
The Preparation (2)

Orion let out a heavy exhale before allowing his body to sink back onto the soft grass. Just as he was on the brink of succumbing to sleep, a large presence cast a shadow over him.

Startled, he twisted around to confront the figure that had suddenly appeared behind him. The sight of an unfamiliar face snapped him to full attention, and he scrambled to his feet. 

Although his initial wariness faded slightly upon realizing that only warriors and key figures knew about the existence of the Warrior's Garden, he still asked with a bit of caution in his voice, "Who are you?"

A smile appeared on the man's lips as he cast a glance over the collection of hot air balloons sprawled across the ground. His gaze settled momentarily on the one crafted for Orion and his family, then returned to lock onto Orion himself. "I am Stronghold Leader Drakar," he introduced himself. "The Leader of the Rightward Stronghold." His words flowed smoothly, confident and composed.