
Chapter 68: Traitorous Tendencies

December 19, 2020 (Saturday)

Cassandra's POV

Every day that goes by I can feel myself getting better and better. It hasn't been easy, but now I'm at least able to control my abilities.

"I've really gotten the hang of this whole speedster thing." I commented

"That you have." Future Romaine agreed

"And in regards to your speed serum, it's now in the final phases of testing."

"Awesome, so I'll be out of your hair in no time."

"The rest of the week went by in no time, huh."

"Yep, later we'll get to see what everyone else was up to."


Romaine's POV

Descending in the elevator, I didn't feel as if I'd accomplished much during the past few days, being that Dondre brought me to the cafe everyday for hours on end; but then again I guess the whole point was to relax.

I guess life just doesn't feel the same anymore without moving fast all the time. Now I'm just, normal.

Once the elevator unveiled the monitor room of the last, I was greeted by the faces of Cassandra, My older self and Melany.

"I hope you don't mind that I invited your sister for this." Dondre said, walking out of the elevator

"Yeah, no worries." I mumbled, entering the room

"You two seem to have gotten close." Dondre teased Cas and my future double

"Well, you know." responded older me, "We had fun, all while getting work done."

"Give me a break." I mumbled to myself

Once the small talk started to get to me, the room's mood was refreshed by the others arriving

"Well if it isn't my favorite cousins." Melany cheered, going over to them

"Melany." they both elated

"Lovely seeing you all again." said the Prince

"Likewise." replied older me

"Hey Romaine." Donte called, "In the week the Prince trained us, now we're much stronger than before."

"I don't know about that." chuckled the Prince, "But the two of you have definitely made a lot of improvements."

"Oh, so everyone was busy working huh." I said, "I wonder what Dondre spent the week doing."

"Hey cut me some slack will ya." He endeared, "I was just trying to help you. Nothing you can do without your speed anyways."

"Don't bring that up." I uttered firmly

"Still touchy? Sheesh."

Though it was expected that we'd all be here, it was the next arrival that caught us off-guard.

The illusive doors of the elevator worked their magic once again, uncovering someone a lot of us had forgotten about.

"Kyle." Cas called

"I'm back." He smirked

"Kyle?" Melany questioned

"Melany, long time no see."

"It's been too long Watchtower."

"I see you still call me that after all these years."

"Well why wouldn't I?"

"I've outgrown it. Now would anyone like to explain some of what's happening here?"

"Yeah uh, Black Zero stole Romaine's speed and his future version came back to the past to stop him from losing his speed but was too late." replied Dondre

"And because of that Romaine's future version lost his speed and isn't able to go back?" questioned Kyle


"Kyle," said my older version, "I haven't seen you in years."

"And why is that?" Kyle interrogated

"Oh, nothing really special. Forget what I said."

"Hm, well I didn't leave you all after this long time just to come back empty handed; I come bearing dire news."

"What is it Mr. Kyle?" Shante questioned

Upon hearing his statement, the mood of the room quickly shifted to a much more serious tone.

"During my time hunting the man who's identity we previously referred to as 'The Tailor', I gathered a lot of useful information, and was able to confirm many of our theories. The Tailor was in fact a real person, contracted by Black Zero to create and distribute super suits that would grant the wearer X-Genist abilities. And our hypothesis about the radiation causing Type 2's to be created was also true. I did in fact take down the Tailor, collapsing his merchant ring, but in doing so I confirmed one of my longest lasting suspicions. The events that occurred prior to and even after Convergence led me to believe that Zero had an informant actively reporting to him; and the Tailor was able to confirm my hypothesis."

"What are you saying Kyle?" Donte questioned

"There's a traitor in our midst." He firmly stated

The tone got a lot darker now, as the tension slowly started to rise. Everyone exchanged mistrusting looks, not knowing who it could be.

"That's absurd Kyle." I spoke out, "How are you even sure that what you're saying is right?"

"There's more than enough evidence to prove what I've said."

"Do you know who it could be?" Cas questioned

"Yes I do." he responded, "I had slight doubts about the identity of the traitor, but this confirmed it."

After saying that, Kyle approached the elevator, attempting to leave

"Well are you gonna tell us who it is?" I questioned

"It's not the right time yet. Just be patient, and watch your backs."

The doors closed, ending the conversation.

"Unbelievable." I ranted, "He sows seeds of doubt and then just leaves?"

"But what if he's right?" Donte questioned

"Who do you guys think it could be?" Dondre posed

"I don't know." Shante responded

"Well if you ask me, it's awfully fishy that mister 'future guy' appeared when he did."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you find it kind of a coincidence, that he and Melany, suddenly came up just days before now?"

"But they'd never do something like that."

"And let's not forget that you and your brother were once working for Zero~"

"Dondre, that's enough!" I belted, "What they did in the past doesn't matter, and you shouldn't be so quick to point fingers at anybody."

After this I'd had borderline enough, and decided to leave.