
Venture Of The lonesome Undead

The Adventures of Lain as he goes trough the world he once knew, and now his bane of infinite problems as fate and time keeps playing with him. Tears falling down his tears, As he travers trough the world of naught, Knowing it will all end with his never ending. Smile... The world in which everything was and was is... Have been disrupted by the death of the last God "Wordly Time "... Every being was stunned ang fearfull, known that their end is being dipicted as is... But one and only one being only smiled... The Undead. ".,.,., " Mur murs could be heard at the blazing country underneath the western sky. News flashed the whole regional sky, as a world bending phenomenon came to fruition, The sky was split, the world was shaken, A God had died in battle, world's natural perception change, the natural balance of things changed. Everything was in chaos, powers of the unkown came, lost history came back, ancient ruins that had been forgotten, monsters of the abyss stormed!! Angels descended!!, ancient civilization rose from the ground and back. Everything thing seemed to have been reverted to the old times, which all called "CHAOS AGE " when times was rough, ruthless, merciless, unkown. Times when everything was as it was intended, Times when everything is at a cost, Times when the world didn't care. Times when nothing is impossible. .. .. .. Civilization around the current Age was lost at its feet. Lain Becomes Complacence with his current life, becoming more and more what he is back then... Hesitant but cold... happy but empty... Calm but troubled. His decision becames duller and duller, revealing the path in which he walked back then. Life seems like a cotton candy with every bite he loses his thoughts. But what didn't leave his train of thoughts was... Time will not care.

fever_dreams · Fantasi
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7 Chs

The merchant

"Lin? How weird... There seemed to be a beast i met named alike, It was Already 10.000 years before now that roamed the seven seas to find someone... A paradox, Not like it would change much the current state of me, Even if there is almost a thousand spatial body like me " Said lain with an odd face, Remembering the paradoxes he met last time he journeyed back in time.

"Btw how's the progress lin? " Said Lain communicating through the system interface to the beetle worm that was currently underground.

"Quite, Good mister " Said the beetle worm with a joyfull aura, Looking down the pit it had made with its rear end.

"Ohh... " Said lain looking at the interface he had givin to lin with a smile on his face.

"I got one mush to subdue a hill of ants here " Said The beetle worm observing his first step in to becoming a Dungeon Boss.

"Oh, Where did you get the mush. Ain't that a similar creature to the mudkeep? It live's in hell " Said lain.

"I found a corpse of a human mage, Last time i got around the forrest. I ate the corpse? Thats all i know, But after a while i kept seeing weird creatures in my sleep, They kept coming, Growing, Dreading, Sorrowful, Afraid, Insane they made me scared... " Said The beetle worm in terror but just kept its joyfull aura untouched by his past.

"Depression 'Sigh ' I feel you though... Maybe when you ate the corpse it affected your will or mental state in which cases lead to your deprived state " Said lain as tears falls down his face, But with not much of reaction lain just scoffed it off.

"Yeah, I was too young... But past is past, I don't want to remember those days, But in the end i noticed it only gave me more reason to live " Said the beetle worm.

"Yeah... I wish i also had your way of thinking " Said lain sitting down.7

"Mister, weird words are appearing in front of me... " Said the beetle worm as another interface appears in front of it.

"Read it " Said Lain interested on what just appeared in front of the beetle worm.

"Ancient ancestor system! Is being obtained YES/NO " Said the beetle worm seeing the words float accordingly to the interface lain gave him.

"Ohh, Another plot armor modification... Say No, The thing i gave you is enough to susutain your desires and will, And besides who would want something like that, A plot-armor that just gives you some sort of power like domination " Said Lain without giving a care to the thing his freind found.

"Ok... No " Said the beetle worm as the plot armor disintegrates in to nothingness, The beetle worm continued his work without even regretting anything.

"Say, Who do you work for? " Said Lain to the merchant that was struck by bad luck.

"No One! I Work Alone " Said the merchant who was a male which age was around 13 to 15, black silk hair, fair skin it was the kind of guy you wouldn't expect to work alone in a world full of dangers.

"Ok? And why are you even outside lover boy... " Said lain to the merchant mockingly with a smirk in his face.

"To earn Money and Topple the one who took what was once mine " Said the merchant showing his high goals and vigor.

"Too Bad... Your under me now " Said lain Flicking the forehead of the merchant sending him deep underground with the beetle worm.

"FOOD! " Shouted the beetle worm rushing to the merchant who was suddenly teleported by lain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! " Screamed the merchant as a rampaging worm like creature head its way for his head.

"... " The beetle worm stopped by a hair tread as it asserts its intention to the merchant boy.

"BOO! " Said the beetle worm at the merchant.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! " The merchant was squirming in fear as the beetle worm plays with its rear end causing never-ending cycle of earthquake in the underground.

"Run! I just love the face you make! " Said The beetle worm going wildly underground, Slithering without care if the whole underground goes to smithereens.

"Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! " The beetle worm was restless in pursuit.

"Shit! Shit! Where's my shak " Said The merchant searching everywhere looking for his bag of holding.

"Stop It lin " Said Lain communicating in the interface.

"Hmm, And Why should I? " Said The beetle worm to the interface.

"Now Is the chance! " Said the merchant seeing the beast looking at some random direction.

"EAT THIS! " The merchant trowing some sort of vials that was tainted in a red dew.

"I Said stop it already! " Said Lain catching the vials and making it disappear in to nothingness with ease.

"... " The merchant didn't stop trowing hands with lain as it persistently trows his vials in continuous pace.

*Sigh * Lain was silently watching as his clone slowly deforms the vials to his will.

"Mister? " The beetle worm was confused seeing another alike to lain.

"Yeah? Just go do your thing, I'll got it from here... And one thing " Said lain in the interface.

"Got it! " Said the beetle worm receiving a quest from lain.

"Now what do you want! " Said Lain going underground.

"Why are there two of you? And Did i ever give you the permission to have me as a worker! " Said The merchant pointing at the two lain's with confusion.

"Loverboy you wouldn't be much of an Arsh? And Another thing see the world around you if i did the right thing... Remember that " Said Lain pinning down the merchant with his mystic filled hands.

"Let Me GOO! " Said the merchant trying to get up from Lain's suppression.

"SEE? " Said lain as he goes back to his memories and clumps up information that will break the merchant's perception.

"Shit! " Said the merchant reluctantly as the information lain gave him was too much to accept all at once.

"Thats just how the world works... " Said Lain going back to his room in the overworld...