

Cover girls don't cry

Attention she craves

Prayed to be sculpted by the sculptor

No limit she knows

Hiding her woes

Cause cover girls don't cry

After the face is made

She don't see the light shinning

Deeper than the eyes can see

There's hope this way for you in the dark

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are

You don't need to change a thing

Figure eight or nothing

If you want it, go get it

No scars and you're beautiful

With scars you're more beautiful

To all the girls that are pressured lemme be your mirror

Help you see a little bit clearer

You know cover girls eat nothing she says

You know cover girls stay healthy I say

Beauty is pain

Beauty is everything she says

Beauty is a little bit deeper than we think I say

What's a little hunger?

I can go a little while longer, she starves

She fades away

She don't see how perfect

She understand she's worth it

Beauty goes deeper than the surface

Scarred or not we're beautiful just the way we are

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!!

An image you crave to be might kill you

Don't you see you're worth every pain

Don't be pressured

Don't fade away.

You're perfect!!!!!!