
Viego. A being bound by Chaos. (DXD/MARVEL/?? Fanfic)

The story tells of a boy who reincarnates into the body of the son of the little-known Blacksmith God Walter from the Nordic Pantheon. And over time and events, the main character changes, but it is not known whether for good or bad.

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58 Chs

Chapter 32

Viego was now in the square behind the store building and was once again sitting on his heel looking at the training dummy standing a few meters in front of him. And Viego thought, having an active magic-circle with a fire spell. And trying to keep it as long as possible, and he thought.

His personal arsenal when it comes to his magical abilities is just a simple fireball, the power of which is increased only by increasing the use of mana with a few specific runes. The fireball, when increasing the power used for the spell, only increases its temperature. He noticed that the runes of the tempelature automatically change when the power is increased. It is a strange phenomenon, but how interesting it is for him.

Viego immediately came up with an idea for a new spell, although it is possible that one already exists. However, Viego quickly pulled out his rune book and started working out a new spell. Overall, Viego himself noticed that over time and work on artifacts. The runes themselves are slowly fixed in his mind, and despite the fact that he is reluctant to remember the runes. However, he now recognizes that he can easily sketch many runes from memory. Which only shows that his rune skills are growing and he is getting better at it.

Simply because of constant training and creating artifacts. Viego realized that he was really getting better. But one thing caught his attention. Now, he noticed that in any work on the runes, there is a specific positive feeling associated with him. It's hard to describe, but even as he writes down the rune diagrams in a book, he feels like he's in a special trance, the feeling of accomplishment and power that comes with it is amazing.

Interestingly, this feeling is getting stronger, but he is more pleased with the fact that it makes his work much easier. He just works better so he doesn't pay attention to it.

Currently, Viego is planning a run pattern, firstly he is trying to change specific runes to switch from the fireball to the stream of fire. This is a quick change of more than 13 runes, so that instead of a fireball, there is a continuous fiery beam. Which would send a continuous beam of fire which would deal continuous damage with high temperature. Very deadly.

Viego plans to develop switching between attack modes. To facilitate the use of a certain attribute, Viego decided to approach the matter in a slightly innovative way. Instead of deactivating and activating a new spell. His new idea will be to switch the spell mode from a fireball, for example a fire beam, a blast of flames or a wall of fire. And a lot more. After all, the pattern of runes is very similar, and the key point is the smooth replacement of specific runes.

What he plans can be simply called "Chain of Spells", but it won't be accurate either. Overall, the change is much easier than creating a completely new spell and takes much less time. So Viego obviously has an incredible advantage in combat. Which makes him incredibly happy.

In general, for a few hours, changing the spell mode, let's call it. It is amazing even though it is easier than normal spell creation. However, stability when switching from one mode to another. It is heavy and took practice, but it was not difficult and it only took a few hours to get relatively fluid. The biggest problem was remembering the order of the runes, but due to the specific runes used to create the "Touch of Surur" and its repeated use, it was now much easier. Generally runes modifying aspects of a given element. They are harder and better hardened in his head. the main runes will be a problem, because apart from the Fire and Poison Runes used in "The Creeper Triaorg", Wiego has a really hard time remembering them.

There is also the main Mana rune that is used on the shield with one of Vi's defensive spells.

And Viego realizes that he will start learning major runes, which are intrinsically complex in their structure. Only when it starts mass production of the next series of low-end artifacts for the store. In general, creating artifacts for sale is not only a source of income and resources for the development of the company and the maintenance of him and his girlfriends. But a very effective training for creating and controlling runes.

However, he is not currently planning a new franchise, likely once he has mastered and created a series of fire spells. Sideways will introduce new artifacts. However, the defensive aspects of the spells from the fact that it will already have a combat arsenal. He decided to focus on the defensive aspect. So the best idea is to start a series of artifacts based on armor. Like a breastplate or something similar. For now, Viego plans to start a series of low-powered armor. To train, and for himself to create an artifact that would materialize the armor, for example from the glove that he is always wearing nowadays. However, for this you need a rune of space, but it is indeed complicated. But by the way, Viego knows very much that for now his skills are too weak to start playing with something so complicated and dangerous. But it's just a matter of time.

An hour before the shop closes, Viego decided to go eat. He heard a voice coming from inside the store and he really didn't like it. Literally Viego entered the workshop, grabbed one of the newly created "Creepers Triaorg" Premium or Tier 2. And aggressively headed towards the store, and the sounds coming from inside the store increased his pressure.

(Vera)-Please don't touch me.

(????)-Dear Lady, I believe that you will find some appropriate reduction for me, Prince .....