
Chapter 8: The Ring Part 2

Romaine's POV

There I am, face to face with Melissa, with a decent distance of 10 meters.


Cassandra: One last thing, if you want it to work you have to let the X-Gene in you bond with the traces in it. Got that?

**End Of Flashback**

Yeah sure. I'll try my best. Looking into her eyes was like looking into the dead off night. She took a deep breath and I took my ready position.

She screamed at me and I activated the ring and knocked her out. I took her back to the lab and we were all happy. It was then the end of the day and we had no more problems....or at least, that's how I wished it went.

Here's what actually happened...


I dashed after her while barely dodging he waves by a millimeter! Cassandra's words kept echoing in my head. I glanced at the ring and wondered how I was gonna activate this thing.

By time I returned my attention to Melissa I was already in the direct fire of her scream. I was now lying in the ruble of a wrecked building. My back felt practically broken! I decided to lay there for a while until help came.

After a few seconds, I realized two things. 1, my back was better. 2, Usain was nowhere to be found.

I pressed on my earpiece and began to speak, "Uhh.... Cas'?..... where's your dad?...."

"He's evacuating nearby people" she responded.

I stood up and went toward Melissa for round 3, completely forgetting about the ring.

I managed to actually get a hit. And by that, I mean I got blasted away by her waves again.

I stood up and focused. I was searching for that spark again. Then it clicked. Time practically came to a stop. I channeled the energy through my veins. I then sprinted toward her narrowly avoiding her waves. While I was faster than human movement, I wasn't faster than the speed of sound.

After getting close enough, I punched the waves with my left hand, being the hand wielding the ring.

The waves ripped apart with brutal force as I ran right through them and restrained Melissa, then bringing her back to the lab. When I came to a stop, time returned to normal it's pace.

After spending the rest of the afternoon there, I rushed home before my mother got there.

I left my suit and the ring back at the lab with Cassandra.

**End Of Flashback**

And now, I'm totally beat. I'd like to see you go through all that and not be tired. Sheesh.