
Versatile: Alternate World

"In the unforgiving corridors of time, I was brought to the brink, my life teetering on the precipice of destruction. But fate has granted me a remarkable opportunity – a return to the past, a chance to rewrite my destiny. Brace yourself, for when our paths cross once more, the world will bear witness to an unrecognizable future!" Enter the realm of Alternate World, a virtual playground where mere mortals are elevated to the status of gods. The moment this game touched the lives of players, our world, our very existence, was irrevocably altered. People discovered newfound abilities, and playing the game became a way of life, a livelihood. Among those players was Manato Tsukasa, an unwitting protagonist whose life was thrust into turmoil on the eve of his wedding. In the shadowy depths of night, enemies emerged, determined to snuff out his existence. He stood on the precipice of death, only to be granted an unexpected lifeline, a return ticket to the past. With the past before him like an unwritten book, Manato seized this extraordinary chance with relentless determination. Armed with the knowledge of his past mistakes, he embarked on a journey to exact revenge upon the architect of his misery. The game that had once been his escape from reality now served as his crucible, transforming not only the gaming industry but also the very fabric of our world. Yet, little did Manato suspect that Alternate World held secrets far more profound than any player had ever imagined. The game's mysteries ran deep, and the truth, obscured beneath layers of illusion, remained tantalizingly elusive. As he delved deeper into the game's enigmatic depths, Manato would soon discover that the lines between reality and virtuality were destined to blur, forever changing the course of his life and the world itself.

Kyosei · Game
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1042 Chs

The Hidden Quest

[Bladeheart activated the hidden chain Quest Moving Out. Would you like to accept the quest?]

Well, well, well, looks like we stumbled upon the secret quest trigger, and guess what? It's not some elaborate puzzle or hidden switch. Nope, all you gotta do is chat up Lily like it's a Tuesday night at the local bar.

I mean, seriously, talk-no-jutsu for the win, right? Who knew our epic quest would hinge on our ability to gossip and chat? I must have maxed out my charisma stat without even realizing it.

But hold up, before we dive headfirst into this hidden quest, let's do a quick reality check. I pulled up the quest info, hoping it wouldn't demand a PhD in dragon-slaying or something. Let's see if we're ready to tackle it or if we'll need to grind our way through a few more orc mobs first.

The Quest at hand is as follows:

[Heading Out] Quest 1 out of 3

Type: Hidden Quest

Information: Our tavern owner, Lily, is set on relocating to the capital. In order to assure her that you possess the strength to safeguard her and her family during their journey, you must provide tangible proof. Your task is to eliminate ten Gray Wolves and transport their entire carcasses within a strict two-hour time frame.

Time Limit: 2 hours

Gray Wolf Body: 0/10

Difficulty: Moderate

Recommended Level: Levels 4-5

Rewards: ???

Note: This quest demands your utmost dedication and resolve. Prepare well, for the road ahead is fraught with peril.


Do you know what grinds my gears? Those quests with rewards shrouded in mystery, like they're guarding the secrets of the universe or something. They slap a big ol' question mark on the reward, and you're left feeling like a contestant on a game show, wondering if it's a new car or just a consolation prize.

These quests are usually performance-type quests, where they're all like, "Your reward? Well, that's a secret we'll take to our graves. But don't worry, we're watching your every move!" It's like they're channeling their inner secret agents or something. Your performance in the quest is the magic decoder ring that figures out your reward. Do well, and you'll be rolling in gold coins like a dragon on payday. Mess up, and you might as well be collecting pennies on the street.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's pretty straightforward for seasoned adventurers. But for beginners, it's like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. You're left scratching your head, wondering if you're doing the quest right or accidentally signing up for a lifetime of indentured servitude.

So, there I was, in the local tavern, having just inhaled a mountain of bread and polished off a Cheese Fondue that could've put Swiss cows to shame. And to wash it all down, I decided to chug the last drops of Lemon Cola from my cup, because why not? Liquid courage, right? After settling my tab, I took a deep breath and accepted the quest, ready to dive headfirst into the quest.

"Do I just need to snag 10 Gray Wolves, or should I bring back the whole wolf pack, fangs and all?"

Lily chuckled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, you can leave the fangs at home, but I do prefer the whole body intact. But don't fret, I'll make sure you feel properly compensated. You won't walk away from this mission howling with disappointment!"

I nodded, determined. "Alright, I'll get to it. I won't let you down."

As I rose to leave, Lily stopped me with a playful warning. "Hey, be on your guard out there. Some of the local hunters have been gossiping about an Elite White Wolf lurking in those woods. They're like the celebrities of the wolf world, tough and glamorous. With your gear, you might end up as a furry fashion statement! So keep those eyes peeled and your wits sharp. I'd hate to see you become wolf chow. Alright then, I'll be waiting eagerly for your triumphant return!" She waved me off as I closed the door behind me.

An Elite White Wolf, you say? That's a formidable foe, one that's currently out of my league in terms of strength.

Before venturing into the Silent Forest, I took a moment to revisit my stat panel. This initial phase of my journey demanded constant monitoring of my stats. Going into this without suitable armor would be a deadly mistake; a single misstep could cost me my life.


Name: Bladeheart

Level 2

Experience: 400/4000

Health Points (HP): 2400/2400

Mana Points (MP): 1000/1000


Strength (STR): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 22/100]

Agility (AGI): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 31/100]

Dexterity (DEX): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 26/100]

Endurance (END): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 28/100]

Intelligence (INT): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 23/100]

AP left to spend: 13

Title: Memento Mori

Skills: None

SP left to spend: 43


Head: Beginner Hood

Upper Body: Beginner Shirt

Lower Body: Beginner Pants

Shoes: Beginner Boots

Gloves: Beginner Gloves

Necklace: None

Left Arm: None

Right Arm: None

Ring: None

Weapon: Versatile Weapon

Swapping out my Beginner Shirt for the [Green Armor]? Check. But let's be real, this thing looks like it was designed by a one-eyed Cyclops in a hurry. Not exactly a fashion statement. I mean, that Beginner Shirt was kind of stylish, right? But hey, style won't save you when a horde of monsters is breathing down your neck.

So, here's the deal – this Green Armor might not win any beauty contests, but it's got stats that scream, "I'm here to survive!" And let's face it, survival is the name of the game in this crazy world. With my trusty Versatile Weapon by my side, my stats were doing a merry dance. AGI was taking over like it was the boss of the party, but I don't need to be the Flash right now. What I do need is to hit like a truck, regenerate mana faster than a squirrel on an espresso binge, and be as tough as a brick wall.

Lucky for me, I've still got 13 AP burning a hole in my pocket, and I'm ready to splurge. I'm throwing 5 AP into INT for some brainpower, 5 into STR to hit harder than a truckload of anvils, and 3 into END because, let's face it, a bit of extra HP and defense never hurt anyone. It's like I'm turning my character into a tank with brains. So, watch out, monsters! I'm coming for you, and this time, I've got the brains, brawn, and fashion sense to back me up! Wait, let's scratch the last part, wearing the [Green Armor] makes me look like broccoli at a costume party.


Name: Bladeheart

Level 2

Experience: 400/4000

Health Points (HP): 3400/3400

Mana Points (MP): 1400/1400


Strength (STR): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 27/100]

Agility (AGI): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 33/100]

Dexterity (DEX): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 26/100]

Endurance (END): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 38/100]

Intelligence (INT): Very Poor

[AP Bar: 28/100]

AP left to spend: 0

Title: Memento Mori

Skills: None

SP left to spend: 43


Head: Beginner Hood

Upper Body: Green Armor

Lower Body: Beginner Pants

Shoes: Beginner Boots

Gloves: Beginner Gloves

Necklace: None

Left Arm: None

Right Arm: None

Ring: None

Weapon: Versatile Weapon

I'm feeling pretty chipper and sturdier these days, even though I'm just a lowly level 2. But hey, the higher my stats, the merrier, right? Now, when it comes to this trusty old [Beginner Armor], I'll hang onto it for now and maybe feed it to my Versatile Weapon later. I mean, who says armor can't be a little snack, too? 

As for the skills, I'm holding onto them like they're my precious candy stash. They might be excellent, but they're also pretty pricey. I've got to be smart about which passives I invest in because, let's face it, some of them are like those trick candies that taste terrible. I don't want to waste my hard-earned points on useless passives! 

I'll be strategic about it, though. Investing in those movement skills might just be the ticket to getting some sweet SP returns down the road. After all, it's all about making the most out of every penny, even in the world of stats and skills!

The Ninja class is all about speed, stealth, and sneak attacks – they're basically the cool cats of the game. If you ask me, investing in the Ninja class skill tree is like hitting the jackpot at a gaming casino. Now, I'm a Versatile Class, so I can go all-in on full-frontal assaults if I want to, but there's something incredibly satisfying about sneaking up on enemies and taking them out like a silent, pixelated assassin.

Why do I need those Ninja skills, you ask? Well, let's just say, that sometimes you don't want to be the main course at the enemy buffet. Those Grey Wolves can be relentless, and when they're chasing you, it feels like a nature documentary gone wrong. So, I decided to loosen my purse strings and invest some SP here. No more being a tightwad – it's time to embrace my inner ninja!

Ninja Skill Points:

-Total SP: 43

Tier 1 Abilities

1. Smoke Bomb (Active) - Cost: 5 SP

  Disappear into a cloud of smoke for strategic maneuvers.

2. Silent Sprint (Active) - Cost: 10 SP

  Move swiftly and silently, perfect for stealthy approaches.

3. Poison Kunai (Passive) - Cost: 20 SP

  Infuse your kunai with deadly poison, adding a sinister edge to your attacks.

4. Kunai Rain (Active) - Cost: 20 SP

  Unleash a storm of kunai, overwhelming your enemies with swift projectiles.

5. Enhanced Vision (Passive) - Cost: 25 SP

  Sharpen your senses to spot hidden threats and navigate in low-light conditions.

6. Breathless Running (Active) - Cost: 25 SP

  Achieve incredible speed and endurance for fast getaways or pursuits.

7. Giant Shuriken (Active) - Cost: 20 SP

  Throw a massive shuriken, capable of dealing devastating damage.

8. Caltrop Bombs (Active) - Cost: 15 SP

  Scatter caltrops to hinder pursuers or trap foes in their tracks.

9. Illusionary Team (Active) - Cost: 10 SP

  Summon illusory duplicates of yourself to confound and distract adversaries.

10. Forest of the Bamboo Realm (Ultimate) - Cost: 50 SP

  Enter a state of unparalleled mastery, becoming a phantom of the bamboo forest, mastering all tier 1 abilities at once for 1 minute without unlocking the other skills. However, since this is just temporary, the effects are less powerful than their original powers.

In the vast Ninja skill tree, there's a plethora of skills to choose from, and some of them are like turbo boosts for your running abilities. Sure, there are skills for taking out bad guys, but honestly, I'm not in the mood for ninja drama right now. I decided to invest my points in the "Silent Sprint" and "Breathless Running" skills, and now I'm feeling as broke as a college student after a weekend binge.

But hey, no need to shed ninja tears over it. The beauty of these skills is that they keep on giving. While I'm dashing through the shadows, I'm earning more skill points, so it's like I'm saving up for a ninja retirement plan. I just need to bide my time until I've got enough points to splurge on some sweet passive skills.

Now that all the prep work is done, it's time to get my ninja on. The countdown clock is ticking away, so I sprinted off to the Silent Forest faster than a ninja at an all-you-can-eat sushi buffet. Let's do this!





Even before I step foot into the forest, the monstrous chorus of roars welcomes me. Irony must be this place's middle name, considering it's called the "Silent" forest.

Swinging my trusty Versatile Weapon, I decide to switch things up this time. With a mere thought, my sword magically morphs into a staff. Yeah, I know it's not the most practical move, but hey, it's not as bad as it sounds. The staff has the same stats as the sword, only now it dishes out blunt damage instead of slashes. Gotta keep things interesting, right?

I've got a date with some Gray Wolves deeper in the woods, right where I performed my "death" ritual. Plus, I've cranked up my vigilance settings just in case Mr. Fancy Elite Wolf decides to crash the party. You see, monsters come in two flavors: Normal and Elite. Elites are like the VIP versions of their normal buddies, with a little extra flair in color, size, and skills. They're like the celebrity monsters that give out more experience points, so naturally, we players love hunting them down. But just in case I stumble upon one of these elite pups, I better be ready. Confrontation might just be on the menu, and I'm not planning on being the main course.

I tiptoed back into the territory of the Gray Wolves, and there they were, our furry friends, gathering up once more, showing off their pearly whites like they were auditioning for a dental commercial.

[Gray Wolf]

Level 5

HP: 5000/5000

Trait: Beast

I decided to play the role of the brave warrior and locked eyes with these wolfy fellows. They began to encircle me, probably debating whether I'd make a tasty snack or not. You see, just like real wolves, they like it when you don't chicken out and run away. So, I stood my ground and pretended to be the tough guy.

And then, it happened - the moment I'd been waiting for. A tiny, fluffy wolf decided to test my patience.


The wolves looked dangerous and ready to rumble. I did a quick roll away from the action and pointed my staff at the nearest wolf, muttering a casual "[Basic Fireball]."


Out came a fireball, about the size of my hand, and it smacked the nearest wolf right in the face.



Well, it might not be the most impressive damage, but hey, damage is damage, right? It's not about the size of your fireball; it's how you use it! Who cares if it's pitiful? As long as it gets the job done, I'm all good.