
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasi
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236 Chs

Chapter 209: Team Challenge

"I challenge all of you to a duel." Rayan scanned the Oath Knights of the Copper-edged group.

Upon hearing this, the Copper-edged Knights in the resting area looked at each other in dismay, all momentarily panicked. Ordinarily, the outnumbered party should be the one afraid, but the situation was completely reversed. The larger group was terrified.

The reason was simple—there was a significant difference in strength.

Although these Copper-edged Oath Knights were not present earlier, they had heard clearly about what happened in the arena. They didn't know exactly how powerful Rayan was, but they were sure that none of them could withstand a single move from him individually.

Perhaps, teaming up to fight Rayan together might not be a bad idea...

With this thought, they cautiously observed each other's intentions. Seeing that they were on the same page, they felt relieved.

After some murmuring, a representative stepped forward, pretending to be tough. As the saying goes, politeness costs nothing, so he first saluted Rayan grandly before solemnly saying, "Lord Rayan, this seems a bit unfair."

"It's fine," Rayan replied calmly.

"No, I mean..." The representative licked his lips, looking serious, "Your request is unfair to us. You're riding that magical horse with flaming hooves, which is very unfair to us who have rented our horses..."

The audience immediately burst into laughter. Earlier, they thought these Copper-edged Knights were quite graceful, but it turned out they were just worried about the Emerald Fire Thunder.

Rayan smiled faintly, "Alright, if you agree to fight together, I won't ride."

Emerald Fire Thunder neighed regretfully, upset that it couldn't participate. Rayan gently patted its neck, soothing it softly, "Thunder, be patient. The real fight where I need you is yet to come."

Emerald Fire Thunder snorted contentedly, pleased to be needed by its master.

Rayan shook his head helplessly, amused by the demon steed's mood swings—easier to pacify than a woman.

The Copper-edged representative, fearing Rayan might change his mind, asked again with a forced smile, "Lord Rayan, are you sure you will fight all the Copper-edged Oath Knights without your horse?"

Rayan dismounted from Emerald Fire Thunder and said lightly, "Sure."

The Copper-edged representative heaved a huge sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He turned to the Copper-edged Knights with a cunning smile, feeling victorious.

The Copper-edged Oath Knights also secretly laughed, knowing that without Emerald Fire Thunder, their burden was halved. While victory was uncertain, the chances of not losing increased significantly.

With their average Sixth Tier Battle Qi and a group of fifty, could they not make Rayan suffer a bit? Sixth Tier Battle Qi might not be high, but fifty of them together were equivalent to two standard private groups, with combined strength not inferior to an Intermediate Hero.

After his cunning smile, the Copper-edged representative turned solemnly to the judge, "Since Lord Rayan agreed, let's have the adjudicator decide on this proposal."

The audience held their breath, eyes fixed on the stern Trevor.

Trevor urged his horse forward and announced loudly, "Team challenges are allowed in the tournament, but usually, it's five versus five. A situation of one against fifty..."

A voice from the stands shouted, "We want to see it!"

The same shout quickly spread across the audience, creating a huge uproar. The nobles in the stands immediately became tense, fearing a repeat of the chaos.

Rayan turned to scan the audience, and the shouting immediately died down. The spectators both revered and feared him—they admired his abilities but feared his methods. Overall, they still wanted to see him shine in the arena.

Trevor, knowing it was unwise to go against the public will here, cleared his throat slightly and said in a deep voice, "Since both parties have no objections, I rule this proposal valid: Rayan will challenge all the Copper-edged Oath Knights alone, with the end standard to be decided."

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience erupted in enthusiastic cheers, with people starting to place bets on Rayan.

In the nobles' stands, people also breathed a sigh of relief, smiling happily. Impatient nobles even summoned servants to arrange their bets.

However, Lady Spring Rain's heart was gripped with worry. She might be the only person in the entire venue unhappy with this decision. One against fifty—it was too crazy. Could her Oath Knight ever stop making her worry?

On the field, the Copper-edged Oath Knights moved into the central area, gathering in a mass, facing the indifferent Rayan.

Rayan raised his arm and slowly extended one finger.

"What?" The Copper-edged Knight representative looked at Rayan's finger in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"One move," Rayan said lightly, "If I can't make you admit defeat in one move, I lose."

"Hahaha!" All the Copper-edged Oath Knights laughed.

The Copper-edged Knight representative raised his hand to stop the laughter behind him and said smugly, "Lord Rayan, don't blame us for not warning you. We're not the stationary Oak Frost Shield for you to blast away. Even if we can't defeat you combined, if you lose if we withstand one move, then you've already lost!"

"Heh." Rayan chuckled, "Then let's try."

This was indeed a sudden twist. The audience was stunned, and those who had bet on Rayan to win were no longer so sure, hastily withdrawing their bets and switching to the Copper-edged Knights. Only a few still held onto their bets on Rayan. For a while, Rayan's odds skyrocketed.

In the nobles' stands, nobles whispered among themselves, considering changing their bets. Marquis Hart saw an opportunity to regain face, so he cleared his throat and announced, "I bet a thousand gold coins that Rayan will lose. One against fifty, he's completely bluffing."

"I also bet Rayan will lose," Holy Light envoy Eileen said with a cold smile, "But I don't have money for now. Who can lend me a thousand gold coins?"

"I can." Phoenix Lady waved her black silk fan elegantly, smiling, "A thousand gold coins, I'll lend them to Lady Eileen."

Eileen glanced at Phoenix Lady, "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Phoenix Lady then turned to Lady Spring Rain, who was clutching her chest, "My dear Spring Rain, won't you join the fun? It's your Oath Knight down there."

"I..." Lady Spring Rain blushed, "I don't have much money..."

A thousand gold coins were a considerable sum for a pure-hearted lord like her.

"No worries, if I can lend Lady Eileen, I can lend you too." Phoenix Lady smiled, "How about two thousand gold coins?"

"What?!" Lady Spring Rain was startled, "Two thousand gold coins?"

"Otherwise, how can you show your support for your Oath Knight?" Phoenix Lady raised an eyebrow, "You're not afraid of your Oath Knight losing, are you?"

Lady Spring Rain immediately replied, "Then three thousand gold coins it is. Rayan won't lose."

"Hahaha." Phoenix Lady laughed happily, "My dear Spring Rain, you finally showed your courage, though it's for a man."

Lady Spring Rain felt slightly embarrassed, quickly changing the subject, "Madam, you're lending us money, won't you place a bet yourself?"

"How could I miss out?" Phoenix Lady said proudly, "I also bet on Lord Rayan to win. I plan to bet—ten thousand gold coins."

Her words made the surrounding nobles stretch their necks and make tutting sounds.

"Aunt, isn't ten thousand gold coins too much?" Marquis Hart said reluctantly.

Phoenix Lady ignored him. With his foolish mind, he couldn't see the logic behind this, nor consider that this was the best time to consolidate the Firebird family's prestige. She turned to her servant, "Do as I said, place bets for Lord Rayan on behalf of Lady Spring Rain and me."

The servant received the order and hurried away. Soon, ten red magic fireworks were set off above the arena. The brilliant colors illuminated the sky, forming beautiful patterns that lingered.

These magic fireworks were quite expensive, only set off when over ten thousand gold coins entered the betting pool.

Seeing the fireworks, the audience knew their chance to become rich overnight had come, and they grew even more excited. Even those who never gambled and wanted to use their handed-out gold coins to start small businesses couldn't resist, joining the betting frenzy.

A five-minute match stretched to over ten minutes just for betting. After most people had placed their bets, the battle gong finally sounded.

Rayan reached behind his shoulder and slowly drew out the pitch-black Crow Sword. The Copper-edged Oath Knights, crowded together, also drew their weapons, infusing them with Battle Qi.

Facing so many enemies, defeating them in one move was indeed a significant challenge. But Rayan disliked bland battles; he liked challenges—not challenging others, but challenging his own limits.

Since becoming a Hero Level Fighter, he hadn't used the "Blood Crow Strike." Recently, he had been reflecting on the shortcomings of this group attack move. Through many meditations, he gained a deeper understanding of Blood Crow Strike. Now, it was time to test his new insights on these second-rate opponents.

With a thought, orange Battle Qi enveloped the broad blade of the Crow Sword, followed by the sharp power of the sword gang. Inner and outer forces intertwined perfectly, and a blood shadow slowly formed at the sword tip—