
Vice Leader of Dimensional Group Chat

Ace, a professional mercenary, invited to a weird group chat after he come home from a mission. he thought to reject it, but with the mysterious leader and group owner who always blackmail him, he couldn't do anything and just accept his fate as the vice leader of the dimensional chat group. watch how Ace go to a different worlds, completing his task, and inviting other to this weird chat room. All for the purpose to entertain a certain someone.... [ WARNING: BAD GRAMMAR, FIRST WRITING, NOOB AUTHOR ]

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4 Chs

Move Away

Shitty Boss : "Have you arrived?"

Ace : "I have. Where are you, sir?"

Shitty Boss : "In the hotel, of course. I'm fucking some bitch right now"

Ace : "..."

Ace : " (¬_¬;) sir... "

Shitty Boss : "You don't have to worry, Ace. This old man can still shoot some thot my holy water gun!"

Ace : "I don't care! Just send me the address of my new home!"

Shitty Boss : "Shessh, what an impatient young man. You are fortunate to have that sister of yours, if not, you probably still the single dog that I know before, fucking your rifle in the basement"

Ace : "I AM NOT! Whatever, I'm just going to ignore you -_-"

Shitty Boss : "Yeah, yeah. Have a nice fuck"

Ace stared at his chat history with his boss. He compared the address that the old man send to him with the big mansion in front of him. He want to thanks that old man but hold himself back because the last message that old man send him. Un, He just ignore that last part.

"Is this our new home?" Ask Kuromi beside Ace. She stare at the European style mansion in front of her and send "thank you" message to Mr. James because she know with her brother's pride, he won't send it to him. Not long after that she got the new message from him.

James Zoldyck : You are welcome. Put a least to him for me would you, young lady?^_^"

Kuromi giggled at the message and send "Ok ^^" at him before entering the mansion with Ace.

Entering the mansion, both of them admired the interior around them. No, they aren't admired about how beautiful it is but about the secret compartment that stored gun and another weapons that they can pull at ease.

Kuromi touch a hidden button in the small table beside her and saw how the table opened and showing her a silver revolver with the Zoldyck family logo on the handle of it. Kuromi grab it and marveling it for a while before putting it back and watching the secret compartment closed down, hiding the dangerous weapon back.

Ace who had just come down from the second floor found this scene and asked Kuromi about her opinion about this place. Kuromi smiled and give her positive respond to him which sealed the fate of this place as their base for a while.

They spent their day to send their private stuff as Ace asked a few couriers that they hired to put their other goods with Kuromi instructing them to where they should put the item down.

Their transfer process went smoothly and both of them quickly go to bed as soon as they finish it. Both lay down tiredly and sleep like a log that night.

In the morning, both of them visiting their neighbors around. Because both Kuromi and Ace was a beautiful and handsome plus with their appearance that quite young, they were well received by the neighbors they visited. They even meet their long lost friend who they meet 6 years ago, the Otonashi siblings, Otonashi Yuzuru and Otonashi Hatsune.

Both siscon brothers, Ace and Yuzuru talking about their jobs and how their boss seems a bit crazy while Hatsune and Kuromi talk about their their experience in the last 6 years. Based on Hatsune, after Ace cured her disease by sending her to his acquaintance who was a genius doctor, Yuzuru was inspirited by him to become a doctor. He study hard and managed to get to the university he chosen and graduated a few years after that. Now he work in some hospital near here and managed to buy a simple house for them to lived.

Ace of course was glad to hear that. Kuromi too. Ace remembered about his acquaintance who was a doctor and knows about his immortality. That friend of him was quite eccentric and after hearing about Hatsune condition, he promise to cure her as long as Ace letting him to research for a bit about his body. At that time Ace was hell bend to cure her so he agreed with his friend request. He let him research about it because Ace knows the reason of his immortality was not because he have a superior body, but because the Mana around him that nurtured his body like that, so his friend will never found the way for that because he's not a magician.

Now that he remember about that freak, he wondered what he was doing now? Probably saving other life again.

The four of them then talk for awhile before Kuromi invited both of them to take a lunch in their new house. Both of them agreed and go with them to visiting their house. Ace and Kuromi laugh at them when they saw how the Otonashi siblings jaw's dropped after they saw their house. Though, they managed to snap out of it quickly as Kuromi and Hatsune go to the kitchen to cook while Ace and Yuzuru talked in the living room.

Ace raised his eyebrow teasingly and ask Yuzuru who showed him a confused expression, "So, Yuzuru my friend. while you worked there, did you get a girlfriend? or a crush?"

Yuzuru widened his eyes then blushed, "W-what are you talking about? I have none of that. I"m now focused with my job"

Ace widened his eyes, clearly surprised, "What?! You do?! Who is it?!"

"I DON'T! Ugh... come on, let's talk about something else!" said Yuzuru with a flustered face. Ace put a sly expression while keep asking him about it. Yuzuru refusal makes Ace become more and more curious about this unfortunate girl that Yuzuru loved. He planed to hold Yuzuru before he split the bean. After pestering Yuzuru for awhile finally his salvation arrived. His question was answered by Hatsune who just came out of the kitchen carrying the foods together with Kuromi.

"Her name is Tachibana Kanade. I meet her during my visit to my brother's hospital. She's a cute girl with a white hair and golden cat-like eyes. She have this mysterious and cool aura around her and I heard from my brother before that she was visiting this hospital to send a few gratitude for helping her in her previous operation. It was about a heart... transplantation? which is managed to save her from her sickness. She's super cute you know!" Chimed Hatsune while putting the the foods on the table. Kuromi showed a surprised expression after hearing that.

"Eh? I think I know her. She is my friend that I've met a few years ago" Said Kuromi. Hatsune and Yuzuru widened their eyes in surprised expression. Hatsune eyes then shone brightly and ask Kuromi.

"Really?! how did you meet her, big sister Kuromi?" Hatsune asked.

Kuromi put a hand at her cheek, "If i remember correctly, we've meet in the playground, when I saw her playing with a kitten in there" She then covered her mouth with her hand while she smiled slightly, "You are right, you know? She is a real cutie. Her face might seems hard to read but her eyes said otherwise. Her eyes was shining brightly when she stared at the kitten in her eyes. I couldn't help myself but to tease her at that time. Then we become friend after a few talk" Kuromi said before giggles slightly.

Hatsune was curious and keep asking Kuromi about Kanade while both brothers turn silent. Ace because he was savoring his foods and Yuzuru who was bet red on the face. He keep being teased both by his sister and Kuromi. Because they was in front of their friends, Kuromi and Ace throw away their quiet manner (which is they usually used in front of stranger) and just following around the Otonashi siblings. This is their way to show their concern to them.

The four of them then chatting and sharing their stories. They keep talking till Yuzuru saw the time and drag Hatsune out of their home. Both siblings promised to visit them again before walking to their home. Ace and Kuromi stared at their retreated figure for a while before washing themself and sleep soundly.


It was midnight, and Ace was awakened by his ΔDT who was floating and ringing in front of him. He grab it and press the right diamond button which is for activating the portable mode and saw the notification that came.

[ Ding! A reminder from the system! You have one quest that you haven't opened yet! ]

He titled his head and press to the group chat. He saw The Last Origin Human was online. He wondered whether she's never sleep because whenever he look at the group chat, he always saw her online. He shook his head to disperse unnecessary thought and began pressing the quest box.

A window appeared and Ace saw a list with the silver frame was the only one who was not grayed. He tap it and saw another window appeared.

[ Quest : Training! (Let's strengthening that pathetic muscle of yours, alright?) (Daily) ]

[ Requester : The Last Origin Human (Owner) (Leader) ]

[ Participant : One person ]

[ Reward : 1000 Points, one random reward, and a permission pass ]

[ Description : You are strong and you have a good abilities and I acknowledge that, BUT are you really? Now receive this quest and satisf--- I mean, impress me! ]

[ Objective 1 : Push up 100 times (0/100) ]

[ Objective 2 : Sit up 100 times (0/100) ]

[ Objective 3 : Squat 100 times (0/100) ]

[ Objective 4 : Run 10 km (0/10) ]

[ Time limit : 24 Hours ]

Ace raised one of his eyebrow. He stared at it for while and found nothing suspicious then closed the window. He tap the Group chat icon and began typing.

Ace : "What's with the quest that you send? what's your intention?"

Not long after that, The Last Origin Human answered him.

The Last Origin Human : "Huh, how could you say something like that? you make me feel like a bad person... even if I just want my member to receive points beside daily log-in * sad puppy face.jpg *"

Ace : "Liar"

The Last Origin Human : "I'm not! Oww, you like this hurt my poor little heart...."

Ace : "Stop with your little acting. We are not close"


In a red colored field, stood a beautiful young woman. She have a silky platinum blond hair, a pale white skin, and a red wine colored eyes. Her slender figure create a huge contrast with her surrounding that was full of corpses from any kind of races. each of them doesn't have any similarities with each other beside a large huge hole and a few slice mark in their bodies. This is the bodies of the previous extermination armies that was send to killed her.

NL was humming a song cheerfully while sometimes giggles in an amusement. Far behind her, stood a large armies of zombies from a different races and a big vines that surrounding them, like stopping them from approaching the young woman.

NL have a happy expression on her face, before it wiped out completely after she read the last message Ace has send her. She froze slightly while her taping finger stop it's action and break the beautiful rhythm that it created. She turn silent for a while, before signing helplessly.

" *Sigh* Man... you hurt me. even if you forget about your previous life, it's still hurt to see my friend act cold like this. Hah... you are lucky that you are my friend. or else your fate was the same with this trash around me" said the NL helplessly. Her voice sound hurt, but her eyes was calm. she even have this slight smile plastered on her face.

She think for a while before typing the best answer she can sent to him.

The Last Origin Human "That was harsh from you, my vice leader. but I forgive you. After all I'm quite magnanimous right now"

The Last Origin Human : "Well... I don't care if you don't believe me or not, but I really, REALLY recommend you to accept my quest daily. beside, I create this for all the members in the future too, not just you. And I promise you won't lose anything from that, beside your stamina that is *giggles*"

NL then began send Ace a barrage of message to annoy him before ending it after she felt satisfied.

The Last Origin Human : "Anywayyy I have some business to do right now so... bye Ace"

Right after sending that, NL turn her head at the lone dragon that stand out from the rest of her armies. The dragon seems to senses his master call, because he flew to her and began bowing in front of her while kneeling one of his leg and put his right hand to his left chest, right at the heart position.

"My lady" said the dragon.

NL nodded at him and said "you may rise" which he comply right away. NL stared at him for awhile.

The dragon has a lean muscular human-like body, golden colored three horns, two over his ears and one in the middle of his muzzle, golden three toes on each foot and his three fingers on each hand, golden colored bone at his bat-like wings, and a long tail that ends in an golden arrow . His body consist of a white mini scale-like skin that wrapped all around his body ecxept his front who was full of purple colored muscle. He also has three purple stripes on his feet and neck which plastered on his back.

He have an emerald green slit eyes that can mesmerized every being that dared to stared at it. He stood there, standing in front of his master with his large body, which can intimidate everything that stood in front of him, yet in front of NL, he behaved like a well behaved kid. He's stared at NL red wine eyes with his emerald green eyes with a worry gaze. This dragon name is Leonidas, one of NL's trusted subordinate and companion.

Leonidas asked her with worry, "what's wrong? I feel a sad aura around you. please tell me what makes you sad so I can get rid of it for you, master"

NL shaking her head helplessly, "I'm sorry for worrying you, Leo. I was thinking about the past before and felt a little melancholic. I'll be fine after a while"

"well, if that's the case, why don't I kill a few flying insects for you so that you can take a rest?" asked him with a kind smile.

NL nodded her head, "alright. make sure there's nothing left. I don't want them to get any information about me. yet. at least let them speculate for a while. I'll slaughtering them after I finish my unfinished project"

Leonidas then nodded his head and fly above. He stared at a horde of flying unit which consist of dragons and another flying species then roar loudly.


His roar create a huge wave that knock back three-quarter of his enemies. He then shoot a laser beam of destructive energy toward them, wiping out everything that try to block it. This attack create a few explosion to occurred at the enemies position, giving NL that was resting below a beautiful view like a firework.

Again, no one from the revolutionary armies came back after they setting their foot in this heaven like place.

After that, NL walk to the center of the field slowly. She reach her left hand at the front while closing her eyes, then said "<ARISE>"

Instantly, a black fog spreading around. The corpse that was touched by it slowly arise from their previous position, obeying like what she told them. The holes in their body was closed by a purple fire that seems to released a few low screams.

NL have a slight smile on her face when she watching her previous enemy turn a zombie. A zombie that was loyal and always follow her order like a doll. Her lovely and precious doll.


Ace stared helplessly at The Last Origin Human answers. She send him a wave of message that he even need to hold the screen to read it slowly. He then saw her send another message which is the last message that he/she send.

Right after that, Ace saw The Last Origin Human name have the "offline" text beside it. He even can't say anything to her before she go offline. Really... he really doesn't know this new leader of his line of thought. He shake his head helplessly then began clicking the quest box.

He tap the silver framed list and tap the only one quest in there. He scroll down to search the [ Accept ] button before finally found it. He then tap the button then saw a transparent timer that show 23H 59M 59S on it.

Ace then closed the interface and turn his body to hug Kuromi.

He didn't know why after he followed The Last Origin Human instruction to accept the quest, he felt his was heart at ease, like there's a weight that finally lift up from it. He disperse the unnecessary thought and continue to sleep.

He have a quest to do for tomorrow,after all.

Hello, this is Mist_Raine, the creator of this fanfic. I planned to choose Akame ga kill as the first world that they will be visited, but I'm not quite about the second world. Can you guys recommend me some world that have a relation with soul?

Bleach was my first choice, but I never watch nor read the manga of it hehehe (and this story was quite long for me to watch and read it right now(and I'm quite lazy to read the long story)).

Thank you for your support for this fanfic. I hope that you enjoy it in this cursed thing called quarantine.

See ya!

Mist_Rainecreators' thoughts