
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasi
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236 Chs

Chapter 222: Laughing Last

"Admit defeat," Rayan said coldly.


Imperius straightened his neck, the veins on it bulging. He struggled desperately to break free from Rayan's hold, but the Crow Sword pressed down on his shoulder like a tombstone, immobilizing him. The wound on his side throbbed with pain, and blood soaked his breeches above the knee, quickly coagulating into a hard, brown scab in the intense heat.

Despite this, he straightened his body and gritted his teeth, saying, "Never!"

Rayan's face was icy. He lightly drew the Crow Sword across Imperius's neck, causing a fresh blood trail. "Surrender to me!"

Imperius spat onto the scorching ground, speaking righteously, "Rayan, since we agreed to fight to the death and I am no match for you, there's no need for pretense. Kill me or slice me up, it's your choice!"

A sharp glint flashed in Rayan's eyes. He sneered, "Your life isn't yours to decide, is it?"

Imperius abruptly shut his mouth, his kneeling body seeming to shrink in an instant.

Not in control of one's own fate—as a servant, as an Oath Knight, his life had long ceased to belong to him. Reflecting on his predicament, Imperius couldn't help but feel a sorrowful resignation, sighing deeply, "To think, Imperius, a hero for a lifetime, even though defeated in battle, has never been this disgraceful. It seems... I am truly old..."

"You are not old; it's just that your opponent is too strong," Rayan said seriously.

Imperius glared at Rayan's arrogance, but upon careful consideration, he realized Rayan's words weren't entirely boastful.

Rayan was indeed a formidable opponent.

However, a strong opponent was no reason for Imperius to surrender. For honor, for the Firebird family, as long as he had a breath left, he would fight to the last moment!

He secretly pondered, if he channeled all his defensive Battle Qi into his attack, he might lose his Battle Qi forever, but at least he would have a chance to kill Rayan with a single blow.

He clenched his fist, preparing to seize the right moment—

Rayan saw through Imperius's intentions and simply smiled faintly, "I know what you plan to do, but you are gravely mistaken if you proceed."

Imperius's old face turned extremely ugly. As an experienced Fighter, he knew that once his intentions were exposed, the ambush was rendered futile.

"I am sparing your life not only because I respect your character."

Rayan lowered his body, deliberately speaking in a low voice, "But also because you cannot die. If you die, who will kill Eileen for Phoenix Lady?"

Imperius trembled all over, completely losing his will to fight. He could feel Phoenix Lady's gaze on him from the noble stands. Sighing heavily, he said guiltily, "I... I surrender!"

The audience immediately gasped in astonishment. They didn't know what Rayan had said to Imperius, causing this long-renowned Intermediate Hero to give up so easily.

Rayan smiled, sheathed the Crow Sword, grabbed Imperius's hand, and unceremoniously took the Phoenix Ring from his finger.

Imperius's face twitched, but he was powerless to stop Rayan's robbery. Someone who has surrendered has no right to prevent his opponent from claiming his spoils.

Rayan smoothly acquired the Phoenix Ring, played with it for a moment, then slid it onto his left finger. He raised his hand towards Phoenix Lady in the noble stands and sneered, "Thank you."

Phoenix Lady's face turned deathly pale, the powder on her face trembling and falling off.


She bit her lip hard until blood flowed from it. She covered her lips with a black silk fan and murmured, "I don't believe I can't have you!"

At this moment, Trevor rode to the center of the arena and loudly announced to the stunned audience, "In this duel, Lord Rayan wins! A new War God is born!"

The audience was dumbfounded for three seconds before erupting in thunderous cheers, paying tribute to the new War God.

In the noble stands, Holy Light envoy Eileen let out a long breath, smugly saying to Phoenix Lady, "Phoenix Lady, now you don't have to worry about me repaying your money, right?"

"Of course," Phoenix Lady replied coldly.

"Are you very distressed about losing your money now?"

Eileen laughed, "I always said, the one who laughs last is the winner. And clearly, I laughed last. I won, you lost."

Lady Spring Rain, standing nearby, was startled. She couldn't believe Eileen would say something so harsh. Worried about a quarrel between Eileen and Phoenix Lady, she couldn't enjoy Rayan's victory. She pulled Eileen's sleeve and whispered, "Sister Eileen, it's not appropriate to say that, it was just a bet..."

Phoenix Lady, however, coldly smiled, "It's alright, Spring Rain. Lady Eileen won, she has the right to talk. But this is not a simple bet between us—the true winner is yet to be determined. Whoever laughs last is the real winner."

"But I am already laughing, and you can only watch me laugh now."

Eileen simply stood up from her chair, waved her hand to lift the frost barrier, and then elegantly flicked her skirt in the same manner as Phoenix Lady. "Alright, I was too tired last night, so I need to catch up on some sleep. I have to meet someone tonight."

When she mentioned "someone," Eileen deliberately winked at Phoenix Lady.

Phoenix Lady, of course, understood Eileen's hint. She sneered and said, "What, Lady Eileen, you're not waiting to split the money?"

Eileen waved her hand dismissively. "Paying back my debt to you only amounts to winning a hundred thousand gold coins—oh, and it seems Phoenix Lady just happened to lose a hundred thousand gold coins? Haha, how amusing. The money isn't going anywhere; whenever you gather it, just have someone send it to me."


Phoenix Lady raised her eyebrows and nonchalantly said, "I will find someone reliable to send it to Lady Eileen."

Lady Eileen laughed triumphantly and then turned to Lady Spring Rain. "Spring Rain, I wanted to take you away from here and chat with you a bit more, but since your Oath Knight has won the War God title, I suppose you can't leave early. We'll talk another time—there are some things about your Oath Knight you must know."

Lady Spring Rain blinked in confusion, then nodded and said, "Yes, Sister Eileen, you should go rest. We'll talk another day."

Saying this, Lady Spring Rain curtsied to Eileen, who returned the courtesy haughtily, then used "teleportation" to leave the noble stand.

Phoenix Lady stared at the spot where Eileen had stood, her face twisted in a sinister smile.

Seeing this, Lady Spring Rain nervously adjusted her skirt and apologetically said to Phoenix Lady, "I am deeply sorry, Phoenix Lady."

Phoenix Lady snapped back to reality, her face gentle as she asked, "My dear Spring Rain, why do you say that?"

Lady Spring Rain bit her lip and cautiously replied, "My Oath Knight won against your Oath Knight..."

Phoenix Lady immediately burst into hearty laughter. "Spring Rain, what do you take Kiana for? You think I'd hold a grudge against you over a mere hundred thousand gold coins? Don't overthink it, my dear. Besides, Lord Rayan is also a member of the Firebird family. His battle with Imperius, no matter who wins, is ultimately an honor for our Firebird family."

Hearing Phoenix Lady consider Rayan part of the Firebird family made Lady Spring Rain feel a bit uncomfortable. Rayan clearly bore the Pisces banner. Did Phoenix Lady mean that the Pisces family also belonged to the Firebird family?

Despite her discomfort, Lady Spring Rain dared not show it on her face. She could only smile faintly.

Phoenix Lady continued, "Spring Rain, you won quite a bit of money this time, didn't you?"

Lady Spring Rain roughly estimated and then replied, "About two hundred thousand."

Phoenix Lady laughed and said, "From having nothing to suddenly having two hundred thousand, Spring Rain, you've truly become rich overnight."

Lady Spring Rain quickly said, "If it weren't for Phoenix Lady lending me money, how could I have won so much?"

Phoenix Lady asked, "Have you decided how to use the money?"

Lady Spring Rain nodded, "I have a rough idea."


Phoenix Lady asked with interest, "Is it to buy a private armed force? With a private armed force, collecting taxes would be very convenient."

"No, it's not that."

Lady Spring Rain explained, "This money belongs to Rayan. I want to use it for him—"

She suddenly remembered something and quickly asked, "Oh, right, Phoenix Lady, do you need this money? If you do, I can lend it to you first—"

Phoenix Lady shook her head with a smile. "No need, Spring Rain. You can use it as you see fit."

Lady Spring Rain said, "But a hundred thousand gold coins is not a small amount, and Sister Eileen is asking for it so urgently—"

Phoenix Lady said meaningfully, "I have my ways to get her the money. You don't need to worry about it. Alright, the arena has been cleared. We need to go down and present the War God award. Since Lord Rayan is your Oath Knight, you should come with me."

"Yes, Phoenix Lady."

Talking about the award, Lady Spring Rain finally smiled happily and followed Phoenix Lady down from the noble stand.

In the arena, the soldiers of the Young Lion Group had cleared the area, the Black-armored guards formed a neat circle, and Rayan stood coldly in the center. The Crow Sword was on his back, a fiery Phoenix Ring on his left hand, and the Pisces family banner in his right.

The audience's cheers rose and fell, but to him, it seemed as if he heard nothing. His eyes were only focused on the gracefully approaching Lady Spring Rain.