
Victim turned villain

Growing up in a not so good environment, Jane vowed to do anything to escape her horrible family. She managed to swap identity with a girl who looks exactly like her. Jane replaced Ivy, and started a new life living as lvy. She grew up spoilt, arrogant, successful, beautiful and rich, all thanks to her parents. She lives every day of her life in fear of her deepest secret being discovered. On her 25th birthday, she met that girl who looks exactly like her again. Shock, fear and surprise caught her at the same time. Are her happy days coming to an abrupt end? Is her deepest secret about to be found out? Is nemesis catching up on her? Will she be able to handle the consequences of her actions? Read on to find out how Jane as lvy ended up.

Christiana_Ezekiel · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Ivy's new baby

Ivy sped happily to work in her new Venza ride. The word 'JOY' was written all over her face, she was no doubt in a good mood.

After parking her car, she got down and locked her car. Ivy took one last look at her new baby before heading to her office. On her way to the lift, she nodded cheerfully to everyone on her way.

As she was about to press the lift's button, she heard a mocking laughter behind her, "He he he."

She turned to face the only enemy she's got in her department

Before she could open her mouth, Rose beats her to it, "Look who we've got here. It's the stone-faced queen, Ivy. Wow! And she's really smiling sweetly to everyone today, I can bet you're in a super duper good mood today. Care to let me in on the gist?"

Ivy took a moment to breathe in and stifled in her disgust, "Dear Rose, I'll let you in on the gist. After all, we're colleagues and we should celebrate with each other." Ivy said with all enthusiasm while grabbing Rose right hand and dragged her into the elevator with her.

Once inside the lift, Rose pulled out her hand from Ivy's own and stared angrily at her while shouting at the top of her voice, "What the hell was that drama you just performed out there? Was that really necessary?

Ivy scoffed and stared in disgust at Rose. She then took out a clean handkerchief from her bag and gently wiped her hands. "Dear Rose, you started the familiarity act first and I was just playing along. You should be grateful I was willing to hold that filthy hand of yours." Ivy said scornfully and threw the handkerchief at Rose's face before stepping out majestically out of the elevator.

Rose almost spat out blood, she stormed out of the elevator angrily and shouted crazily without a care for her reputation, while cursing Ivy on top of her voice.

Ivy ignored Rose completely and strode happily to her office. "Myra darling, you sure are early as usual." Ivy beamed with smile as she greeted her best friend in the office.

Mira returned the friendly smile as she handed Ivy her cup of favorite coffee, "Here's your usual."

Ivy sniffed in the coffee before taking a sip, "This hitted the right spot for me, thanks Mira darling."

"Always welcome." Mira replied.

Rose swaggered in and intentionally bumped into Ivy. She then turned to fake an apology.

Ivy cut in before she could apologize, "You know that's not really necessary, Dear Rose. You can save it for the dogs."

Rose shrugged and made her way to her seat, "As if I care."

Ivy ignored her and walked to her own desk, dropped her handbag, pulled out her seat and sat down unbothered by the whole scenario.

Rose was even more furious when she saw the non chalant attitude of Ivy. She rolled her eyes and sneered at Ivy, "Pretentious bitch."

Mira frowned at Rose and stared warningly at her. " Ivy, please don't mind Rose. You know that's how she behaves most times."

Ivy laughed, glanced slowly at Rose before replying Mira. "Of course, I know she's one bitter soul always looking for someone to ruin her day. I can't allow her likes to affect my mood. That reminds me Mira darling, I have a good news to share with you."

Mira perked up and hurried Ivy to spill the good news already. Ivy looked provocatively at Rose to see her reaction and she wasn't surprised to see the eager look on her face.

She turned her attention back to Mira and brought out her car keys, she waved it playfully in the air and said casually. "Dad got me a new baby, here's my new Venza's key."