
Vessalius The Second Prince

The demon king had three children;The first was the traitor Meliodas, The second was the sword of the demon king his greatest warrior rivaling even meliodas easily.And the last son of the demon king Zeldris the executioner. Read to find out more....

deadly_orange · Komik
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11 Chs

Memories Of The Past Part 2

My father and I stood before nine of the ten commandments.

Derieri had an expression of surprise seeing my crimson eyes. In response, I smiled back at her, giving a slight wave.

The demon king watched the short interaction as always; for some odd reason showing interest in me.

Derieri, Melascula, Galand, Monspeet, Gowther, Aranak, Zeno, Grayroad and Calmdadios. 

All of them looked at me with curiosity. It seemed like Monspeet was talking to Derieri, probably inquiring who I was. She did mention he was one of her closest friends besides myself.

"What is it that you need of us, my king?" Calmdadios inquired.

"I have called you all here today to formally introduce you to my son Vessalius. All of you should know him as the failure and it's time to reveal the truth. Vessalius is, in fact, the strongest out of his brothers; he just finished with beating your leader."

Everyone was surprised, even Derieri. I never showed or told her how strong I truly was. The reason why it was so surprising was because there wasn't a single scratch on my body. Each member displaying different levels of surprise.

"My King, I don't want to doubt what you're saying, but I find it hard to believe he beat Meliodas," Amarak spoke his doubts

"I figured some of you may have doubts, that's why Vessalius will fight anyone who needs proof. Afterall, you will be working with him in the future. He will be my trump card in case anything unexpected happens."

"Oh and Derieri, you're excused from your duties for today, enjoy your free time after this."

Aranak cracked his neck from left to right. Slowly walking towards me.

"This will be a breeze, if you're as weak as they say you are."

Ignoring his taunts I awaited my father's command.

The other eight commandments watched on silently.

"Vessalius, I order you to not hold back. No toying around with him like you did with Meliodas."

"Yes father, as you wish."

I activated my demon mark, releasing the dark chains that were then wrapped around my arms, darkness covered my legs.

'The faster I finish this the faster I can hang out with Derieri.'

"Hey Derieri, you're still down to hangout after this, right?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She responded back in confusion. 

"Alright sounds great, I'll wrap this up nice and quick then."

I said with barely hidden excitement.

As soon as I said that my eyes glowed red, the chains decorating my body unwrapped themselves with more spawning from my arms until I had eight in total.

The demon king nodded signifying the beginning of the fight. I launched all of my chains at once, one coming from the right, another from the left, another above, and another below, piercing his limbs, with the other 4 wrapping his body and restraining his movements


I am using the weakest electric spell but I amped it up by pumping mana into it nonstop...


Causing him to roar in pain.

He continued to wriggle and writhe the more I shocked him but he couldn't escape. Ten seconds later he was out cold.

It was rather anticlimactic, really. The only one who didn't believe what my father said was just pathetic.

'To be fair, he didn't activate his demon mark. Even then, it was rather embarrassing as one of the ten commandments.'

"Was that good enough or do you still doubt what I have said after this display of power from Vessalius?"

Nobody said anything or stepped forward.

"Good, now everyone should get to know Vessalius or at least learn to work with him because he will be giving you his aide when necessary."

"Everyone is dismissed, you may all go about your day."

I walked towards Derieri happily while she patiently waited for me, still a tad shocked. 

"Ready to leave? I'm thinking we could hit up The Sleeping Demon to get something to eat."

"Yeah that sounds good Vessalius, thoughts on skipping stones after?" She calmly responded.

"Of course it's ok, as long as we're both enjoying ourselves, who cares?"

"I couldn't agree more, Vessalius."

< A few minutes later >

A few minutes into walking down the dreary halls, Derieri nervously asked me a question. 

"So Derieri, how's your training been going?"

"Pretty good actually. I managed to get three more punches in <Combo Star> now."

"That's great, I'm happy to hear that you're improving."

Derieris cheeks lightened up. I wasn't sure if I was imaging it but it seems like her checks took on a bit of a red tint.

"How's studying magic going?"

Derieri asked me as we walked through the gates and passed the guards finally.

"It's been going pretty well. I managed to master my transformation spell, combined with <Innocence> which would make the perfect combo for espionage."

"That's great. I'm sure fighting off the angels that have been assaulting demons will be far easier than before.' After making some small talk, she seemed to lose confidence, before 

"Hey Vessalius, I was wondering if you'd like to come to my birthday party in three months' time? You of course don't have to."

"It would be my pleasure. I enjoy every moment we spend together, and I'll make sure to get an amazing gift for you too."

We finally reached outside, only to meet another path out the gate.

This time I noticed a definite red tint but it still wasn't too noticeable, so I just enjoyed the slight giddiness I felt radiating around her. 

"What do you want to know about me?"

"Well one thing I wanted to know was if there was anyone you liked."


"Are you willing to tell me? You don't have to if you don't want to."

Derieri seemed conflicted and then had a resolute look on her face.

"I'll tell you later when no one is around. How about that?"

"Yeah I'm in no rush, and if you don't feel comfortable saying it you don't have to."

"It's fine Vessalius, I want to tell you."

"Alright, sounds good. Now, why don't we order something before we head out?"

I spoke out as soon as we finally arrived at the restaurant. Derieri and I took a seat at a random table waiting for the waiter to take our orders after looking at the menu.

"Good evening, are you two ready to order?"

"Ah yes please, I'll take the Snoozer sandwich."

"And I'll take a chicken leg."

"We'll have your food out as soon as possible. Please don't mind the wait, Mr. Vessalius and Ms. Derieri."

We both sat across from each other and stared into each other's eyes as time seemed to just fly by, until we were eventually interrupted.

"Your lunch is ready."

It took me a second to pinpoint the location of the voice after my moment with Derieri.


Edited by: Slammer0n