
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasi
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236 Chs

Chapter 206: A Gold Coin

In a place like this, it was clearly unwise to have a conflict with Trevor. Besides, Rayan's intention was merely to scare the audience and bring the chaotic situation back on track. He had no intention of hurting the audience or provoking Trevor's law enforcement.

However, Trevor was someone who couldn't be easily stopped, especially by someone he had always considered a friend. This made Rayan even more furious, pouring all his anger into the heavy Crow Sword in his hand.

Trevor felt an overwhelming pressure bearing down on him. This force contained Battle Qi and sword gang power, with a faint hint of imperial intimidation. Although it seemed a bit immature, it was still heavy enough for Trevor to struggle to support with one arm.

The black armored warhorse beneath Trevor also seemed unable to withstand this pressure, its four hooves trembling as if stuck in a quagmire.

With Trevor's strength, he could defeat Rayan. However, he had just recovered from severe internal injuries, and his Battle Qi was still weak. Even if his body were in peak condition, he wouldn't really treat Rayan as a criminal and engage in a fierce battle with him. He just wanted to stop Rayan from making an irreparable mistake.

In his eyes, Rayan was smart and brave, capable of great things, but also cold, unruly, and reckless. In this sense, Rayan was still immature and needed much training on his path to growth. As a friend, Trevor's role was to restrain Rayan's murderous intent while he was still immature.

This was also his way of being a friend—not to flatter Rayan, but to help correct him.

Therefore, despite his unhealed injuries, Trevor mustered a surge of Battle Qi, shouted loudly, and waved a red spear flower with his left hand. The obsidian sword and the flaming long spear simultaneously blocked Rayan's Crow Sword.

Rayan paused, finally noticing that Trevor had a spear in his hand, which was clearly Imperius's famous weapon.

Taking advantage of Rayan's pause, Trevor forcefully pushed away Rayan's Crow Sword, making an inevitable attack disappear.

After Trevor deflected the Crow Sword, Rayan's anger dissipated. He quickly understood that Trevor wasn't here to confront him but to help clean up the mess, even at the risk of re-injury.

He smiled faintly, "Lord Trevor, when did you start using a spear?"

The rigid lines on Trevor's face relaxed, "Oh, Lord Imperius lost a bet to me."

Rayan sheathed the Crow Sword, "Let me guess, he bet I would lose, and you bet I would win?"

"That's right."

Trevor nodded, "In fact, this spear also has some of your merits."

"Then find a chance to sell it, and use the money to buy me a drink."

"I was just thinking the same. Although this spear is good, it probably won't fetch a high price. Maybe I should add ten or eight attributes to it first..."

The two chatted as if nothing had happened.

The terrified audience finally breathed a sigh of relief, but those in the second section of the stands still didn't dare return to their seats. It wasn't until Rayan smiled and sheathed the Crow Sword, no longer targeting them, that they obediently returned to their seats, not daring to breathe loudly.

Seeing the commotion dissipate so easily, the nobles in the stands finally calmed down.

Marquis Hart was indignant, "These mobs should all be killed, and Trevor should arrest Rayan for demolishing the stands—"


A loud slap landed on Marquis Hart's face. He covered his face, staring in shock at his aunt, Phoenix Lady, with full of grievance, "Phoenix Lady, why did you do that?"

Phoenix Lady said coldly, "Watch your mouth, Marquis Hart. Your words just now almost got all the nobles into trouble, and you still dare to talk nonsense here? I slapped you so that everyone wouldn't hate you so much. If you remain stubborn, I won't care about you anymore."

Marquis Hart's lips trembled, his mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't utter a single word.

Phoenix Lady ignored him, composed herself, and walked to the front of the noble stand with a sincere smile, "Dear guests, please remain calm. The tournament is about to start! To make up for our earlier mistake and the loss it caused the audience, I, on behalf of the Firebird family, will distribute food to each of you, and additionally give each person a gold coin!"

"Wow!" The audience in the stands exclaimed.

Distributing food was a regular process, and some spectators hadn't eaten since yesterday, waiting for the free food and drink at the tournament. But no one expected that this time they wouldn't just get free food and drink, but also a gold coin!

Many people had never touched a gold coin in their lifetime!

The audience's emotions went from anger to fear, then to ecstasy, their hearts reaching the limit of what they could bear. They all stood up, trying to keep their enthusiasm within a range that wouldn't anger the "villain" Rayan, shouting slogans like "Long live the Firebird family" and "Long live Phoenix Lady."

In the noble stands, Eileen said sarcastically, "Phoenix Lady is truly impressive. Although Lord Rayan controlled the situation, it was actually you, Phoenix Lady, who saved the day. Just over ten thousand gold coins made those irritable commoners immediately support the Firebird family—brilliant, brilliant."

Phoenix Lady waved her black silk fan, smiling, "Where, where, Lady Eileen overpraises me. Compared to Lady Eileen, my little skills are nothing. Lady Eileen can maintain her virginity for so long, truly a faithful follower of the Holy Light. The Holy Light will surely bless Lady Eileen."

Knowing she couldn't win a verbal battle with Phoenix Lady, Eileen stopped talking, staring sternly at the arena.

Phoenix Lady also didn't bother with her, signaling the Firebird servant to start distributing food and gold coins, while continuing to announce, "Next, let the patriarchs of the ten king's group Oath Knights come down and bless their respective Oath Knights."

Several patriarchs in the noble stands immediately stood up, smiling and walking towards the dragon-patterned stairs at the front of the stands.

Marquis Hart also stood up, but considering he had just been slapped by Phoenix Lady and the red mark hadn't faded, plus he had no connection with Imperius, he awkwardly sat back down.

"Aunt, why don't you go on my behalf."

Phoenix Lady ignored him, walked straight to Lady Spring Rain, took her arm, and said softly, "My dear Spring Rain, the situation is still unstable. I don't feel safe with you going down personally. Why don't you give me your token? After all, we are family. I can bless Lord Imperius and also convey your blessings to Lord Rayan."

Spring Rain hesitated, biting her lip. She wanted to say that no matter how dangerous, her Oath Knight would protect her, but she feared that saying so would lead to misunderstandings about her relationship with Rayan. After all, she was a widow. This thought drained her of confidence and courage.

She nodded with difficulty, biting her lip and taking out a white silk handkerchief from her sleeve, handing it to Phoenix Lady, and said softly, "Madam, please tell Lord Rayan that I...hope he stays safe."


Phoenix Lady raised an eyebrow with interest, "Shouldn't blessings be about striving for first place? Why wish for safety?"

Lady Spring Rain said firmly, "Just safety. Winning isn't important."

"But you don't know that victory is very important to him."

Phoenix Lady chuckled, ruffling Spring Rain's hair, "Alright, just sit here and watch. I'll convey your message word for word."

After speaking, she elegantly swished her skirt and walked down.

In the arena, the other nine king's group Oath Knights had already recovered from the fright of Emerald Fire Thunder, lining up in the center of the arena, waiting for their patriarchs' blessings with tokens.

Imperius, being the strongest of the nine, was supposed to be at the front. But he tapped his horse's flank, guiding it to Black Armor Commander Trevor.

Trevor had finished talking with Rayan and was sternly watching the scene. He knew why Imperius was here but pretended not to notice.

"Lord Trevor..." Imperius cleared his throat, his tone evidently nervous.

Trevor turned to him in surprise, "Lord Imperius, shouldn't you be in the center of the arena? Look, even Lord Rayan is already in position."

Imperius glanced over and saw Rayan sitting alone on Emerald Fire Thunder at the front of the line, with the other Oath Knights far behind.

"If you don't hurry, you might lose the first position," Trevor reminded.

Imperius knew this, but his weapon was in Trevor's hand, and going for the blessing empty-handed was unthinkable. His mouth twisted into a bitter smile, "First place? Even if I wanted to, I couldn't."

His words hinted at more than just the loss of his weapon dampening his spirits.

Trevor raised an eyebrow, "What, did Phoenix Lady tell you to lose?"

Right on target. Imperius opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to say something, but ultimately sighed.

Trevor said seriously, "Lord Imperius, if that's the case, you can bring it up to me as the adjudicator. I'll help you get your rightful chance."


Imperius shook his head decisively, "Lord Trevor, I haven't said anything. My win or loss has nothing to do with Phoenix Lady. I..."

His old face turned red, veins bulging on his hand gripping the reins. "Could you... ahem!"