
Vengeful Domination

Are You Sick And Tired Of The Braindead MC? Did You Ever Find Yourself Disconnecting Your Mind While Reading? Feeling Stuck In A Never-Ending Cycle of Prepackaged Stories Only Different In Starting Setting?! If you answered yes to any of those, continue reading because we probably have quite-similar tastes. You are in for a treat! Eric, machiavellian down to the root and ruthless in his plans, thirsts for revenge. If the character's mental and power growth isn’t enough to keep your attention, look out for the Psychology, Mythology, and Science tidbits scattered along the story. This is the original story that I desired, first as a reader, bored with the repetitiveness and flatness of mental characterization in the Harem-Isekai niche. To sate your curiosity start reading 100 words…you won’t regret it! (I hope :) Have a great rea…day! ◕ ‿ ◕ LEVEL 1 ↑: Standard upload frequency of 7 chs/week   70+ power stones/week --> 1 extra chapter   1000+ collections --> 2 extra chapters 5k+ coin gift--> 1 extra chapter(max 5 extra per week but keeping count for following weeks) ◕ ‿ ◕ Check out the Instagram page below if you want the best chapters' quotes, detailed character information with artworks. IG username: d.ema.rco

OliverfINKing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
145 Chs

Mole Your Way Through!

Was that currently happening a normal fight between fighters of opposing factions?

Definitely not, at least not for every Demon in the army, apart from the directly involved, Cukuw.

Distrust organically built through the reputation of being dumb as a brick, was the basic ingredient to the cake everyone could see.

Similarly to the folktale of the Naked Emperor, everyone had enough courage to comment and think about it privately, but not to bring the topic up to the public eye.

In fact in this case there was no pure unbridled honesty of a child, breaking the awkward balance of the previous week.

All the soldiers came to a conclusion about Cukuw's story and none of them was positive, as if influenced by the initial negative bias.

Objectively speaking most weren't in that position out of respect for the general Cukuw killed to get his position, but out of jealousy.