
Verse Labyrinth

Alma Brauman, the beast god, was known for her galactic conquests, defeating numerous opponents throughout the galaxy, the strongest hero of mankind is on her journey to find worthy disciples, she finally stumbles upon Drake, a worthy seedling with a bad luck. "Alas, why does he bear such misfortune" she thought to herself, hopefully things will change for this boy. Perhaps she finally gained a new disciple.

_Zack_Yggdrasil_ · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Alma's third disciple.

Dean of the prestigious Orion academy had been resting after hours of paperwork. He was an average-looking man in his forties but looks twice as young in comparison.

Orion academy was known to be the top 1 around the globe for 300 years, among schools and universities.

"ugh...I should have lunch right now" the Dean thought to himself.

"Oi headmaster" a brute feminine voice called him out, instantly waking him up from his drowsiness.

"Who is it?" he looked around, but suddenly he saw the redhead in front of him.

"ALMA!" the Dean was shocked to see her, it's been 10 years ever since she stepped into his office.

"I'm taking these two kids from 5th grade, so you better make them transfer, also get me all the information about the Bernstein family, I need them within this month, my patience is limited," she said

"Yes ma'am, roger that" he complied, as he called the principal in charge of that school since Claire was also an orphan the principal didn't give a second thought about dropping her as well.

Meanwhile, she saw another kid with a unique talent, Sol Arundel, a friend of Claire. The Arundel family was pretty much known for their swordsmanship.

"Little girl, would you mind giving me your hand?" asked Alma.

"Eh sure?" she said.

"hmm" checking her pulse, Alma sensed that she had a Mixed god physique. Which is pretty impressive but she learns mage arts and a 2nd tier circle at that

"she's wasting her time here, although I envy this child" she nervously thought to herself.

"Kid, I'm going to take you as my disciple, what's your name?" she asked Sol.

"Sol Arundell..and who might you be," she asked, thinking it was some palm-reading scammer.

"Alma," she said, as she disappeared from her sight. Sol was confused as to who could've been this mysterious woman.

Meanwhile, Alma kept searching for talents, disguising herself as different teachers, but in vain there was no one left, to her, even Drake's bullies were trash, So she didn't waste more time, on her next plan to convince the Arundel family.

In the evening, school was about to end, and during the last period of class, the principal asked Sol to meet her.

"I talked to a special guest, so from now on you're getting transferred from this school," she said, crossing her hands, she spoke with a serious tone. Sol was shocked. Her school life was gone forever, everything just happened way too fast.

"what's happening, ever since I met that woman, I'm running into bad luck," she thought to herself, going outside a limo waiting for her. She met the same woman, accompanied by her father.

"Father, what's happening?" Sol glared as she asked him. Her dad approaches her and whispers to her in the ear.

"My dear, you may not know this but, she is the strongest hero right now, so you must not waste this chance to favor her, Our family owes her a lot for helping us, so we had to repay the debt," he said, worried about her daughter's future.

Sol frowned, but eventually, she had to accept the offer, for the sake of Arundell's reputation.

"Little girl, no need to fret, you're gonna surpass your dad soon enough, accept me as your master and your future will be limitless" Alma smirked, but Sol couldn't see her face, since she basked in the bright scarlet sky, giving her goosebumps.

"I wonder what kind of life would it be" she pondered.

As she reached the place, bidding farewell to her dad, a door appears out of nowhere, Alma opens it, welcoming the kid to her home.

"Gosh I'm starving, it's almost 7 by now," Alma thought, still thinking about eating her saved-up snacks.

"This place is much nicer than my house, warm and luxurious," Sol said as she glowed with excitement.

"That's right, as my disciple, I'll introduce you to your fellow peers, you may already know them," She said, smiling at her.

"That'd be lovely, I can't wait to see them" she giggled, with a sparkle in Sol's eyes, it brightened up the atmosphere.

"Sit there and watch some TV, make yourself home, I'll be right back," she said leaving the girl in her living room. Sol was surprised, she never had a carefree environment in her home.

"Many thanks, senior," she said, drooling with greed, she tried to watch some toons that she liked.

"Where's that brat, did he stay in her room when I told him not to disturb her," she thought to herself, but her hunch was correct.

"This kid, he's too stubborn, but fortunately nothing bad happened," she said.

"I thought he was a naive kid, but seems like he's pretty mature to handle her" insinuating his will.

"Alright let's see her physique" she touched Claire's arm to sense her traits.

"Interesting, a war-god physique and a transcendent psychic, she's very much the young me," Alma thought to herself "hold on, let me take a photo, they look adorable" Alma takes some pictures from her phone.

Drake wakes up, wiping his drool off, Alma puts her phone as soon as he gets up.

"What time is it," he asked.

"It's 7 by now, get dressed, someone is waiting for you downstairs," she said.

"Waiting for us? master, you brought a new disciple?" Drake is sharp, as always.

"Yep, it's probably someone you already know, take a bath first," she said.

"Alright" Drake backs away from the scene, while Claire slowly wakes up from the sounds, but as soon as Alma stares at her, she pretends to sleep.

"That's enough acting, for now, open your ball eyes. You stink" Alma sneered, poking Claire on her forehead.

"Ouch, you lied to me," Claire said, looking at her.

"Of course, I was just testing you, didn't expect Drake to come out and help, I was hoping you to get over it yourself, without any help from others," Alma said, crossing her legs. Claire was in awe staring at her thighs.

"Right..." Claire said, distracted by her thighs, Alma gently pokes her head again with a karate chop.

"Ow," she squealed.

"Now, am I worthy enough to be your master?" Alma asked her, hoping she would comply.

"More than worthy, this disciple isn't good enough for master, what did you do to me?" she asked, curious about her nightmare.

"Don't be too humble, and about that it was martial arts, it's a Demonic technique of self-perception, don't worry, it's not that lethal, you're perfectly fine if you have realized your wrongdoings by now"

"Anyways, take a bath, I'll tell you more about it, so here's ya towel, I've already made arrangements to put your clothes there," said Alma throwing a towel as she walks out, Claire enters the bath, without knowing Drake was in there.

Drake was taking bath in a huge square tub, as big as a swimming pool but deep as any bathtub, Drake hears someone open the door, and a strange gut feeling emerged as he hid soon.

"Who is that," he thought to himself, slightly looking at the figure that entered the room, none other than Claire herself.

"Oh shit, what's up with this messed up situation" Drake blushed, he could see her bare naked, as he quietly slides into the water holding his breath. Claire couldn't see him because of the steam, he forgot to leave the clothes on there, since he left them in the room instead.

"it's warm, this water is a little strange, can't see what's inside, and this bathtub is huge" Claire was flabbergasted, she has never seen such a luxurious place before, as she puts a foot on it, judging that it's not deep, she quickly slides over.

"Feels nice, maybe it wasn't that bad coming here after all...Alright I'll take that corner" Claire thought, as she heads over to that corner, Drake was nervous, his heart started beating faster, and he can't show himself right now. Oddly enough his body adapted fast enough to breathe in the water, he slightly moves to the side, hoping she won't get him.

"Something's weird, why do I feel like someone's watching me right now" feeling suspicious about the place, as she looks around, there aren't any windows, but four big tubs. And only one of them is filled, suddenly she saw bubbles near.

"hmm?" before Claire decided to check him with her spells, Drake's heartbeats were now similar to a sports car engine, his instincts kicked in, which accelerated his brain and body to their peak and beyond, surpassing his limits altogether, and so everything moved slow.

Before she could detect what was hiding, he quickly makes a run for it, jumping out of the pool, and running at speeds that she couldn't see, Claire was confused yet angry as to which kind of pervert would enter the pool before her.

"What kind of pervert is hiding in here, is it a disciple that master had before Drake." she thought to herself.

"Phew" putting his towel on, Drake walks into his room, the young soldier survived the war, but little did he know that he awakened a special trait.

"sigh, I never expected him to run fast like that" Alma was disappointed at the predicament, her plan didn't work as she expected.

"I'll have to try a different approach then" she said, cynically laughing like a third-rate villain.

"Master..." Sol was confused, as she was lurking behind, following her.

"Kid what's up," Alma said nervously, but on the outside, she seemed calm and cheerful.

"Nothing, I just heard someone laughing, that's why I rushed to see what's happening," said Sol, but she knew her master was suspicious.

"You heard everything right" Alma felt a presence at that moment, but she was too excited that she didn't even care.

"No, I was just taking a stroll around here..hehe" Sol was sweating, she even gulped to cope with her nervousness.

"There's no point in hiding, kid would you be my accomplice?" Sol nodded with a grin, curious about what her master was up to.