
Chapter 74: Nuance of the Dead

Earlier Tonight...

Kyle's POV

Now that all the seeds are in place, I just have to wait for my plan to unfold.

Though earlier than expected, Zero arrived according to plan.

"So I was right." I spoke out loud, feeling his presence appear behind me, "It is you."

"I'm impressed Kyle. I always knew that you'd be the one to uncover my identity."

"I'll admit you did gave me a run for my money," I said, slowly turning to face him while pocketing the note I'd been writing, "but you often let yourself slip at times. You're not really good a holding back you know."

"And yet you're the only one that realized. Though what led to you figuring out my identity?"

"I've known from the very start; once I found out there was a traitor, I also knew your identity. But I had to confirm a few more things, and buy myself more time of course."

"Well I commend you on making it this far."

"Do you usually have such a humane conversation with your other victims?"

"Don't be cheeky, old friend."

I sensed his intent to attack me, so I'd triggered my mental abilities, but before I could even blink he was already in front of me.

"You might have been able to stop all others you came into contact with; but my mind is impenetrable."

He wasn't joking; when I tried to shut down his brain, I was locked out of his mind. All that's harbored there is hatred and pain. Such a corrupt place was out of the bounds of my abilities.

In a fraction of a second, Zero impaled my chest, causing blood to gush out.

"You'll never get away with this." I coughed, taking my final words before everything faded to black.

Romaine's POV

After I passed out in Kyle's pool of blood, I shortly after woke up on a black plane.

There was nothing in sight, and I couldn't feel anything; my body was completely numb.

"Is this what it feels like to be dead?" I questioned myself out loud

"Not exactly." I heard Kyle answer from behind me

"Kyle?" I questioned, quickly turning to face him, "But how? What is all this?"

"Hold back on the questions if you don't mind. I'm still new to the whole 'being dead' thing." he joked

"So, you are actually dead. Then what's happening here?"

"I was able to form a mental channel with you, because you're actually on the verge of death yourself."

"What?But how?"

"The will to live is a powerful force Romaine." He said as he slowly walked past me, "And I can tell that you no longer have it."

"I don't understand."

"You know what I'm saying; deep down, you don't want to keep living anymore."

"It's not like that" I stuttered

"Deny it if you wish, but I can assure you that the worst is yet to come. And if you give up now, then you're just letting Zero win; you'll be giving him the satisfaction for killing all those people, ruining all those lives."

I was left speechless as I fell on my hands and feet.

"You knew you were going to die, didn't you?" I asked him

"Of course; knowing Zero, he wouldn't even consider the possibility of it being a bluff, he'd instantly eliminate all those that even had the slightest idea of his identity."

"Then why Kyle? Why'd you say it? Why'd you tell us? Now you're just dead."

"I said I'd let you all know before it was too late, and I plan to uphold my promise."

"Then tell me who it is." I commanded, getting back up to my feet

"I won't, not now. Because I know that if I tell you, you'll instantly go after him and get killed."

"I might not get to talk to you like this again. Just tell me!"

"You've always been somewhat of a sleuth yourself Romaine, I'm sure you can figure it out. I left a note for you; it's in the left pocket of my trench coat. Though he came before I could finish it, it should help guide you."

The environment around me started drifting away, and the distance between us started to increase even though neither of us were moving.

"But Kyle, why not just tell me?"

"My will is now yours. And I promise, I'll always be there to protect you when you need it the most, even your descendants."

With those final words, everything started fading to white, and Kyle went into the light.

"Kyle wait!" I desperately called, stretching my hand out to reach him.

After that, I woke in my body once again; still laying in the pool of blood.

I pushed past all the tears to reach into Kyle's pocket and take the note he'd written.

Later that night, I had to go back to the lab and break the news to the others.

Safe to say, I wasn't the only one in mourning after that.