
Veil of existence (BLEACH)

A being that has no where else to go other that ascent. Lost everything, even part of himself so he started to build again. Someone once said “if you want to write a story worth reading, you must write it for the audience of one, yourself.” so this is his story, long before his reincarnation. first world is BLEACH ______________________________________________________________ Consider to support me as patrons on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/deansama

DanteSama · Komik
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76 Chs

Chapter 9 (Edited)

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I put a few seals in his body that help him as the seals send his spiritual pressure inward so.

One: no one can feel his spiritual pressure when he activated his seal.

Two: With every passing second, his body tempered and became stronger and maybe after a few hundred years he could enter a solid stage.

Kenji was an orphan as someday a young woman from the Shiba clan would take him in to the clan.

She then feeds him, protects him and shelters him in the clan.

But someday a group of thugs came after them but she put her body as a shield and protected him and died trying to protect him with him in her arms and blood everywhere, as they thought that they killed both of them but he was alive and after that ordeal he vow to protect her clan to the last breath.

Therefore, after helping Kenji become stronger and helping my clan, he again vows to serve me, as he is too powerful to protect, so from that day on I have a personal shadow that is with me everywhere.

Dante: "Kenji what do you think about future plan for the clan."

Kenji: "I am not very good with planning but great elder Sama, the clan could helping you with the plan even weakest clan member is stronger than thus enforcer thugs working for central 46."

Dante: "oh, first the all how many times I have to can me by my name, and second you are right, so after seeing clan head tell him to start recruiting for branch clan.

I will start five permanent housing at outskirt district and start the seal and bury the last blood diamond at center and kick start seal charging and activating after seven days."

It past five years since the Shiba clan start to reemerge in the soul city again.

After news about the shiba clan circulation in the soul city every one that knows how to fight in some way, start to come after their head for the bounty that Tsunayashiro Clan with help of central 46 put on them.

However, after just one encounter with a great elder of the Shiba clan, everybody in the soul city could feel his monstrosity of spiritual pressure.

The pressure was suffocating them but the one that actually saw his benevolent smile, their hair started to wither and they aged thousand years in that moment alone but they couldn't look away because to them it was the most beautiful thing that they saw.

After that moment all, the assailant died with natural causes and the pressure like the way it's come, it goes as it was nothing but an illusion.

Everyone could feel that through that pulse of pressure change something in them.

The really of it, it was a signal for activation of the citywide seal that marks all the soul in the soul city.

After feeling that spiritual pressure, Tsunayashiro Clan knew that deepest fear came true to hunt them to the last one.

The Shiba clan will come after them for revenge and seeing their behaviors few powerful people that support Tsunayashiro Clan redraws theirs.

Tsunayashiro Clan head and his family go to hiding and after five months Tsunayashiro Clan become really desperate and sell all their position so they could add money for increasing bounty on shiba clan great elder's head.

But still, nobody goes after that bounty no matter how much they increase that bounty.

From anxiety and lack of rest, they start to become crazy and become very forgetful and in that time I with my radar skill and my senses send Kenji to collect the bounty and so he did and after he takes all that money, he just leaves and no body say anything to him because they forget that the money was theirs in the first place.

With that money, which was around one third of all Tsunayashiro Clan possession.

The Shiba clan started with expansion of its branch clan to around 50,000 clan members in the first ten year and to 100,000 clan members in 100 years.

After that and they stop expanding their clan with the money they have, shiba clan build an orphanage in every single district.

Helping the orphan kids in the city and after grooming them the Shiba clan made them an offer for recruitment in armed guard, industry and research.

Central 46 after taking politics of waiting and seeing couldn't be seen as passive any more so they financed a powerful person with the name of Genryu Yamamoto who was one of best warriors with an immersing spiritual power that could burned everything to ashes.

Seeing that when the population of the shiba clan reaches 100,000 they stop expanding they know it was all part of the shiba clan great elder plan so they come to Yamamoto with their problem and offer.

But Yamamoto tells them that the military forces that they have didn't have any chain of command and didn't have discipline or any training, so he wants to start an academy and train military forces for the government, with no choice they accept and soul society born with the opening of Shin'o Academy.

After coming to soul city, I became aware my fundamental problem that I see every day as there was part of my soul is missing, I was not become a normal human any more.

Maybe I was more but maybe I was less.

Not less in power but in my viewpoint. It was like someone in the world black and white and I forget about color so I never question why there is only black and white.

For becoming whole again, I must know if something missing and if yes then I have to find out what I was missing, and after I had question it then come up with the plan to how become a perfection again.

And there where I knew something was missing but what it was, I didn't know, all I could think of was, it was like part of me that makes me human in the core, like being faulty as all human are and they know and they say "I am only a human" but this is not it.

I lost that part of me before I gained power so to find what I am missing.

I came up with a plan that is living amongst the soul with similar problems.

They could help me so I started living with my clan.

Learning different crafts with Shiba clan members and me became very busy.

In next 150 years and with the help of my enhanced memory and comprehension and brainpower, I mastered calligraphy and expanded my seal to writing seal.

So, the lifespan of seals extended to thousands of years.

I master carpentry and then master wood carving also build myself a chair throne like and engraved cluster of enochian (angelic language) seal with three gems at the head, blood, ebony, ivory diamond from my own blood and demonic and angelic power that connected to me even when I am not sitting on it. to be continued.


The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to the assault like swarming ants, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town still remains untaken. Such are the disastrous effects of a siege.

Therefore, the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.

With his forces intact he will dispute the mastery of the Empire, and thus, without losing a man, his triumph will be complete.

This is the method of attacking by stratagem.

It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two.

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