
Vestige Chaser

Rifts opened up across the sky, monsters and demons burgeoned in population, humanity faced calamities. The human race was almost completely irradicated; however, the God's gave the humans powers, also called "Blessings". These people who received these Blessings were called Champions. These people slowly started to take back what belonged to the human race, and then establishing a government completely revolving around this system. Agnar, a young man who was part of the minority who did not receive a Blessing, was ostracized and mocked at for not having an ability. He was ultimately left to die when the second catastrophe struck earth. He was reincarnated into a magical world; there, he utilized his talent and smarts to rise to the top of the world. However, when the demons struck, he was ultimately killed by the Demon Lord himself. Fortunately, he was transported back in time to when he was still a high school student on Earth. This is a story where you will see Agnar rise to the top as well as getting revenge at those who have wronged him.

Friendlessism · perkotaan
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8 Chs

The System

Chirp! Chirp! Chirp! The harmonious music of the birds played in the morning air, while the bright orange sun shone on Agnar's limp body. The clear blue sky gave one an endless feeling of joy; the chilly breeze that blew past swept the loose leaves on the ground up into the air. Agnar's fingers slowly started to twitch as he started to wake up.

"Ugh. Ptoi!" Agnar groaned and then spat a mouthful of earthy dirt out of his mouth. He slowly stood up and stretched out his body. He noticed that he was no longer bleeding and let out a sigh of relief. He started to gradually walk deeper into the denser woods and after around 2 hours he reached a small lake.

"Let's see… It should be around here." Agnar murmured internally as he looked around the lake. In his previous life, a person who happened to stumble upon this place found a core that granted the host a game-like system. This person's name was called Rosue, and he was the one who was responsible for the death of Agnar. Rosue quickly climbed the ranks and soon became one of the most important figures in the world. During the second catastrophe, Agnar found an extremely precious shard and was approached by Rosue. He was forced into a corner and almost tortured to death by him. Rosue was, however, too careless and ignorant, because he let the existence of the system slip out of his mouth.

"Found you." Agnar beamed as he found a light blue core inside a hole in a hollow tree.

"Commencing Host Analysis…" A robotic voice suddenly sounded. "Scanning for mutated enzymes. Complete. Scanning for DNA polymerase. Complete…" Many pop-ups later, the system was finally finished.

"Welcome Host!" A blue holographic screen suddenly appeared in front of Agnar. He looked at the screen and read what was on it: "Hmmmm, Stats, Blessings, Missions, Skills, Lottery (Locked), and Shop (Locked)." He furrowed his brow when he saw that the lottery and the shop were locked, but he soon put that in the back of his mind.

"System has sensed an irregularity in bodily function. Carrying out further inspection… Complete. Now regenerating the right arm of the Host at the cost of 200 EXP." Agnar's eyes widened as he witnessed the regeneration of his right arm. He sighed and then opened the stats window.

"Open Stats." Agnar commanded as the current blue screen disappeared and another completely identical one appeared.


Strength: 2

Mana: 13

Agility: 6

Mentality: 4

Defense: 1

Health: 3

Level 1: -200/100 EXP

Health: 15/30

Mana: 96/130

Rank: Middle D tier Champion / Middle 2nd tier mage.

Attribute Points: 0

"Ugh, -200 EXP, I have to get that increased soon. Let's look at the Missions now. Open Missions." Agnar said internally as a new window popped up and it showed:

{Daily Missions:}

- Meditate for 2 hours (0/2) Reward: 1,000 EXP

- Raise all stats to at least 5 (Incomplete) Reward: Skill: Accelerate.

- Defeat a D tier beast (0/1) Reward: 10 attribute points


- Reach 10th tier Mage (Incomplete) Rewards: ??? Punishment: ???

- Reach beyond I rank Champion (Incomplete) Rewards: ??? Punishment: ???

"Hmmm, these are some weird daily missions. I got to get them done, but there doesn't seem to be a punishment for failure for now. Now let's look at Blessings and then skills. Open Blessings and Skills."

{Blessings:} Magic (Minas Rank, Upgradable)

{Skills:} Light Lance, Wind Burst, Fire Blast, Martial Arts: Jeta Style, Mana Shield.

Agnar looked at the windows with a satisfied look on his face. He closed all of the holographic screens and turned around to head back to the city. Suddenly, a quick and nimble figure sped across the earth as Agnar quickly got in his battle stance.

"A D-tier Sonic Sloth. Perfect." Agnar smirked as he recalled one of his daily missions.

The sonic sloth crossed 100 meters in a matter of 2 seconds and swiped its claws towards Agnar's torso. Agnar quickly activated Wind Burst and leaped up into the air. He then used Light Lance, they quickly formed and were flung towards the sonic sloth.

Shrieek! The beast cried out in anguish as blood spurted out from the places where the light lances pierced through. The sonic sloth, however, did not back down and instead increased in speed. Its eyes glowed a bright blue as its speed exponentially increased. Suddenly, a shaking sound ripped through the air and the beast was already in front of Agnar like it instantly teleported. It caught Agnar off-guard and body slammed him into a large tree behind them.

Gahhh!! Agnar coughed out some blood as he looked at the five trees in front of him that were obliterated from the force. His eyes widened in fright as he noticed his left arm being fractured. He realized that this was no ordinary Sonic Sloth; it was at least a C rank beast in this transformation.

FLOOOOM!! The beast gave Agnar no time to think as it once again seemed like it teleported in front of Agnar. "Jeta Style: Prominence Jade!" Agnar yelled as his left arm completely hardened into Jade. He then did a slashing motion with his left arm and a wave of inner energy was released at the beast.

BOOOOM!! The collision between the shockwave and the sonic sloth created a loud explosion. The attack left the sloth with a large diagonal gash down its chest and torso. Its bright blue eyes seemed to dim down a little bit, but it was still extremely fast. Agnar, however, did not stop there, he used dark magic to create orbs of destruction. Release! Those orbs of destruction flew directly at the Sonic Sloth. As they approached the beast, it quickly lunged to the side to dodge them. Unfortunately for the sloth, the orbs of destruction had already come into contact with it, decaying its flesh at an incredible rate.

RAHHHHHHGGGG!!! The Sonic Sloth screamed in agony as its entire body started to disappear. The downside to the Orbs of Destruction was that it consumed a ton of mana and it also was a slow attack.

A blue holographic window suddenly appeared in front of the exhausted Agnar. "Daily Mission: Defeat a D tier beast (1/1). Reward: 10 attribute points." Agnar smiled brightly and immediately went into his Stats window.


Strength: 2

Mana: 13

Agility: 6

Mentality: 4

Defense: 1

Health: 3

Level 2: 0/200 EXP

Health: 6/30

Mana: 34/130

Rank: Middle D tier Champion / Middle 2nd tier mage.

Attribute Points: 15

"Nice, looks like I got a small amount of EXP for defeating that Sonic Sloth." Agnar smiled once again as he added 3 points to Strength, 1 point to Mentality, 4 points to Defense, and 2 points to Health. His new stats look like this:


Strength: 5

Mana: 13

Agility: 6

Mentality: 5

Defense: 5

Health: 5

Level 2: 0/200 EXP

Health: 6/50

Mana: 34/130

Agnar decided to leave some spare points for emergency use. As soon as Agnar got his last attribute to 5 points, a notification popped up again. "Daily Mission: Raise all stats to at least 5 (Completed). Reward: Skill: Accelerate."

Sorry for the weird system format. I might change that when I have time.

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