
"The resemblance is uncanny."

Xiang Yu arrived at the grand doors of the opulent palace. The head eunuch, with a voice that echoed through the marble halls, announced, "Your Majesty, Princess Xiu has arrived." The emperor, seated on his gilded throne, beckoned them inside with a wave of his hand.

Xiang Yu entered, his beauty and imposing aura unmistakable. He moved with a grace and elegance that commanded attention. As he approached the throne, he kowtowed deeply before the emperor. The emperor's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized her figure, searching for any sign that this was not his estranged daughter who had arrived just a day earlier.

"Come closer, child. Let me see you," the emperor commanded, his voice laced with curiosity and suspicion. He was curious as to what sorcery they used to create such an uncanny resemblance. If he didn't know better, he would think the deposed empress had given birth to identical twins.