
Orion's family

On his way home, Orion was seized by the urge to knock on the doors of his neighbouring huts to discover who lived there and who would answer. However, he quickly dismissed the idea. He felt too lazy to go through with it, and the thought of potentially having to answer personal questions from his neighbours, who he was sure already knew quite a bit about him, like Grandma Celia and the others, was off-putting.

"I'm home!" Orion declared, opening the door with a resounding 'click' to ensure that his announcement was heard throughout the entire hut.

"Where did you go?" his older sister questioned suspiciously, causing Orion's gaze to shift downward to meet her inquisitive stare.

Orion let out a tired sigh. "Not even a welcome," he muttered under his breath.

Reena snorted at her brother's reaction. "Not unless I know where you've been," she retorted, taking another bite of the kalna fruit she had been munching on.