
Vestige Chaser

Rifts opened up across the sky, monsters and demons burgeoned in population, humanity faced calamities. The human race was almost completely irradicated; however, the God's gave the humans powers, also called "Blessings". These people who received these Blessings were called Champions. These people slowly started to take back what belonged to the human race, and then establishing a government completely revolving around this system. Agnar, a young man who was part of the minority who did not receive a Blessing, was ostracized and mocked at for not having an ability. He was ultimately left to die when the second catastrophe struck earth. He was reincarnated into a magical world; there, he utilized his talent and smarts to rise to the top of the world. However, when the demons struck, he was ultimately killed by the Demon Lord himself. Fortunately, he was transported back in time to when he was still a high school student on Earth. This is a story where you will see Agnar rise to the top as well as getting revenge at those who have wronged him.

Friendlessism · perkotaan
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8 Chs

Timeline Regression

"Human, I applaud your effort, but it is time to say your farewells..."

"Demon Lord Mavis! You...!"

"I recall that your name was Agnar? I will remember it; you have proved to me that you are worthy." Demon Lord Mavis laughed.

Agnar gave in all of his remaining mana for his last spell, Divine Dragon's Rage, a 10th tier spell that he had invented himself. Demon Lord Mavis smirked and snapped his fingers, a large hellfire bomb appeared out of thin air and gradually grew in size.

"This is the product of my lifelong research, Demon Lord Mavis, this is for all of my fallen comrades!" Agnar croaked.

"Let's see how strong it is, I won't hold back since it's your so-called strongest attack after all." Mavis chuckled.

An ethereal power arose from Agnar's staff and a ginormous silhouette of a white dragon roared as it raced towards Demon Lord Mavis. As the hellfire bomb and the divine dragon collided, the world went white and ringing sounds blasted in Agnar's ears.

"Mr. Agnar Tatsuya, would you answer question number 10 please?" A loud voice boomed in Agnar's ears. Laughing sounds soon started to echo around him and he slowly rose his head up.

"Where…" Agnar was quickly scanning the room and his eyes widened.

"This is… my old high school. What on earth is happening?" Agnar murmured.

Agnar tried to keep his cool, but his head was spinning in circles.

"Let me tell you what's happening Mr. Agnar Tatsuya, you are going to the principal's office for sleeping in class. Final warning." The loud voice once again boomed.

"Looks like Agnar "The Dumbass" also has trouble staying awake just like he has trouble with life!" A loud and mocking voice sounded at the back of the classroom. Agnar turned his head and looked towards the spot where the sound originated.

A handsome looking young fellow and a few of his lackeys were sitting on their desks laughing their asses off as they pointed at Agnar. This person, his name was Ryard, Ryard Richardson.

Agnar looked around at his classmates, each one of them had a scornful look on their face. They burst out into laughter as Agnar stood up from his desk.

"What's this trash going to do? Beat my ass? Listen dude, you are what happens when women drink during pregnancy." Ryard smirked as the entire class once again burst out into laughter.

Instead of rushing at Ryard with anger, Agnar quietly started to walk out of the classroom. This shocked Ryard as he swiftly blocked Agnar's way out the classroom. Ryard grabbed the collar of Agnar's school uniform and lifted him up off the ground with ease.

"I would throw you out the window right this instant, but I'm against littering y'know." Ryard laughed. He lifted up his fist and started to give Agnar a beatdown. After a little while, Agnar's eyes were completely white, and he was unconscious.

"Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you'll find your brain back there dumbass. That probably won't happen though." Ryard mocked as he threw Agnar on the ground and went back to his seat.

The entire classroom was filled with laughter, even the teachers couldn't help themselves from chuckling. After about 10 minutes, the bell rang, and the students piled out of the classroom. Agnar was still unconscious then and so he was trampled over the foot-traffic like he was roadkill.

"Disgusting, I can't believe my foot just touched that garbage."

"Ugh, now I got to amputate my legs after stepping on this thing."

"Can someone just eliminate this thing from this universe? I feel sorry for the tree that is providing oxygen for you."


It was around 5 pm now, the school building was empty and Agnar was the only one left. He groaned in pain as he recalled what happened earlier. He, however, did not pay attention to those details; Agnar still had questions that were unanswered.

"If my memory serves me right, the catastrophe should have already happened." Agnar murmured. He slowly got up and ignored the pain that was all over his body. He then started to walk out the classroom.

Agnar suddenly stopped and snapped his fingers, a small ball of fire combusted from his fingertips. He then proceeded to cast multiple different major spells, which all ended up in failure.

"I'm too weak right now, the second catastrophe might happen very soon."

The current society, ruled by the Champions, is corrupted to its core, the blessed are highly praised while the weak are treated like garbage. The talented receive everything and are always successful. The current Agnar, was part of the minority that did not receive superhuman abilities. He was bullied, harassed, and laughed at all times. During the second catastrophe, he was used as cannon fodder and thrown away like trash. Agnar swore revenge upon the people who bullied him, used him, and betrayed him. When he died during the second catastrophe, he was reincarnated into a different world; it was a world where magic existed.

Agnar had gotten a body with extreme talent, he climbed his way up the pyramid and stood at the top of the magical world. He was the one and only 10th tier magician there was; he was an invincible being. However, the demons, insanely powerful beings whose only thought was to kill, invaded their world. Agnar and his comrades were slowly worn out by the perpetual waves of demons until Agnar was the only one left standing.


"You again, how many times do I have to tell you to just give up? You have no talent whatsoever, you have no money, you have no power, what do you have? You have absolutely nothing, so just give up and drop out." The janitor who was cleaning the school sighed as he looked at Agnar with a degenerating expression. Even the janitors looked down on Agnar; it was inevitable due to his fate.

Agnar quietly ignored the janitor and slowly walked out the academy.

"In my previous life, I'm pretty sure there existed a type of plant that could significantly increase your mana. They should be pretty abundant; it's how you brew them that makes the difference." Agnar murmured as he walked down the busy streets.

Agnar soon arrived at a little park on the outskirts of the city. He looked around and finally found what he was looking for. He reached for an ordinary-looking plant that looked like crabgrass and slowly started to gather them one by one.

Sorry for the short chapter. I will add more words in later chapters.

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