
Falling Short

Outside, Margona remained silent, her brows furrowed in thought. No matter what she considered, she couldn't understand Zera's purpose for her discussion with Orion that day. 

It was the first time Zera had ignored their warnings and talked back to her in such a way. Having known Zera since birth, Margona was certain that Zera wouldn't do anything harmful or betray them. 

However, she also realized that if they didn't figure out what was happening soon, it might become a problem. Unfortunately, she was the only one who seemed concerned about the matter.

Margona shook the thought out of her head for now and walked toward the cauldron. She took out a pill and examined it. "What should we call it?" she asked, refocusing on Orion.

"Let's call it the Condensed Vylkr Essence Nourishing Elixir," Orion responded.

Margona let the name roll off her tongue a few times before replying, "We'll go with that, then," she nodded.