
Vengeful Domination

Are You Sick And Tired Of The Braindead MC? Did You Ever Find Yourself Disconnecting Your Mind While Reading? Feeling Stuck In A Never-Ending Cycle of Prepackaged Stories Only Different In Starting Setting?! If you answered yes to any of those, continue reading because we probably have quite-similar tastes. You are in for a treat! Eric, machiavellian down to the root and ruthless in his plans, thirsts for revenge. If the character's mental and power growth isn’t enough to keep your attention, look out for the Psychology, Mythology, and Science tidbits scattered along the story. This is the original story that I desired, first as a reader, bored with the repetitiveness and flatness of mental characterization in the Harem-Isekai niche. To sate your curiosity start reading 100 words…you won’t regret it! (I hope :) Have a great rea…day! ◕ ‿ ◕ LEVEL 1 ↑: Standard upload frequency of 7 chs/week   70+ power stones/week --> 1 extra chapter   1000+ collections --> 2 extra chapters 5k+ coin gift--> 1 extra chapter(max 5 extra per week but keeping count for following weeks) ◕ ‿ ◕ Check out the Instagram page below if you want the best chapters' quotes, detailed character information with artworks. IG username: d.ema.rco

OliverfINKing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
145 Chs

Side Story 1.1 - Revenge

Nemesis was particularly bored that day.

She returned to her personal kingdom after finishing her daily work of blood and regrets.

She couldn't say she liked the job environment.

After all, her employer was the same man who, millions of years ago raped her.

Yes, that's right, being immortal was definitely a positive thing, but being obliged to work for such a disgusting individual was one of the unwanted effects of being too powerful to be ignored.

*My mother Nyx always told me to never accept the advances of men instantaneously, getting this way the time to know them better and understand their real personalities.

That king with too much power and too big of an ego obviously wasn't the patient type.

When I rejected him, telling him to slow down and take our time(just a couple thousand years) to know each other, he seemed like he was going crazy.

That was probably the wrong move, the moment when my life was ruined.

From that moment on, he started following me as if he was my shadow. *

Hera, his wife, was exasperated.

On one side, she didn't have the power to stop the act of her husband, and all she could do was try to coax him into changing his opinion.

On the other hand, she was sadly accustomed to this kind of scenario.

So, all she could do, as a gift from goddess to goddess, was try to help her hide herself.

In this way, her daily routine became the most unnerving and scary nightmare she ever had.

The monster was unkillable, stronger than her, and all she could do was escape.

She knew it too.

It was a question of when not of why.

In this way, months passed, and Nemesis, as a higher existence, didn't need to sleep, but she still couldn't be battle ready every second of the day.

She couldn't continue living this way.

Leaving the job that became her trap, she decided to escape and transform into various animals in order to wait until the hots of Zeus would fade, or the target would change.

In a way, she was treating him as we treat natural disasters: you can't oppose them, but prepare for them and try to escape from them the nearest way possible unscathed.

Still, the dreaded moment arrived: she was a goose, and he a swan.

The disguise lasted just a couple of seconds. When their eyes crossed each other, they perceived the divine glint in the eyes of the other person.

Trying to unwind her transformation in the fastest way possible to fight him.

The white feathers started falling from her arms, and her face started morphing into her human-like form.

Zeus was too fast for her.

He had too much experience and control over his powers.

She was still trying to regain her right hand to grab her sword.

Suddenly Zeus, completely anthropomorphized, took her by her shoulders and slammed her against a nearby tree.

The clash that she usually wouldn't have even felt in her divine form was making her lack breath now.

The tornado managed to destroy the flower she had protected up to that moment.

After that...she asked her friend Mnemosyne to erase her traumatic memories but leave the emotions related to them.

She thought it was better to remember everything not to lose her drive to obtain revenge, but she started puking several times during her day and couldn't sleep during the night.

Finally, her usual white angelic wings became red, as if identifying the loss of her purity.

She couldn't continue living every day this way.

She had to forget.

In the past, Mnemosyne was also tricked by Zeus, but luckily for her, she didn't suffer the same forceful approach Nemesis was the victim of.

At that moment, she had probably made the right choice, after all, the feelings of disgust and rage were all she needed to keep her anguished mind waiting and working.

The objective was as simple as complex at the same time.


That was all that filled her mind when she wasn't working.

Her life was tinted with only one color, blood red, she didn't like it, but her feelings didn't lie to her.

With the usual thought in her mind: how to overcome the big difference in power of her enemy, and how to make him regret his actions and give him the crippling feeling of anxiety and pain that she experienced daily from that moment?

Interrupting her recurring thoughts, she felt in her mind that someone was asking her to enter her space.

She closed slightly her right eye, as if watching from a door peephole, and immediately gasped.

The person on the other side wore a long white Greek toga-like dress and brown leather sandals.

Up to this point, everything was quite the usual choice for her Greek friends.

Things started getting interesting when she saw that, next to her right foot was fixed on the ground, the end of a spear more than 2 meters long.

Her eyes, followed along the spear up to the pointy, deadly iron head, were then lured by a feathered helmet, which pointed them directly to her stoic face.

Her long and straight nose remembered that of an owl.

Sand-colored hairs were orderly put under her helmet.

They seemed like snakes coiling one another with the same precision and intricate as a spider web.

As if her identity wasn't already clear up to now, Nemesis continued watching with attention her eyes where the blue of a river and the green of an olive were mixed.

The part of a book she read in the past filled her memory.

''But Zeus lay with the fair-cheeked daughter of Ocean and Tethys apart from Hera [..] deceiving Metis although she was full wise.

But he seized her with his hands and put her in his belly, for fear that she might bring forth something stronger than his thunderbolt: therefore did Zeus, who sits on high and dwells in the aether, swallow her down suddenly.

But she straightway conceived Pallas Athena: and the father of men and gods gave her birth by way of his head on the banks of the river Trito.

And she remained hidden beneath the inward parts of Zeus, even Metis, Athena's mother, worker of righteousness, who was wiser than gods and mortal men.''

Hesiod, Theogony 929

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