
Villain: Crimson Moon System

Ivar is a therian, a race with the ability to shift into beast forms with various abilities. He is teleported from his planet of Máni to a futuristic Earth with one task: conquer. The inhabitants of Máni are in danger of being wiped out, and the only way to survive is with more allies. To this end, Ivar and Aurora are sent to two different planets to gain their allegiance in fighting off the invaders on Máni. He is joined in this effort by the goddess who teleported him, Selene. Selene will help him grow stronger using the energy she gathers from Ivar when he takes action according to his therian nature. Ivar is not a good man, but he cares for those who follow him with devotion and loyalty. Since he is unwilling to see his entire race wiped out, he heads out with every intention to complete his goal of conquering Earth by any means necessary. ******* What can you expect from this novel? A good story with interesting characters and a mature, dominant, uncompromising MC. The system will be relatively light, meaning it won't be all-powerful, and the MC won't get bullied by it. If you enjoy a slightly overpowered villain MC using his unscrupulous methods to work towards a somewhat positive goal while having plenty of sex along the way, you'll enjoy this novel. I intend for Earth to be somewhat of a cyberpunk style, but that won't be the focus. Mainly because the novel involves multiple planets, and so far, I have only planned for Earth to be this way. I will probably do some Netori (meaning MC steals other people's women), but absolutely no Netorare. No Yuri, either. (By which I mean no intimate interactions between harem members without the MC present, but it might happen at his direction and with his presence.) I'll offer a bonus chapter for every review, at least for a little while. Of course, only one per person; bad reviews still count, but they should consist of constructive criticism.

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54 Chs

Chapter 36 - A fight for dominance

Someone else might have taken this opportunity to try and flee with their now unlocked transformation, but setting aside that Nova was unsure about the exact tracking capabilities of this Selene, Alita was still up there, so the thought didn't even come to her.

Ivar barely even considered the chance she might flee; after all, Selene would warn him, and he could easily catch up to Nova with his superior speed. 

Sure, Selene could fly, but that would only make her easier to follow, not to mention that she had never even flown before.

When Nova returned to the penthouse, she grimaced because the noises from the bedroom had only gotten louder as moans and other lewd sounds permeated the entire apartment.

She found the room furthest from the action, but her imagination ran wild even then as her lower body was heating up. Eventually, however, she managed to use her finely honed discipline to focus on her own activities, shutting out any distracting sounds.

About an hour later, Nova returned to an oddly smelling bedroom and a dazed-looking, lightly drooling, half-naked Alita, whose head was resting on the lap of a stark naked Ivar, as a long, flaccid snake was draped across Alita's face.

She froze at the sight. She wasn't any innocent girl, but in the end, she was still a virgin after having managed to kill any man lusting after her in the past, and a scene depicting such debauchery was new to her.

She wanted to check if her sister was doing alright, but she was actually somewhat afraid to come closer to that snake, which she fully realised was no snake, as she marvelled at the size of it. Did that really fit in her sister's body?

As her thoughts went wild, she couldn't help but sniff deeply at the smell in the room, which, although odd, also smelled amazing as she felt her brain slowly fill up with a pink fog of arousal. Obviously, Ivar's pheromones hung thick in the air.

While Alita was too out of it to realise her sister had returned, Ivar was playfully smiling at Nova, wondering what went on in the woman's mind.

But after a few more seconds of Nova teetering on the edge of a lustful abyss, she quickly turned around as her discipline won out, and she yelled back, "I'll be in the other room; come find me when you're ready!"

Ivar chuckled as she woke Alita up from her daze with a hard slap on her bubble butt. Alita shot up from the pain, even while her still sensitive body came a tiny bit at the sudden assault.

She rubbed her ass as she glared at Ivar. Unfortunately, she was destined to lose that particular staring contest, as Ivar looked back at her while raising an eyebrow, almost daring her to complain, causing Alita to quickly back down.

Instead, she looked down at Ivar's cock, making sure she had cleaned it properly as a sign of submission before she went to collect her clothes while Ivar stared at her with a smile.

However, before she could get dressed, Ivar stood up and smirked, "Come, Alita, always remember to dress your master first."

Alita blushed but quickly went to do as he asked.

A few minutes later, they arrived in one of the largest and most run-down rooms of the penthouse, where a waiting Nova was already in an unarmed fighting stance.

They had tacitly understood this would be a fight without weapons, as neither wanted to kill the other. While Nova was undoubtedly unhappy with how Ivar did things, he had yet to do anything she considered worthy of death.

She looked determined, as her long ponytail had been braided and strapped to her back, leaving only just enough room for her head to have a complete range of movement. 

Her wings had been folded behind her back; they might be helpful to her in a fight someday, even in a closed room like this, but to train for that, she would need a lot more time than a mere hour.

As Ivar smiled and took position opposite Nova, Alita wore a relaxed smile as she leaned against a wall, intent on spectating the fight. The result of which was not even a question for her.

Ivar took another look at their respective physical stats:


<Name: Nova>

<Physical 14 16 stats: Vitality - (11), Strength Agility (11)>


<Name: Ivar Fenrir>

<Physical 17 20 stats: Vitality - (14), Strength (16), Agility (16)>


Clearly, they were almost matched up, assuming he was in human form and she in Valkyrie form; the only difference was Ivar's higher strength, which made him confident in his victory even without transforming. 

A prospect that interested him, as defeating Nova without even transforming would surely humble her and make her more submissive.

However, he still needed to remain alert as Nova was a seasoned fighter, and his human form was not powerful enough to completely overwhelm her.

Nova kept staring at the smiling Ivar as if expecting something, but when nothing happened, she broke the silence, "Well? Aren't you some kind of wolf-type therian? You still look pretty human to me."

Ivar chuckled, "I don't need my transformation to defeat you, girl."

Nova's face twitched a little, "Don't call me girl; you are clearly younger than me."

Ivar waved his hand dismissively, "Any woman weaker than me is just a girl, no matter their age."

Nova snorted and returned to her standard cold expression before she responded, "I'll have you eat those words. Now transform! I want to fight you at your strongest!"

But Ivar just smirked, "No, I don't think I will. If you're unhappy with that, you can force me to reveal my transformation by proving too much to handle for my human form, or we can call this off."

Then he grinned, "But, of course, in the latter case, it will be counted as your loss, with all the consequences that such a result would bear."

Nova gnashed her teeth but remained calm as her cold expression didn't change, "Fine, have it your way, but you'll regret underestimating me!"

They both fell silent and started circling each other, waiting for one of them to make the opening move.

As it turned out, Nova had the greater patience, as Ivar quickly had enough, charging Nova with a snort and attempting to grab her.

Seeing a two-meter mass of muscle charge you down is undoubtedly nerve-wracking, but Nova remained calm as she nimbly ducked under Ivar's arms.

Unfortunately for her, Ivar's attack was never meant to connect as he turned on his axis and sent a whirling right hook towards Nova, who was still stabilising herself.

Unable to avoid the strike, all Nova could do was attempt to block.

She crossed her arms before her but quickly realised she had made a mistake when the heavy fist connected with her arms.

She slid back a few meters and felt an aching pain in her arms, clearly warning her not to get hit again, as Ivar's strength was too great.

While Nova realised that trading blows with Ivar was a bad idea, the man himself was grinning and enjoying himself.

He always enjoyed fighting, and, in particular, making someone weaker realise their folly in attacking him, he found to be an enjoyable pastime.

Ivar pressed his momentum and once again closed in on Nova, who was now wary of his strength.

Ivar attacked with a few high-speed jabs, but as their Agility was similar and Nova was quite experienced, she managed to dodge or redirect them all.

That said, she could clearly feel the pressure as she wrecked her brain for a solution until she found an opening in Ivar's attacks and slipped through.

She ended up behind him and quickly spun around, sending a spinning high kick at Ivar's back.

The kick connected, and although it didn't hurt Ivar much, he did stumble forward a little.

Ivar was surprised but quickly stabilised as he saw a low kick flying towards his legs.

Just before the kick connected, Ivar finished stabilising and planted his feet firmly on the ground.

When the kick connected to Ivar's now stable leg, Nova felt like she had kicked a boulder, sending pain shooting through her leg before she quickly retreated, ignoring the pain in her foot.

This slight mishap caused Ivar to smile wider as he started taking Nova more seriously. Hell, her vitality was no lower than his, so he was sure she could take a punch.

He became even more aggressive, landing a few hits on Nova and putting pressure on her. 

Meanwhile, Nova only occasionally managed to escape Ivar's pursuit to land a hit on him instead.

Eventually, as Nova's body started aching more and more from Ivar's heavy punches, she got slower, as Ivar only grew more excited.

After a few minutes of fighting, Ivar landed a heavy punch to Nova's stomach, who slid back, coughed and sank to one knee.

Ivar grinned, "Give up?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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