
Chapter 45: One Big Motherpucker


Our first practice with the new guys. Viktor is as intimidating a physical presence as he's always been, and some of our younger guys are clearly in awe of the big man.

Mikhail goes right up against him and gets shut down quickly. Viktor’s an enforcer, and there's a reason the Crush wanted him on the team. Mikhail, cocky as always, just keeps trying, getting more and more angry with every check against the boards. He finally throws off his helmet and spews his frustration at Viktor in Russian. Viktor, for his part, looks bored. He's certainly heard worse.

"That is one big motherfucker..." Evan says as we watch the whole exchange go down.

"Shouldn't you be stopping them from coming to blows instead of commenting on the guy's size there, Captain Crush?"

"I'm just saying..."

"Sure, he is big, but he looks worse against Mikhail."

"True," Evan agrees. "All right, let me get in there between this little spat."