
Under attack!

Xiang Yu blinked, his mind still hazy from the intense kiss. He ran his tongue over his swollen lips, tasting the lingering flavour of Han Xin. His body ached for more, but the interruption had broken the spell.

Han Xin lowered the window, his expression now a mix of frustration and annoyance. Ran Lan's face appeared, his eyes wide with an apology. "Master Han, I am so sorry to disturb you, but it's Han Zhan. He said something urgent has come up."

Han Xin's jaw clenched, and he took a moment to compose himself. He cleared his throat, his hand smoothing down his dishevelled hair. "I will take the call," he said, his voice steady despite the obvious.

Xiang Yu, still dazed, reached up to fix his own hair, which had fallen messily across his forehead during the heated exchange. He couldn't help but glance at Han Xin's crotch, the evidence of his desire straining against the fabric.