
Veil of Light and Shadow

In the desolate and enigmatic lands of Shadowcrest Ridge, encircled by curses and plagued with greed and violence, emerges Rayan, a bounty hunter laden with a clandestine mission and armed with the legendary Twilight Blade. His audacious journey through Shadowcrest Ridge is fraught with peril and challenges, pushing him to the brink of his limits. As Rayan ventures deeper, the enigmas of his lineage, the profound secrets of the Twilight Blade, and the astounding conspiracies of the dominions within Auroria Continent slowly unravel. Who are the harbingers of light, and who are the emissaries of darkness? The veil between light and shadow shall ultimately be lifted.

long_yang · Fantasi
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236 Chs

Chapter 182: Snatching the Prey

Rayan's arrogant attitude towards Phoenix Lady truly made Lady Spring Rain sweat. She did not know what had happened between Rayan and Phoenix Lady, only that by Rayan's true identity, speaking such disrespectful words to Phoenix Lady was practically suicide. Yet, she could not help in the moment and could only covertly give Rayan eye signals.

Trevor also seemed surprised; he had not expected that Rayan, when faced with the country's most powerful woman's goodwill, would not appreciate it at all.

Among them, Marquis Hart was the most smug. He thought Phoenix Lady would definitely be furious and then use the entire country's power to teach Rayan a lesson, at which point, he thought—hmph.

But Phoenix Lady just smiled lightly. She had long seen Rayan's wild arrogance, and although it was slightly embarrassing in front of Spring Rain, Trevor, and her foolish nephew, she was never one to care for face. As long as she could achieve her goals, she could find a way out for herself.

She pretended not to hear Rayan's "If you don't like it, leave" comment, and gracefully took a seat opposite Rayan. "I still want to try Lord Rayan's wine."

At this point, if Rayan still refused, it would only make him appear petty. Besides, he only disliked Phoenix Lady's licentious desires, not her clever wit.

Rayan pushed his wine glass towards Phoenix Lady, who did not play coy and picked up the glass, sipping lightly.

"It really doesn't taste that good."

Phoenix Lady pursed her lips and put down the glass, "I didn't expect that, the same Royal Grin from the palace, tastes completely different in such a setting. No wonder Lord Rayan is upset."

This clever woman seemed to be making excuses for Rayan's behavior, but in reality, she was giving herself a big step down. With just a few words, she appeared both gentle and respectful, whereas Rayan seemed to lack grace, as if just because the wine was bad, he was dissatisfied with the host.

Of course, Rayan knew that was not the case at all, but he did not argue. Firstly, he did not deign to argue; secondly, arguing with such an ulterior-motivated woman would only worsen his mood. He silently refilled the wine glass Phoenix Lady hadn't finished and drank it in front of her.

The flavor of the Royal Grin had slightly changed. The cup retained a hint of orchid fragrance, enriching the aroma of the liquor; the exquisite wine felt like a beauty's tongue dancing between the teeth. He glimpsed Phoenix Lady's smiling eyes, and unwanted images flashed through his mind—

He quickly swallowed the wine, clearing his mind of desires. "Phoenix Lady, you surely didn't come just to watch me drink, did you?"

"Of course not."

A smile spread on Phoenix Lady's lips, the feeling of watching prey step into her trap gradually showing in her phoenix eyes. "Lord Rayan, I came specifically to thank you for your birthday gift, and besides thanking you, I also wanted to ask if there's any way I, Kiana, can help."

Her words were watertight; those unaware wouldn't notice anything amiss, but Rayan understood—Phoenix Lady was deliberately tempting him to speak about the tournament. Once he mentioned it, this cunning woman could smoothly make him her Oath Knight and bind him with an oath to make him...

Thinking of this, a cold smile appeared on Rayan's stern face. He had felt that Phoenix Lady wouldn't easily do him any favors, and now it proved true.

This woman, so clever that she could make any man feel inferior, had in just a few words forced the Holy Light envoy Eileen to publicly slap the Redwood patriarch, and had them expelled from the banquet. At the time, Rayan hadn't anticipated that this was not only Phoenix Lady's revenge but also the beginning of her hunt for him.

The Redwood patriarch and the Holy Light envoy were not only Phoenix Lady's overt and covert enemies but could also be Rayan's potential allies. If Phoenix Lady had directly asked Rayan to become her Oath Knight then, the Redwood patriarch and the Holy Light envoy would surely have opposed it, and might even have competed for him. But Phoenix Lady had strategized step by step, first eliminating the threats before dealing with Rayan—however, she overlooked one issue:

The person snatching the "prey" wasn't just Redwood.

"Since Phoenix Lady said so, I indeed have an unusual request."

Rayan's expression remained cold, but his tone was much milder, as he actively poured a glass of Royal Grin for Phoenix Lady and pushed it towards her.

Phoenix Lady's lips immediately revealed two hard-to-hide dimples, her willowy eyebrows slightly raised, "Oh? Lord Rayan, feel free to speak."

She wasn't in a hurry to drink the wine Rayan poured but eagerly wanted to hear Rayan's request, like waiting for the prey to step into the trap—the wine, naturally, was to be saved for celebrating.

Rayan then said: "It's a major matter, I'm afraid it will certainly be opposed by others, so I'd like you to agree first. Only if Phoenix Lady agrees first, others won't dare to oppose when I make my request."

"Oh, Kiana is just an ordinary Gold-edged noble, nameless and partless, where do I have such influence to make others not dare to oppose?"

While speaking, Phoenix Lady's delicate, pale fingers circled the rim of the glass, disguising her impatience.

Rayan bluntly stated: "If Phoenix Lady can't agree, then there's no need for me to speak."

Phoenix Lady's spinning fingers suddenly stopped; she looked at Rayan, as if watching a wild beast stop just a step away from a trap, quickly adjusted her impatient mood, and smilingly said to Rayan: "Technically, I don't have such influence, but since Lord Rayan is a distinguished guest from afar, then I'll agree first. Lord Rayan, please feel at ease to speak."

She thought, as long as she could get Rayan to talk about participating in the tournament, she could hold Rayan in the palm of her hand. Agreeing prematurely might seem reckless and not fit her usually cautious style, but with the prize so close, she saw no reason not to agree—

Rayan's stern lips revealed a full smile: "I want Phoenix Lady to be my witness."


Phoenix Lady's eyelids twitched, and her smile froze on her face. This was completely different from her plan. In her plan, it was supposed to be three birds with one stone—publicly humiliating the Redwood patriarch and the Holy Light envoy Eileen, consolidating the Firebird family's position, and making Rayan her personal Oath Knight for her amusement—

According to her expectation, Rayan was supposed to beg her to turn a blind eye, to participate in the tournament, then she could take the opportunity to make him her close Oath Knight—

What a perfect plan! Yet Rayan, at the crucial moment, did not bring up participating in the tournament, but instead asked her to be a witness?

"What kind of witness?" Phoenix Lady's lips trembled, she subconsciously covered her lips with the glass.

"I want to be her Oath Knight."

Rayan pointed to Lady Spring Rain nearby: "Please, Phoenix Lady, witness the oath between us."

Phoenix Lady felt dizzy all of a sudden, the glass full of exquisite wine slipped from her fingertips, immediately soaking her skirt.

Lady Spring Rain quickly stepped forward, pulled out a handkerchief, and bent down to help her wipe. "Are you alright, madam?"

Phoenix Lady had never been so discomposed. She felt her fingers trembling, half from embarrassment and half from anger. She glanced at the earnest Lady Spring Rain wiping for her, saw her young face, slender neck, and the barely concealed full chest, the deep cleavage…

A strong jealousy spread in her heart, like thorns growing within her body. Thinking that after she had painstakingly hunted, the prey, after toying with her, had voluntarily jumped into another woman's arms, she felt suffocated.

"I'm fine." She almost pushed Lady Spring Rain away.

Lady Spring Rain paused, not understanding why Phoenix Lady would treat her this way. But she still handed the silk handkerchief to Phoenix Lady, saying with concern: "Madam, please use this."

Phoenix Lady also realized her behavior had been a bit too revealing, so she immediately put on a feigned smile, taking the handkerchief from Spring Rain, "Thank you, Spring Rain, my dearest."

Lady Spring Rain breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that madam is fine."

Phoenix Lady turned her gaze back to Rayan's cold face, "Lord Rayan, I didn't hear your request clearly just now, could you repeat it?"

Her gaze carried a venomous resentment, and her tone was as if a snake was spitting its venom, but Rayan was not intimidated, calmly replying: "Please, Phoenix Lady, be a witness, I want to become Lady Spring Rain's Oath Knight—and you have already agreed."

The surrounding guests' gazes all focused on Phoenix Lady's expressionless face. She was always an expressive woman, a woman cherished by the Lion King, her smile could bring the dawn, her frown could bring the nightfall, but now, her face was as if wearing an ice sculpture mask, pale and stiff, and possibly crumbling at any moment.

"Lord Rayan, I am very willing to help you, but this matter, seems a bit unconventional, perhaps not something Kiana can decide alone."

Phoenix Lady raised an eyebrow, struggling to suppress her urge to take a deep breath, spoke with a voice as gentle as water: "As far as I know, you are a Gold-edged noble, and Lady Spring Rain is a Silver-edged noble. It has always been lower-status nobles serving as Oath Knights for higher-status nobles, where does the rule come from for a Gold-edged noble to serve as a Silver-edged noble's Oath Knight?"

To prove her point, she feigned a smile, lifting her eyes to scan the surrounding guests, full of anticipation, she asked: "Does anyone have any objections?"