
Vengeance Reborn: The Betrayed Hero's Ascent

In "Vengeance Reborn: The Betrayed Hero's Ascent", a young man named Kazuki is betrayed and killed by his own party members in pursuit of a valuable dungeon reward. However, he is reincarnated in the same world and granted a powerful system that allows him to earn stat points and copy the skills of others. Driven by a thirst for revenge, Kazuki sets out to become an unstoppable force, taking down his former allies and any other obstacles that stand in his way. As he grows in power, he also accumulates a harem of female companions who aid him in his quest. With high-stakes action, unexpected plot twists, and the protagonist's transformation from victim to dominant hero, this story promises to captivate readers with its unique premise and engaging narrative.

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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Reincarnation and the System

Kazuki's eyes flew open, and he found himself staring up at an unfamiliar canopy of trees. Gone were the crumbling walls and flickering torchlight of the dungeon. Instead, he was surrounded by lush greenery and the gentle caress of a cool breeze.

Disoriented, he sat up, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword, only to find it missing from his side. Panic gripped him as the memories of his brutal betrayal came rushing back, the anguish and anger of that fateful moment still raw and palpable.

"Where... am I?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

As he scanned his surroundings, the holographic interface he had discovered earlier materialized in front of him, its ethereal glow casting an otherworldly light on his face. Kazuki reached out, his fingers tracing the shimmering display, and the words he had read before reappeared, as if the system was responding to his presence.

"Welcome, Kazuki, to the [System]. You have been granted a unique opportunity to grow stronger and seek your revenge."

Kazuki's brow furrowed as he read the message, his mind racing to comprehend the implications. Granted a system? The promise of revenge? It all seemed too good to be true, and yet, the device before him was undeniably real, its presence a testament to the strange and inexplicable circumstances that had brought him here.

Tentatively, Kazuki began to explore the [System], his fingers gliding across the holographic interface as he discovered a myriad of options and features. He found himself drawn to a section titled "Stats," where a series of numerical values were displayed, representing various attributes such as Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.

As he delved deeper, Kazuki realized that these stats could be enhanced through the accumulation of points, which the [System] referred to as "Stat Points." The more points he earned, the more he could invest in strengthening his abilities, transforming him into a formidable force.

Another feature that caught Kazuki's eye was the "Skills" section, where he found a list of abilities that he could potentially acquire. The list was extensive, ranging from combat techniques to magical spells and even passive enhancements. Intrigued, Kazuki tapped on one of the skills, and to his astonishment, a new option appeared: "Copy."

"I can... copy the skills of others?" he murmured, his eyes widening with realization.

This discovery ignited a spark of hope within Kazuki. If he could not only strengthen himself but also acquire the abilities of his former companions, then perhaps he stood a chance at exacting his revenge and ensuring that he would never again be betrayed.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kazuki delved deeper into the [System], exploring its various menus and functionalities. He found that he could also undertake quests and challenges, each one granting him Stat Points and potentially unlocking new skills or abilities.

As he familiarized himself with the [System], a plan began to take shape in Kazuki's mind. He would use this newfound power to track down his former party members, one by one, and make them pay for their treachery. With the [System] at his disposal, he would become unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with in this world.

Yet, even as his determination hardened, a twinge of uncertainty lingered in the back of his mind. How had he ended up here, in this unfamiliar place, with the [System] as his guide? Was this all part of some greater cosmic design, or was it simply a strange twist of fate?

Pushing aside his doubts, Kazuki focused his attention on the task at hand. He would start by enhancing his core attributes, investing Stat Points to boost his Strength, Agility, and other key abilities. As he did so, he could feel the power coursing through his veins, a tangible manifestation of the [System]'s influence.

Next, Kazuki turned his attention to the skills section, carefully examining the various options available to him. He knew that in order to confront his former companions, he would need to hone his combat prowess and acquire abilities that would give him an edge.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Kazuki began the process of copying the skills of those he had fought alongside. One by one, he unlocked the techniques and spells that had once belonged to his betrayers, weaving them seamlessly into his own repertoire.

As he did so, Kazuki couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The act of copying his former allies' abilities felt almost... intimate, as if he were stealing a part of their very essence. Yet, the desire for vengeance burned brighter than any moral qualms, and he pushed forward, driven by an unwavering need to become stronger.

Hours passed as Kazuki immersed himself in the [System], meticulously planning his next moves and strategizing his path to revenge. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but with the [System] as his guide and the promise of power at his fingertips, he was confident that he would emerge victorious.

Just as he was about to embark on his quest, a sudden realization struck him. The [System] had referred to him as Kazuki, a name he recognized as his own. Yet, in the moments before his betrayal, he had been known by a different moniker, one that now felt like a distant memory.

"Who am I?" he whispered, the weight of his identity crisis adding to the turmoil within.

Shaking his head, Kazuki pushed the thought aside, resolving to uncover the answers in due time. For now, his focus remained steadfast on the path of vengeance, and with a renewed sense of purpose, he stepped out into the unknown, his gaze fixed on the horizon and the promise of a future where he would reign supreme.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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