
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
130 Chs

Chapter 74 Right after My name Jeff

A/N: Ok, so it looks like a lot of you people want MC to just do what he wants without holding back. I'll try my best to do this.


When will MC leave the MHA world? I was planning for MC to leave after catching up with the manga because I want there to be some giant robot fight with Gigantomachia. But I can also leave after the Overhaul arc. Or after the school festival arc.

I don't know, let me know what you think!



Next Day.

Ugh… my head fucking hurts… what happened…?

I wake up in a bed with a massive headache. Fragmented memories of my life slowly recovered.

Arata- "I got dead drunk… not. Damn."

I was hoping I got smashed last night and lose my virginity… oh wait, I already did that. Then all is well!

I look around to see a surprisingly familiar and nostalgic scene.

Arata- "A familiar ceiling…"

It's completely white everywhere. The room is white. The curtains are white. The bed is white.

Arata- "… It's a hospital isn't it…?"

Reminds me of the day I first reincarnated. That fucker of a ROB shoved a bunch of memories into my physically underdeveloped brain and caused me to faint. I ended up waking back up in a hospital. Good times…

Right… I reincarnated… My Hero Academia? Yeah, that's right. I got some wishes… Momo… Nejire too…


Right. Rumi. But something's wrong… did something happen?

Think… think…

Slowly but surely the mental construction that houses my mental capabilities is getting reconstructed by the chibi me's in my head. How they have cranes, bulldozers and shit is beyond me and honestly, I don't want to ask.

Every time a 'brick' gets placed more of my memories come back. But it wasn't until several minutes later when an image resurfaces in my mind.

My heart felt like it skipped a beat. Rumi's figure lying down on the ground as if she were dead almost made me destroy the building with [Vector Manipulation].

[Gamer's Mind has taken effect]

But as soon as that notification popped up my raging emotions disappeared and I began to think clearly. No, rather than disappeared, they just became unable to affect my thinking process.

Which was good, because I don't think I would've been able to explain fucking obliterating the whole building and potentially hurting anyone inside. Thankfully the [Gamer's Mind] skill is completely back in working order.

But as I began to frantically look for her, another memory resurfaces.

All Might shielding Rumi from All for One. After that, slowly, more and more memories from that night resurface in my mind. The fight with All for One. Rumi's arrival. All for One's 'this isn't even my final form' moment, and our near defeat.

But I won. Because of this.


This skill popped up on my skill list. While I was in an 'Awakened state', I became able to use magic. Furthermore, I felt much stronger than before, along with my skills. I think I can safely assume it's some kind of buff skill.

However, it's dangerous. Keeping it active for too long will completely erase my sense of self, so I should keep this sealed. At least until my INT and WIS stats reach 50k each. That's just an estimate. And who knows, maybe something will happen that will allow me to use it much sooner. Maybe.

Speaking of skills…

Arata- "Status."

[Name: Arata Daishin

Occupation: The Gamer

Level: LV 82 Next Level: 01.18%

HP: 9,000/9,000

Mental: 112,020/112,020

Mana: ???/???

STR: 92

VIT: 90

DEX: 180

INT: 11,202 (5601)

WIS: 11,202 (5601)

LUK: 318

Stat Points: 60

Money: $112,937,365,856


Space: 100

Time: 100

Celestial: 10


Gamer's Mind LV MAX

Gamer's Body LV MAX

Existence Lost LV MAX

Physical Endurance LV 83

Unarmed Mastery LV 91

Parallel Processing LV MAX

Cooking LV 75

Sixth Sense LV 60

Poker Face LV 19


Esper: Vector Manipulation LV MAX

Kaleidoscope LV MAX

Quirk: Self Reprogramming LV 93

Observation LV MAX

Create ID LV 35

Escape ID LV 35

Perpetual Meditation LV 31

Limited Creation LV 36

Lucky Draw LV ???

Awakening LV 10]

I levelled up 6 levels. I guess beating the shit out of All for One should do that huh…

Awakening is already at LV 10. Must be an easy skill to grind. Then and again, it's not like I can use it often with the mess my mental state ended up in after using it just once, so I guess the quick levelling speed is compensation. I mean seriously, I used it for less than 5 minutes and my memories are in a mess.

Maybe as the level goes up, the slower the mental corrosion affects me? I don't know, I'll have to wait and see.

As for my new affinity… "Celestial". I don't know what to think. What, am I, half-angel now? I hope not. Maybe it's just what it says it is, an affinity. But I doubt regular humans can have this affinity. Hmm… maybe…

[Awakening LV 10 (Conditional Activation)

A skill that will bestow the user with angelic powers and characteristics. It allows the usage of both magic and esper abilities simultaneously while boosting their effectiveness. This skill can only be activated after a strong mental shock is delivered to the user.

Connection to @%@$#!% &@C0^&@ has been established and used as an awakening catalyst.

Effect: Use of magic is allowed.

Effect: Esper and Magic skills will be improved.

Effect: Degradation of sense of self. The effect will be removed upon the user reaching a satisfactory level in mental capabilities.]

Angelic powers and characteristics. That must be where the wings came from. But man, I didn't use this skill to its full potential. If [Vector Manipulation] and [Kaleidoscope] was improved I could've done so many more things.

*Sigh* Too late to regret, unfortunately.

Thankfully the effect that my sense of self will be erased can be removed. It must be something like how Accelerator can reach Level 6 and be fine but once Misaka Mikoto was forcefully upgraded into Level 6 she couldn't control herself.

But still, 'can only be activated after a strong mental shock is delivered to the user', huh. Is this why it felt like &%^%^ doesn't mean any harm when it suppressed [Gamer's Mind]? Because of the way I see it, I was only able to feel that mental shock only because my emotions were less in control.

Furthermore, there's even more corrupted text. @%@$#!% &@C0^&@? The hell is that? If I remember correctly, Awakening is supposed to be establishing a connection to 'something', resulting in the inheritance of those 'angelic properties'. But because that 'something' doesn't exist in this world, [Kaleidoscope] activated and connected me with something else as a substitute.

At least, that's what I assume to have happened. I'm not sure, I never read the novel and only read the wiki out of curiosity. It doesn't get explained well.

Yare yare daze. I only just woke up and a lot of things are just waiting for me to get shocked over.


The door to my room slid open as the people on the other side enter.

Izuku- "A-Arata! You're awake!"

Eijiro- "Already!?"

Tenya- "Arata! You were too reckless! What were you doing there!?"

Shoto and Momo are there as well, but Shoto was never a man of words and Momo is covering her mouth while trying to hold back her tears that threatened to leak out due to relief.

I mean, I don't blame any of them for their surprise. My body was totally wrecked from the fight and I honestly wasn't any better than Rumi. As of right now, my body is, quite literally, covered head-to-toe in bandages. Only my black eyes and white hair are revealed. Speaking of which…

Arata- "The hero that was with me, Mirko, how is she?"

Only Momo knows about my relationship with her after all, I have to pretend like I don't personally know her.

Izuku- "Oh, she's recovering in a medicare pod."

Then that's good. I quickly told Jarvis to ignore the costs and just focus on her recovery.

Shoto- "As for All Might-"

Arata- "Ah you don't need to say anything. He's fine. I know."

Eijiro- "Eh?"

I mean, it's All Might after all. His stomach was gouged out and he still lived, he can survive a few stabs.

Tenya- "Arata… All Might… he's dead."



A/N: I hope I got the Awakening skill right. I havent read the novel and the only knowledge I have on it is from the wiki. If I missed something or made a mistake, dont hesitate to comment.

MC: It makes sense to me...

AN: Maybe. I'm already making it a bit different by changing the 'catalyst'. Im not sure if that's the right word...

MC: Yeah, Awakening is supposed to be done by making a connection to 'something', not sure what. An 'Aeon' apparently? Kaleidoscope activated and changed the connection to something else though.

AN: Whether that's good or bad, who knows. We'll have to wait and see.

MC: Still, my INT and WIS stats also grew a lot within a few days.

AN: Awakening can even permanently boost stats? Hmm...

Let me know if I missed something!

Also consider dropping power stones! You get a free one daily!