
Veronica Vondray

Daoist2o2UH6 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The Crow of Corvus

"The adults will be officially starting the preparations at around 12:00," Lucy was saying. They were still waiting for two more personages: Shon and Shu, Dukes older twin brothers.

"You have to be on your way by now," Lucy said looking at the clock. He was talking to Margaret and James, who were to spy on the Ruddicks before and during the Summer Fest.

Margaret nodded responsibly and stood up. "We can go ahead and just call you when the Ruddicks are out of the mansion." She walked out of the room with James hot on her heels.

"What's taking them so long?" Veronica said, sounding annoyed.

"Up to no good, that's for sure," Duke muttered. His two older brothers were known for being quite reckless. But in some cases, such as revenge, they could be considered "responsible" about it.

"Where are they?" Veronica grumbled.

"Here we are!" They heard two familiar voices, which immediately caught their attention. There at the doorway stood the twins, grinning mischievously at them.

"What took you so long?" Veronica demanded.

But they ignored her question. "Miss us Vondray?" Shon teased. He had neatly combed hair with azure blue eyes, differentiating him from his twin brother, who had green eyes.

Veronica looked disgusted. "Of course not."

"What took you so long?" Lucy asked, sounding very unhappy.

"We got distracted," Shu answered.

Duke rolled his eyes. "That's not the first time," he muttered.

"Anyway, we should get going," Lucy told them. "Theres no time to lose!"

She stood up and started for the door. Both Veronica and Duke followed her movements with the twins hot on their heels.

"We already know the adults are already preparing the park, bit we need to have them distracted enough to forget their concerns about us," Duke said, turning to his brohers.

Shon grinned at him. "That we ca surely do," he said.

Outside, at the Andersons front yard, they began to part ways, leaving in opposite directions