
Versatile System

“He is a world ender and has been charged with the destruction of planet 2342.”  Bray was charged with the destruction of his world, something he knew no information about, he was sealed inside a prison to rot. He thought that was the end of his world, but at that moment... [Ding! The uploading of the Versatile system is complete!] [Z-level mission given] [Break out of world prison 304] Bray was forced to shout, “Z-level mission? What sort of broken level is that? I know that SSS-level is the highest, but could Z be higher than that?”

Dark_Riches · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Where Am I?

A few hours later…


Bray felt his consciousness slowly return, he grimaced in pain inwardly but didn't make a sound. He didn't want to inform these men that he was awake just yet, he needed to clarify his thoughts and find out what was going on.


He slowly looked around and realized that he was in somewhere that seemed like a prison, his hands and legs were still bound by the shackles. He stood up slowly but quietly, the shackles that bound him not making the least bit of sound. He could see a thick, transparent, and tightly sealed small window opposite the steel bars.


He propped his neck up and looked through the window. The next moment, he unhesitantly took multiple steps back in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The place outside was filled with endless darkness, but he could feel that he was traveling at an extremely high speed.


Am I on that spaceship? Bray could vividly recall seeing something that looked like a spaceship before passing out. At that time, he didn't think too much about it because he immediately fainted, so he was only able to catch a glimpse.


It would seem now that the predictions of the scientists were true, aliens had truly invaded Earth. Why am I the only one left alive when they killed everyone on the planet? Besides, where are they taking me?


From their discussion previously, they don't seem to know what happened to Earth, could this be caused by another alien planet? As Bray was still immersed in his thoughts, he didn't feel the decrease in the movement of the spaceship.


After a few minutes of deceleration, the spaceship finally came to a halt. Soon, Bray heard a door opening. He immediately became alert and instantly pretended to be asleep.


As a famous actor, this was quite an easy role for him; he could play dead for as long as was needed. Bray soon heard the sound of the door to his prison opening; he was pretending to be asleep, but all his five senses were active.


Unfortunately, even though his five senses were active, he didn't feel it when he was smacked hard on the face. Bray was stunned for a moment before the painful feeling hit his nerves, and his shocked expression was replaced with pain as his face squeezed.


Bray looked up and realized that it was one of the old men, particularly the one that was previously on the left. He didn't have a good impression of this man because, from his looks, he seemed like someone who was unreasonable.


Besides that, the expression of anger that was always visible on his face spoke volumes about his character. 


The man looked at Bray in anger before slightly huffing, "Follow me."


Bray frowed, but seeing the man already turn to walk out, he knew he couldn't complain. This f*cker, I'm going to get back at you for this motherf*cking shit! Bray screamed inwardly, he was shackled both on his fore and hind limbs, so there was no way he could walk properly. Still, the man wanted him to follow up.


Bray could only grit his teeth and limp forward, walking in a very awkward position. If one saw the way he walked, they would be riddled with laughter. For a famous actor to be reduced to this, Bray felt it was truly laughable.


After walking awkwardly for a while, Bray wasn't concerned about how he was walking anymore; rather, he took the time to survey his surroundings. The existence of aliens was something that very few believed in.


Of course, Bray wasn't one of those few, like, damn, he would believe in the existence of aliens! Unfortunately, he was left with no choice as he looked at the terrifyingly advanced, tech-laced spaceship. He could even see something that looked human-like, even though it was a hologram, at the back of the spaceship screen.


Bray followed the old man, and soon they entered a large, opened door and went off the spaceship. Bray had long come to realize that the spaceship had come to a stop. As for where it brought him, He didn't know sh*t!


Staring at the large red planet, which was at least ten times larger than earth, ahead of him, he couldn't help but feel a chill crawl up his spine. The color of the planet spoke volumes about how evil this planet would be!


Unfortunately for him, there was nothing he could do but follow the two men in front. After a moment of walking towards the planet as it began increasing in size, Bray realized something he hadn't dared think of before.


Were they walking on space?


He slowly looked down and, at the next moment, jumped in fright as he felt his heart thump loudly. This was just… He didn't even have any word for it; as soon as he landed from the jump, he felt as though he had landed on solid ground!


Are we supposed to float away if we land in space? And how the f**k am I breathing out here without any protective measures? Bray immediately let go of his thoughts, since the earth was destroyed one strange thing after the other had happened to him.


Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if just a punch from these men ahead could shatter the space in front of him, to him, the so-called aliens that humans were on their way to discovering were actually gods!


gods that could squash them as easily as squashing a bug!


Soon he and the two men reached a place that seemed like a checkpoint, just after this checkpoint was the big red planet radiating an aura of doom!


At the checkpoint area were three men, they were all dressed in similar black robes. Two of them were similarly old, around the age of seventy, with the third man looking to be around forty years old.


Seeing the three of them coming up front, one of the old men at the checkpoint immediately spoke up, "State your purpose for coming here!"


His voice was firm and loud, although to Bray, it seemed the man was shouting for no apparent reason! They were just right in front of the man, was there a need to shout so loud? Was he perhaps talking to someone else in the distant space? 


Please don't shout so much, or my eardrums will hurt!


At this moment, the old man who brought Bray stated firmly, "Another world ender has been captured, he is charged with the destruction of planet 2342 and all lives on it!"