

A Young Girl who Travels around the Nations to Find Her Brother. However, She will Encounter the Dangerous Enemies in One Region. During the Zhuvirion War, There are more and more Zhuvirion Enemies to take over the Nations and Rule The Entire World of Chaos. But The Young Girl will meet 8 Celestial Commanders to fight along side them against the Most powerful Opponent from Zhuvirion Operation Act. An Young Girl has Determination to her own Power to Fight and Find her Brother to Reunited in 13 Years Ago. One Day She will Seek the Truths About This World and 5 Nations. Note: Releasing each Chapter will take 1 week per 1 Chapter. Because i have some small time to make Chapters and i have many things to do with my Family at Home. I Hope You Understand and Enjoy my Novel. Also, This is 2nd Novel i make. The First One is very Short so i decide to stop and make the new one. I Hope i can keep this up for my Dreams. NOTE: This Novel Has Been Cancelled from last 3 years due to my Lack of Writing Stories. Sorry that I Didn't Continue this Novel But I May Have Plan to make Another one Something better or Rewrite the Story.

CedieKun · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


*The Night in the Middle of the Dominian Forest, The Paladin are already Facing the Dangerous Opponent From Zhuvirion Act Operations. During his Long Battle Against Prototype, Everytime he Wields his Sword, the Ground Starts Shaking from his Earth Magic Skill and Prototype keeps Summoning the Cyborg Gunners to keep Firing Paladin to make him Distracting. However, The Situation is getting worst if Paladin can't Attack the Prototype, She will make a Conquer Move*

*1 Half Hours in Battle*

Prototype: *Female Robotic Voice* How long are you going to Block with your own Sword, Beetle? You Will Lost Chances to Break your own Weapon if you don't Attack. (Casting more Cyborg Gunners to keep Firing Paladin's Sword)

Paladin: Grr..My Sword is made of my Master's Commands. Not a Single Blade will Break this Sword or Anything you are trying to Destroy it. (Keep Holding his Sword to Block from her Attacks)

Paladin: No Matter How You Trying. There's no other way for you to Destroy it!

Prototype: Hm, Is That So? What makes you think that your Earth Skill can beat against "Mech '' Style like me? You Can't Even Attack without your own Blade and There's no other way for you to escape from me, Beetle. (Casting 3 Cyborg Missiles)

Paladin: *gasp* … (Trying to Keep Blocking with his own Sword against Bullets)

Prototype: Let's see How long you Can Handle with This? (Firing the 3 Cyborg Missiles at the Paladin)

*3 Missiles hit the Paladin for a second*

Paladin: *cough* (Keeps Blocking from her Missiles and Bullets)

Prototype: Ohh? That's Pretty Brave, Beetle. (Casting and Firing 5 Cyborg Missiles at him)

*5 Missiles hit the Paladin for a second*

Paladin: *cough* grr…I'm not going to Fall yet! (Keeps Blocking from her Missiles and Bullets)

Prototype: Hehehehe, You're Struggling. Now Time to End This, Beetle (Casting more than 10 Cyborg Missiles and Fire it to Paladin)

*10 Missiles hit the Paladin for a second and A lot of Smoke around it*

Prototype: … 

Prototype: Hm, Pathetic.

*Suddenly, Plenty of Red Cards hit all the Prototype's Cyborg Gunners and She almost got hit from the Last Red Cards*

Prototype: Grr...Huh? 

*There's a 3 Blue Cards around the Paladin and it protects from Cyborg Missiles*

Prototype: What? How did you do?!

???: I just felt something shaking in the Ground for a long distance. Now You Guys just Having a Duel for Long Period (Casting the Red Cards)

Paladin: Heh, I Didn't expect you to show up, illusionist.

illusionist: Hey Thank Me Later, Tough Guy. I got a Task from our Master to help you out. Now I ran into you here while Fighting that Machine.

Paladin: Hm I See (Standing up)

Prototype: Seriously….Another Insects. This makes me disgusted. (Casting more Cyborg Gunners around her)

illusionist: I've been looking for you, Robot Girl or whatever i called you. I've heard that you're the next wave of your Army to Attack in the middle of Dominian.

Paladin: Next Wave? That mean?

illusionist: Your Army has already Defending their Positions and the 2nd Wave of Zhuvirion Army is already there. But It's all thanks to that Elf Girl who Company your Army to get Stronger.

Paladin: Oh, Marlene? Hehe, I knew she could handle it by herself.

Prototype: Elf Girl...I Think She's the one who attacked at the Dominian Port. Tch That Damn Elf. Why didn't Blackler tell me about that Incident?! 

Prototype: Such a Stupid Insects. Don't you even try to get Hopes Up. One Day, He Will Turn Every Nation into Dust.

illusionist: Hm? Who are you Talking about? How about you try not to get Hopes up as well, Robot Girl.

Prototype: Tch, Don't You Ever Say That to Me! ( All Cyborg Blasters starts Firing at Both)

*Both Celestial Commanders Dodge and Split Up*

illusionist: Hm *smirking* (Using Tons of Blue Cards to Destroyed all of her Cyborg Gunners)

*Boom* * Bam*

*All Prototype's Cyborg Gunners has been Destroyed*

Prototype: Grr, You Damn Bastard. How did you destroy them so Easily? (Casting more Cyborg Gunners)

illusionist: You think my Cards are not just harder than the Stones? Infact, I haven't used my Elemental Magic on you. 

illusionist: Just like You. You didn't use any Elemental Magic. You're just a Machine not a Human or an Elf or Dwarfs. 

Prototype: Tch...Don't Try to Compare me with other Insects.

illusionist: I Haven't said Insects to you *smirking*

Prototype: Grr, You Bastard! (Casting more Cyborg Missiles and Firing to illusionist)


Prototype: I Don't Like to Talk with Insects Like You. Just Die Already (Casting more Cyborg Missiles)

Paladin: Hey, Don't Forget About Me (Casting his Golden Sword into Lvl 3)

Prototype: *gasp* 

*Paladin was already right behind her and He's about to use a Super Strength Skill to Destroyed her*

*But Prototype Summons her Mech Shields to Block His Attacks and Knock Him Back*

Paladin: Woah! (Flew away and Crash in the Tree)

Paladin: Oww… My Back 

Prototype: I'm done Playing Around with these Insects. You Make me No Choice to Use This (Summoning her Metalic War Spear)

Paladin: Huh?..What the..

*Prototype's Mech Sword is not an Ordinary Sword She used. It has Complete Power with a Vermitious Effect*

Paladin: N..no way..That's..

Prototype: Hehehe That's Right, My Energy Power can store more Vermitious Effect to gain more Strength to use My Blade.

illusionist: an Vermitious Effect. That's more Completely Dangerous to Humans and Elves. 

Prototype: Oh? You Survived my Missles? Why won't you just die from that?

illusionist: You Just Killed my Delusions Skill. 

Prototype: Tch

illusionist: I Want to Say This. I need you to stop Using that Vermitious Power. I've Admitted that Vermitious can Kill More People like us. 

Prototype: Ha, Why are you telling me that? Do you think I'm a Human or something? I no longer like them and I Don't know where I came from. All I know is that My Creator's Command must Follow. Do not try to Stop me Insects.

illusionist: Hmm

Paladin: …

illusionist: *Sigh* Paladin, You Should Go Back and Help Your Army

Paladin: Huh? Why are you saying that? Don't tell me you're gonna Fight that thing with her Vermitious Effect?

illusionist: Don't Worry About me. It's not like I'm going to die or Something. I just need you guys to get away from her. 

illusionist: I Have to make sure that her Vermitious Effect will not Use to Hurt Anyone.

Paladin: illusionist..

illusionist: Hehe Don't Just Stand There and Go Back to your Army now

Paladin: Hm Understood. But Be Careful Buddy

illusionist: Hehe Sure *smiles*

*Paladin Left the Forest and illusionist is about to Fight Against the Prototype with a Vermitious Power*

illusionist: Just You And Me, Robot Girl. Let's have a Battle right here, right now. (Casting More Red Cards around him)

Prototype: Hehe, Don't get Cocky, Insect. Prepare Yourself ( Casting more Cyborg Gunners and aim to illusionist)

*Somewhere outside the Dominian Forest*

*Paladin Leaves the Situation with illusionist and Prototype for his Safety and Return to his Camp for his Comrades*

Paladin: Hmm..He Said that my Comrades are already in position to stop the Zhuvirion's Army movement. (Keep Running towards the Pathway)

Paladin: I have to Hurry to reach their Position. I don't know how long I've been fighting that Machine. I Hope Marlene and Katsumi doing fine 

Paladin: That Machine has its own Vermitious Effect and it will be more dangerous if she keeps using that Power

Paladin: Vermitious is another type of Rare Magic Power. It Can Be Found in the Deepest Underground somewhere near the Zhuvirion Area. 

Paladin: Not Everyone will ever use that Dangerous Power Because it can cause Symptoms like Headaches, Nausea, Aching the Entire Body, and Fever. 

Paladin: As For Vermitious Power, When the Vermitious Effect starts Mutating the Human Body, They will have Black and Red Skin, Their Eyes will turn Black and Red, and their Magic Power or Non Magic will turn into a Vermitious Magic. However, Some Victims with Vermitious Effect will also experience to have Loss Memory and their Attitude will change. But it's a Small Chance that Loss Memory was affected to other People.

Paladin: That Day, The Zhuvirion Operator has something to do with the Vermitious Power. The 2nd Celestial Commander got directly reported to my Master about their Plan for Vermitious Effect. He said The Genius from Zhuvirion got Experimented the Vermitious Effect to make a Dangerous Weapon. Then the Master warned us to keep an eye on the other Zhuvirion Operators.

Paladin: I hope other Celestial Commanders are doing their Safely and illusionist just fighting against the strongest opponents. I Need to Find my Comrades and Gather for Reinforcement. (Sprinting Fast to Find his Comrades)

*Meanwhile, illusionist and Prototype are having a Duel in the Middle of the Dominian Forest But The Fire starts spreading cause by the Prototype's Missiles Skills*

*Prototype's Cyborg Gunners starts Firing to illusionist and starts summoning the Cyborg Missiles at him*

illusionist: Hm (Using Many Blue Cards around him to Block all the Bullets in his Way)

*clank* *bam* *clank*

*illusionist using the Red Cards to Destroy all Cyborg Missiles on his way*

illusionist: Fire Skill: Flame Blaster! (Using Flame Blaster Skill to use Fire Card to Shoot Straight firing at Prototype with High Speed)

Prototype: *gasp* (Dodging from Fire Card Skill Quickly and Start Summoning more Cyborg Missiles)

illusionist: You Can't Use that Missiles at me (Starts Throwing more Red Cards to Destroyed All of her Cyborg Gunners and Missiles)

Prototype: Damn it, Die! (Casting more Cyborg Gunners and starts firing at him)

illusionist: Hm, Fire Skill: Heat Blade (Using the Heat Blade to Summon his own Fire Sword.

Prototype: A Fire Sword?! (Starts Summoning more Cyborg Gunners and Firing to illusionist)

illusionist: Hah! (Using his Heat Blade to Destroyed Every single Bullets)

*clank* *clank*

illusionist: Hmp! (Dashing Very Fast and get Close to Prototype to Finish her)

Prototype: Damn it! (Using her Vermitious Metallic WarSpear to Block his Attack in Close Combat)

illusionist: Grr (Hardly Pushing her Blade with His Sword)

Prototype: Grr (Hardly Pushing his Blade with her Sword)

*Prototype's Vermitious Metallic WarSpear  is about to melt from illusionist's Heat Blade*

Prototype: !!! *gasp* (Starts Knockback him to get Distance away from him)

illusionist: Oof (Got Knockback and He Land it)

Prototype: … (Looked at her Metalic War Spear got almost Burned from Heat Blade)

Prototype: His Heat Blade can Handle the Vermitious Effect?! What Kind of Mage is he?! (Summoning more Cyborg Missiles and Starts Firing at him)

illusionist: Hm *smiling* (Casting more Red Cards to Destroyed all of her Missiles)

*Boom* *Bam*

illusionist: Heh (Starts Running and Circling around her while Summoning Red Cards to Firing at her)

*illusionist Circling around to Find a Good Time to get Close to her*

Prototype: Grr, You Insect. What do you think you are doing?! (Summoning more Missiles around her and starts Firing him)

illusionist: Heh, I think you start to get Frustrating that you struggling to aim at me (Summoning more Red Cards to Destroy all Missiles)


Prototype: Grr, Are you trying to find my Weakness? Damn it, I don't know what you are planning to attack me with. But You Cannot get too close to me. (Casting her Vermitious Metallic WarSpear)

Prototype: Die (Using Vermitious Sonic Blast from her Sword to Kill illusionist)

*Vermitious Sonic Blast missed it*

illusionist: Hm, What a Waste (Using 5 Delusions and Split up to Confuse Prototype's Attack)

Prototype: Grr, What the..(Looked around the 5 Delusions running circle around her at the same time)

Prototype: Tch (Casting 5 Cyborg Missiles and firing to 5 Delusions)

*All 5 Delusions using Red Cards to destroyed 5 Missiles at the Same time*


Prototype: Damn You! That's Enough! (Casting more than 10 Missiles to destroyed 5 Delusions)


*All Delusions got killed by the Missiles But illusionist was standing there then Starts summoning 6 Special Red Cards and aim to Prototype*

Prototype: *gasp* (looked at behind her)

illusionist: Special Water Skill: Burst Shower! (Using Burst Shower Skill to throw 6 Special Cards with Hardening Water to Prototype)

Prototype: Agh! 

*Splash* *BOOM*

*When the Special Cards hits Prototype, it begin to spread water around her and starts to get Explode in every single Water Drops*

Prototype: AAGHHHH!!! *Screaming in pain*

*Prototype is losing control of her Body from Special Water Skill. Her Left Arm is already gone and her Legs are already damage*

Prototype: Grr...HOW DARE YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?! (Trying to Stand up)

illusionist: …

Prototype: *glitching female voice* Grr..I..i am not done yet…

illusionist: … (looked at her Vermitious Sword)

Prototype: Y..You have no idea who you are messing with….

Prototype: ..Y..you..gonna Pay For This…

Prototype: I'M GOING TO END YOU RIGHT HERE!! (Casting her Vermitious Metallic War Spear into Max Level)

illusionist: … (Preparing himself)

Prototype: DIIEEEE!!! (Using the Vermitious Conquer of Deaths Skill to release a Powerful Slash straight at to illusionist)

illusionist: hm *smiles*

illusionist: "Worthy or not Worthy, 

*When illusionist said the Word in his Mind, The Environment Changing and Start Casting*

illusionist: Mastery Skill: Reverse! (Using Reverse Skill to Reflect the Vermitious Conquer of Deaths to return back to Prototype)

Prototype: *gasp*

*BOOM!* *Swoosh*

*Causing the Powerful Wind from Vermitious Skill, The Whole Forest is already gone*

illusionist: … (looked around the area)

illusionist: hm? (Looked in front)

*illusionist seen the Prototype's Lost her Right Arm and Legs. Her Face is also got Damage and it seems she's no longer moved*

illusionist: Heh *smiles* 

illusionist: What a Waste… Your Vermitious is really powerful But You didn't get a Chance to kill me.

illusionist: hm (Walked Away to leave the Area)

illusionist: That was Intense Fight...Victory is already Mine (Using a Celestial Compass To Return to the Celestial Organisation HQ)

*Later in the Morning the middle of the Burned Forest*

*The Mysterious Lady appeared in the portal and gets close to Broken Prototype*

???: *Sigh* What a Shame, You already got beaten by the Magician. Well Look at that. The Entire Forest just got burned out. 

???: Hehehe, Lucky you, Your Creator will repair you for Good. I Guess I'll be Taking you back with your Creator my Dear.

???: Hehehe (Casting her Magic to Get all Prototype's Broken Parts and Sending back to her Portal)

???: Hehehe, Don't Worry, One Day You Will Be More Different Than Before. "Maki" (looked at the Broken Prototype)

*The Mysterious Squid Lady left the Forest with Broken Prototype*

*In Celestial Organisation HQ, Master's Office*

Master: I See…She Already Use that Vermitious Power to Kill More Victims in Dominian Region.

illusionist: Yeah, After i finished her, The Entire Dominian Forest got Burned very Badly. Good Thing i let Paladin to get away from her

Master: Hm...We Still have some issues Somewhere near the Main City of Dominian. Agent Told me that There were many Victims got Captured by the Zhuvirion Operator named "Blackler ''. 

Master: That Operator has already set The High Security from his Army. 

Master: But...Assassin Told me that He stole the Vermitious Crystal from the King of Dominian's Collection and he Already used it as his New Power.

illusionist: Another Vermitious? Why is there a Vermitious Crystal in the King's Collections?

Master: Hmm I Don't Know...But All I Heard about the King of Dominian Likes the Precious Treasure around the World. 

Master: Hmm, You need to Find and Arrest the King Of Dominian. He must be Somewhere near Celestial Borders to the North East.

Master: Once you Arrest him, Tell Rosseta about His Collection and Vermitious Crystal.

Master: Maybe we might find some useful evidence about "Overseer"

illusionist: Hm, As You Wish, Master (Bow Down)

Master: Alright Dismiss, illusionist. Also Tell "Garnet '' to take care of the Situation of the Main City of Dominian.

illusionist: Understood (Left the Master's Office)

Master: …

Master: *sigh* What are you planning into this, Overseer? I'll make sure You Will Never See The Light Again.