
Bad Dream

There is a beautiful and exquisite girl in her home watching random reality show in Television.She is eating ramyeon while changing channels .After eating,She turned off her TV and went to her bedroom to sleep.She is tired these days due to her final semester exams and is about to graduate from one of the most prestigious colleges in her country which was her dream.She dozed off really quickly in her sleep and entered into a dream where she saw that she,Amara has transmigrated into past and faced many difficulties.The dream was so real that Amara woke up scared.The next day,she went to college with her friend Selena.Her friend noticed her being in daze and asked her about it.Amara brushed it off saying it was a bad dream.But the entire day,she was worried about it.She called her mother and said to her about it.Her mother consoled her and said to Amara that they are going to visit her on her graduation day after they finished their project which is ongoing due to their clients demands.Amara parents found a small management company when she was born .Her father and mother managed it together.Speaking of her father,Amara is apple of her father eyes and he is so reluctant to send her to different place to study.Amara asked them to take care of themselves and ended the call.The next few weeks went normally.So Amara was somewhat relaxed and anticipating her graduation day.Her family came to her graduation and they celebrated it together.It was her dream to graduate with Masters of business administration degree.However for unexpected reasons they have to leave next day.Amara was sad about it but didn't complain as she knew her parents are working hard.The next day she went to airport with her parents .She watched the back of her parents and felt that this is gonna be their last time meeting.She went back to her apartment and started cooking.At night,when she is sleeping there is sudden spark in her room .The body which is on bed suddenly vanished from naked eye.