only level 4 body refinement cultivators but the burly man in front of them was a Level 8 body refinement cultivator, their leader it seemed.

Lin Tian quickly cursed his luck

'The shit is this luck! the number of bandit squads who have stepped into the realm high body refinement can be counted on 1 hand and I just happened to run into this fellow! well it's not like it's going to a problem, with my cultivation technique and my superior cultivation to the rest of these fellows, their arrows and swords won't even be able to harm me I just need to make sure that I can execute the 9 sword flash before he notices anything is wrong'

Lin Tian slowly raised both his hand's in the air as he walked towards the burly man, his deep voice ringing out

"All the money I have is in the pouch held on my waist band, please take it!"

The burly man's expression relaxed slightly but he was still vigilant, once Lin Tian reached within 5 steps of him, his crude voice rung out once again

"Stop! remove the pouch from your back pocket and throw it to me and you may leave!"

Lin Tian nodded as he slowly reached into his cape under the scrutiny of the archers who were watching him

But obviously, Lin Tian who's aura was suppressed by his seemingly normal mask would be able to launch a sneak attack

Pulling out his sword inside his cape Lin Tian quickly jumped in the air as he was spinning sideways to create more force behind his sword, this naturally caught the burly bandit leader of guard but his years of experience allowed him protect his head but Lin Tian cleaved his arm off in one go blood spurted from the mans now missing shoulder joint, the two archers immediately fired their arrows but they were only left with horrified expressions as the arrows bounced of Lin Tian's body, the two subordinates quickly launched their sword attacks on Lin Tian but they were greeted by the same result!

Middle stage body refinement cultivators could never harm a late stage body refinement cultivator unless they have a high mortal grade artifact, but even that wouldn't suffice for Lin Tian due to his exceptional cultivation technique his body was many times stronger than what it should be! They would need at least a middle earth grade weapon to seriously damage him!

Lin Tian quickly ran towards the stunned bandit leader, each of his heavy steps leaving a foot shaped crater in his path, he quickly executed 9 sword flash, each sword strike producing gales of wind that pierced the trees in the surrounding area, the bandits only saw four flashes of light before the leader which was in front of their eyes suddenly disappeared they quickly looked down to find their once mighty ruler was cleaved into 5 pieces, each cut was precise and clean!

The archers no longer hesitated they quickly made a run for it but the two sword wielders in front of Lin Tian suddenly felt a ir-resistible force grab their necks as they were easily lifed into the air, a horrified expression dawned their faces but it didn't last long as they heard a


Their necks had snapped Lin Tian started spinning before launching the now limp body's, numerous trees suddenly were missing a chunk as the limp body's went through one after one until finally they hit the 12th tree, everything in their body was now far too shattered to have a surface solid enough to break through trees.

Lin Tian looked in the direction where the two archers fled, as cultivators who barely broke through to the first level and obviously with a mortal grade cultivation technique they body's weren't strong enough to get far, Lin Tian quickly put his earth grade sword back into his storage ring before picking up the two low mortal grade swords on the ground , he entered a squad position as he lunged himself towards the two runners leaving behind a big crater, within a moments time he had covered 80 percent of the distance, suddenly felt him self falling so he quickly started doing his extremely familiar spinning motion, just as he was about to hit the ground he launched the two swords, they quickly cut through air, within a breaths time they had reached their targets, the archers felt a pain shoot through their chest as the swords pierced through but the entirety of the sword didn't go through, the hilt of the sword remained at the archer's backs as the force from the swords launched them off their feet until they made contact with the trees right in front of them, leaving them pinned to the trees via the swords that left a massive cut right through them which were now embedded into the trees

They cried out in pain before they heard the footsteps coming from behind them, their tears started flowing but this naturally didn't last long as Lin Tian slapped each of their heads causing them to burst like a watermelon, he didn't even bother removing the now headless body's from the trees as he made his way back to the caravan just as he was about to reach he swung his hand around in an attempt to get the blood of off his hands but it didn't get everything.

He slowly opened the door to his caravan where he was greeted by his caped wife pointing a talisman which would wipe his entire being pointing at him but that was only for a moment, once she realized it was Lin Tian her body visibly calmed as she put the talisman back into her storage ring before jumping on Lin Tian

His hand's were bloody so he only wrapped his arms around Xuner's waist as she hugged him but this moment only lasted for a moment before horses, now without obstruction started moving once again causing Lin Tian to loose his balance as he fell on the seat with his wife on his lap but this didn't bother her as she continued clinging onto Lin Tian

Seeing that she had no intention of getting of Lin Tian's voice rung out

"Yingying, get some water and a cloth to clean my hands"

Yingying quickly nodded before she got to her task

And their journey went on until finally 2 and a half weeks later Lin Tian caught sight of a massive wall at least 100 feet high, seemingly built of stone, the top of this wall was creeping with guards, each openly releasing their aura of a low stage body refinement cultivator, the gate which was comprised of 2 massive doors seemed to be built of a rather shiny wood laced with a metal frame at the top of this gate was a massive banner which read "Cresent Moon Empire"

Lin Tian smiled as he nudged his wife before saying

"We are here"