
Grade One Runaway Cities

"It's more likely that they know about our plan for them, and instead of fighting, they've overtaken us to see who gets to Patriarch Rylan first. They might think the Vylkr veil phenomenon has something to do with Patriarch Rylan and the surviving four-eared elves. However, they might also believe that Captain Seig is responsible for this mess and want to intercept him before he returns to the 'Sleeping Fox' Runaway City, without knowing that he has no knowledge about the divine artefact and is not expected to return."

"All their thinking and assumptions might be based on false knowledge they believe to be true. So, before they realize this, I think it's best we use this opportunity to attack them and plunder whatever resources they possess," the middle-aged man responded.

The remaining ten nodded in agreement, sharing the same sentiments as the middle-aged man.