
Viego. A being bound by Chaos. (DXD/MARVEL/?? Fanfic)

The story tells of a boy who reincarnates into the body of the son of the little-known Blacksmith God Walter from the Nordic Pantheon. And over time and events, the main character changes, but it is not known whether for good or bad.

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58 Chs

Chapter 22

The men standing in front of Vi and his three divine companions. He was dressed in a richly decorated green cloak, a white-haired man who bowed with a sincere smile and looked at Vi, he said.


(Varg)-Sorry to interrupt this conversation. However, seeing you, Mr. Viego. And, for which I am so sorry, I heard your conversation with Lady Hera, the Duke, and sir. Hephaestus. And I can't hide my interest in having your latest work take part in today's auction.

From the outside, it might be as if Viego was wondering if he should sell a copy of "Triaorg Premium Creepers" for sale at auction. But the truth is that Viego first felt sorry for himself and didn't think about it beforehand. And how much gold would he get, if he had started doing it sooner. "Then he thought about the starting price at the auction.

(Viego)-Wouldn't you need an introduction to the specification of weapons, materials? To present the product in the best possible way and I have not yet specified the appropriate margin for this weapon.

The gray-haired man who is commonly known as Varg. And even before the three Gods entered the auction, he talked to them, because according to Loki whispering in his ear. Vargo invited them here.

Varg first reached out his hand towards Vi and said.

(Varg)-Can I it for a moment?

(Viego)-Of course.

Varg then, and with a fairly professional eye, examined the blade like a skilled craftsman, and an exhalation of surprise emerged even from his mouth.

(Varg)-You may not see it, but I was a blacksmith when I was young, maybe not like your father. But still in private, I like to create something from the heart. It helps me relax. I used to think about going back and opening my own shop. But look at you, Mr. Walterson. Good thing I didn't, otherwise I would have gone bankrupt pretty quickly because of you. Because this saber, one of the first artifacts, and from what you said, is the first artifact that has a real charm as one of its skills. It's not just anything, although even as you said it's not the final version. I would like your szabka to open today's auction. Of course, all the earnings from the shippers are yours. However, if you want to sell other unique first pieces of such weapons. The company will only charge 10% of the sale. What do you say?

(Viego)-I do not see any contraindications. However, he wants it on paper.

Smiling, Varg made a pale blue magic-circle in his hand. And a deal appeared in his hand, Viego was intrigued by how he did it. However, now he did not have time to do so, and after reading the contract. He signed it and Valter took the "Triaorg Climbers" and went behind the curtain to the stage.

Hera stroked her chin, then looked at Vi and said.

(Hera)-Promises to be interesting.

(Viego)-I completely agree.-Said Viego, now thinking of the amount he could earn now. And use it if there is something interesting at the auction.

Several minutes later, Varg entered the stage, standing on the podium. And he silenced the audience with a gesture of his hand, then he said in a solemn tone, gesturing with his hands.

(Varg)-Hello everyone. My name is Varg Sporgenson and as you all know I am the auction manager for today!

(Varg)-At the outset, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the representatives of the Greek Pantheon. The Venerable Queen of Olympus, Lady Hera. And her son Lord Hephaestus. I also greet our Grand Duke Loki and most recently the most famous Craftsman in the Nine Worlds, Lord Viego Walterson. Who decided to put his latest work on today's auction.

As the noise picked up speed, Viego was starting to think hard about the security features of his home. But besides, one can feel more and more satisfaction from listening to the applause of the audience. However, he calmed down as Varg continued.

(Varg)-Before we begin, I would like to say. That today's auction looks promising. Today's assortment has been expanded with many unique goods not only from the 9 worlds under the protection of the kingdom of Asgard. But we also have some unique goods obtained from the allied Pantheons. Who wanted to exhibit their goods with us in Asgard. Now, without prolonging it, let's begin.

Then, from behind the red curtain behind Varga. Two Asgardian soldiers entered, carrying a small high table probably holding Vi's saber stand. Also covered with red fabric.

(Varg)-Today's opening item is .... (Takes the cloth off the rack) .... The "Triaorg Climber". The first low-level artifact with two special abilities.

(Varg)-If you understand the situation well, we have recently witnessed the birth of a new creator in Asgard. And if you think about it, there are many craftsmen in all worlds capable of creating artifacts, relics, and great tools. There is really a small amount. And we, the audience, are witnessing the beginnings of the first Nordic Genius at the level of the Biblical God and his "Sacred Gear".

(Varg)-Viego Walterson, ladies and gentlemen. He's with us today. And he offered us a very special item. We are all familiar with its first version, which has recently become available for sale, of swords and axes artifacts, "The Touch of Surtur". I bought one myself, and if I understood the creator's message correctly. We can expect a new edition of "The Touch of Surtur" soon. And today in a quite different way.

(Varg)-Because, dear audience. Today I present to you ... what I will call it. Premium versions, as the creator himself called it. And if I understand Lord Hephaestus' explanation correctly. Lord Viego offers us version 2 of the artifact "Triaorg Climbers". The first version, as speculations say, should appear soon. But today and only today. I have the first and only exam of version 2 of the artifact "Triaorg Climbers" for you.

(Varg)-This mentioned specimen is now the first artifact to be promoted to version 2. By creators and it is currently the only available version for sale. And if it predicts the future well, our favorite creator. Not only will this artifact soon become unique, but its value will soar very high. Especially since it is the first such example. Now let's turn to this miraculous artifact.

Varg then walked over to the rack and picked up the sabers and presented them in various positions as they discussed.

(Varg)-As you can see, the artifact "Triaorg Climbers" is a one-handed saber. The handle, despite the beautiful design. It has a perfectly balanced handle and the main body. The weight of the weapon, despite additional aesthetic accessories, does not crush the movements. And the saber is perfect for quick cuts and blocks. Perfect a weapon for a swordsman specializing in fighting with sabers and rapiers.

(Varg)-As for the appearance, as you can see. The saber has many half-circles in the shape of the saber blood, and the blade itself is slightly curved. Perhaps you are wondering why. Well, if my experience serves me right. The shape of the blade was designed to perfectly match the first skill of the weapon. What is (He activates the weapon, pouring mane into it, making the sharp edge glow, and rounds all over the surface) the function of paralysis.

(Varg)-As you can see, after I poured mane into the creator's symbol depicted on the handle just below this beautiful rose. The first skill was activated. Which is passive and the user can activate it almost instantly by simply pouring a mane into the weapon. The first skill gives the weapon the paralysis properties of a magical nature. And the unique shape of the blade cages your opponent multiple times with each cut.

(Varg)-This weapon can really become the undoing of any opponent, the owner of this artifact. If the opponent doesn't have enough magic resistance or enough power. To resist the action of the artifact. Because one cut is enough, even a shallow one. To weaken the enemy. And the best part is not all.

(Varg)-As I said, this specimen, the "Triaorg Climber" was the first to become a low-level Artifact in the second version. Which means it has two abilities. And if the first skill did not validate the state. This is the second skill that will surely strengthen you in this fact.

The second skill is..hehe ... Ranged immobilization spell. Belonging to the branches of magic necromancy and dark magic. A spell known as "Vine Rider". Which so far has been almost forgotten because of the activation time and the aiming requirement. However, this huge artifact reduces the spell casting time to almost 1/100 seconds. mana, which makes it the undoing of any swordsman, and even if the user would not be skilled at casting spells, it is possible to activate spells in close combat.

(Varg)-And for those who have not yet become convinced of the versatility of this unique artifact, I would like to emphasize one special feature of this weapon. So even if the opponent would fight an opponent with strong armor. He probably would have a problem with that. However, this example was made of the rare Octrion alloy. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. The artifact was made of one of the rarest metals in Helhaim. To which Import has recently been completely transferred to none other than Viego Walterson.

(Varg)-And I assure all gathered that it is impossible to obtain copies or ties of these wonderful artifacts. Because the creation procedure remains unknown. And all the necessary information that could be obtained during weapons research. They were sealed with an artifact by the creator himself. So weapons are not replicable.

The reaction of the crowd was really euphoric for Vi. So much joy, euphoria, greed for everyone who would like to obtain such an artifact. It was a really nice experience for Vi as a creator. Although Viego was now experiencing the growth of the Ego and thinking about the gold he can now get, the sound of the coins buzzed in his ears.

(Varg)-Now, dear ladies and gentlemen, let's start the auction. Based on the valuation we have made and the prices of version 1 we got to know from the creator himself. I must point out to you that a commission has been added to the starting price, and the fact that this is the first such example. Which additionally increases the value of the weapon. The starting price is 400 gold coins.

(Varg)-Anyone for 400. It's 400. Anyone for 450. The lady from the last row. Will he hear 500 ...

Honestly, Viego was now experiencing a slightly euphoric state and he was really paying less attention to his surroundings. And only Varga out loud. The price was rising really fast and the competition was tense. Viego heard the voice of Hera who beat the price with a smile on her face. And although he had heard it many times, Viego really felt fulfilled. Feeling also an interest in his work.

When the price-speaking voices from the audience were limited to a few voices. Viego regained his composure and looked around at the active buyers.

And although the price has already reached 4,250 gold coins. Viego noticed that the last active buyers were, among others. Hera, Loki, a black Valkiria sitting in the back line.

And a swordsman sitting near the four, wearing a blue robe and a straw hat. Which for some reason looked like Vi. However, it was evident that the swordsman in the straw hat was piercing the precious one each time. And he did not take his eyes off the "Triaorg Climber". And even as time went by, only Hera and the swordsman in question remained. The swordsman continued to pierce the queen of Olympus. Hera's face was really angry and she seemed even more beautiful.

However, when the price reached a staggering 10,000 gold coins, Hera relented. And Vargi, smiling, pointed with a small hammer at the swordsman in a straw hat. Which he had apparently only seen now. How he started bidding.

(Varg)-The first, second, third time. Sold. The "Triaorg Climbers" go straight into the hands of Lord Susano, a representative of the Shinato faction, for the amount of 10,000 gold coins. After the auction is over, I invite you to the scene, to the process of financing your purchases and goods delivery.

When Viego heard the name of the buyer. He looked at him almost mechanically, along with the three gods and honor of the audience. And all he saw was a handsome cowboy who nodded his head towards Vi and returned to his original position and continued looking at the scene.

After a while, Viego smiled happily. Because the fact that someone from the Shinato faction purchased his artifact. It means that his fame as an artifact maker will spread even further into the supernatural world. So Viego is still thinking to create an advanced security system for his property. And maybe you will develop the production line to meet the demand.

(Varg)-Now, ladies and gentlemen, let's move on.