
Villain's Retry

I am Kaim von Keraval. I am the pillar that will hold the empire. I am the sword of the empire I won't let anything happen to the empire and the emperor. This time I will not show any weakness. *** This is a story about a guy who possessed (?) the body of a villain in a novel. The original owner of the body (Maybe) is a villain who will enforce the tyrant Emperor's will. Although, He is good from baby to his teen years something happened with the original owner and the Mc of the novel at the Academy years that makes him evil. *** Hello², The author here.My first time writing. I want you to trash-talk me to stop. I want you to destroy me. I am not a masochist. Not. Maybe a Lil bit? Just a bit like a pinch of salt or maybe like a sugar cube.

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17 Chs

Chapter 9 Affection Gauge

After breakfast, I and Abigail parted ways, but the memories of the tour, conversation and breakfast would stay with them for a long time. They knew that they had a special bond as siblings, and they looked forward to many more meals and conversations together in the future.

As I made my way to the family's private training room, I felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. I wonder what the reward does.

I start with a series of exercises, starting with stretches to warm up and then moving on to more intense training. I worked on improving my strength, speed and agility. I also trained in swordsmanship, archery and other combat techniques. While doing the exercise, I check the system to find out more about the reward.

[Affection Gauge]

An affection gauge level is calculated using a scale that ranges from 1-10, with 1 representing the lowest level of affection and 10 representing the highest level.

1-2: Cold, distant, and disconnected

3-4: Friendly, but not emotionally invested

5-6: Caring and considerate, but not deeply in love

7-8: Strong emotional connection and affection

9-10: Deeply in love and emotionally invested

Affection gauge levels could be different depending on the person and the context. You can get rewards for some people you have relationships with.

Hm? I had always been a firm believer in the complexity and fluidity of emotions, and the idea of an ability that could measure something as intangible as affection seemed impossible to me.

I thought about the implications of such an ability and wondered how it could be used. Would it be a tool for manipulation, used to control or exploit people's emotions? Or would it be a way for people to better understand and navigate their relationships?

I also wondered about the accuracy of such an ability. Could it truly measure the depth and complexity of affection, or would it be based on superficial markers such as physical attraction?

I believed that affection and emotional connections are personal, unique and ever-changing, and that true understanding of them can only come from personal experience and understanding. I wondered if it would change the way I think about love, or if it would just be another way to measure something that cannot be quantified. I am not a saint, I can't promise that I won't force affection on others. This is quite a dangerous ability to have. I knew that I had to be careful with it, and use it responsibly. Also, I think this could work well with the Crown Of Power ability.

After finishing my training, I am making my way to the library to return the books I took yesterday. As I entered the library, I was greeted by the familiar sight of my grandmother bent over an ancient tome, surrounded by parchment and quills. She looked up as I approached and smiled.

"Ah, Kaim, my dear," she said. "I was just working on a new magic diagram. Come and take a look."

I walked over to where she was sitting and saw that she had drawn a complex diagram on a large piece of parchment. It was filled with intricate symbols and sigils that I didn't recognize.

"What is it for?" I asked, looking at the diagram with interest.

"It's a spell for divining the location of lost treasures," my grandmother said. "I've been working on it for weeks, and I think I've finally perfected it."

"That's amazing," I replied, impressed by my grandmother's skill. "I didn't know you were interested in divination magic."

"I've always had a fascination with it," my grandmother said. "There's something about uncovering the hidden and mysterious that appeals to me. Plus, I've always been a bit of a collector, and the idea of finding lost treasures is quite exciting."

I looked at the diagram again and saw that my grandmother had included our family's crest in the centre of the spell.

"I see you've included our crest in the diagram," I said.

"Of course," my grandmother said. "It's a spell for our family, after all. I thought it fitting to include our crest at the centre."

"I can't wait to see it in action," I said, with a smile. "I have a feeling that this spell is going to lead to some interesting discoveries."

"I hope so," my grandmother said, with a twinkle in her eye. "We shall see. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some more work to do."

"Also, Do you know what Abigail is doing now?"

"She is getting the education and training that is needed to be in the Keraval household."


With that, I bid his grandmother farewell and left the library, feeling grateful for the time spent with her and the magical knowledge she shared. I knew that, with her guidance, I could become a powerful mage, just like her. I also have returned the books to their original place.


As I stepped outside, I saw my grandfather, Lord Kayden, sitting by the edge of a small pond, with a fishing rod in his hand. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing, creating a peaceful ambience.

"Good afternoon, grandfather," I said, approaching him.

"Good afternoon, Kaim," My grandfather replied, with a smile. "I was just about to catch lunch. Care to join me?"

I was happy to spend some time with my grandfather, and I knew that fishing was one of his grandfather's favourite pastimes. So, I sat down next to him and my grandfather handed me a fishing rod.

They fished in silence for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. I could feel the tension in my body ease as I cast my line into the water and waited for a bite.

"So, Kaim," Grandfather said, breaking the silence, "how have you been? I heard you have been going to the training room."

"Yes, grandfather," I replied. "I've been working hard to become a strong leader for our kingdom."

"I have no doubt you will be," my grandfather said, with a pat on the back. "You have the same determination and sense of duty as the younger me."

They fished for a while longer, catching a few fish and chatting about the kingdom, family and other things. I felt happy to spend this time with my grandfather, who was a wise and experienced leader and a great mentor. I knew that I could always count on my grandfather's advice and support.

As the sun began to set, grandfather packed up their fishing gear and headed back to the mansion. I felt grateful for the time I spent with my grandfather and knew that these moments were precious and that I would always treasure them.



"Can you teach me the family swordsmanship?"

"Sure. Are you finally interested in our family swordsmanship?"

"Yes, I want to learn it before going to the academy."

"Good Good. Wake up early tomorrow, I will teach you our family's greatest pride."


I wish the moment never ends.