
Vaughn's enterprise

_steph_anie20 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter 25

Ailin's POV

7:26 am

I was watching a movie more like staring at the screen when my phone notification sound went off.

I unlocked my phone and tapped on the message.

'Can we talk , im not taking no for an answer-A'.

Funny because just yesterday he totally ignored me and told me he doesn't make friends so why does he want to talk.

I typed in a quick no and dropped my phone back on the couch. After a few seconds my phone rang, i guess he is persistent then.

I picked up the call and his voice came up.

"Hey" he said.

"What do you want Vaughn" i sighed.

"So your back to calling me that " he said.

"Only friends call you Ajax right" i snorted.

"No one calls me Ajax." "Look im sorry okay " he sighed.

"You cant just disappear and come back telling me your sorry" i said.

"Can I come over ,I promise I'd explain everything" he sighed.

"Sure see you in 10 " i said then the line went dead.

In less than ten minutes the bell rang , i sighed as i dragged myself to the door and opened it . He came in and walked pass me not missing the smile he sent my way.

I shut the door and went to take a seat beside him.

"Im sorry okay but its more complicated that it seems" he said after taking in a deep breath.

"You know you can tell me anything right" i said taking his hands in mine.

"Its not that simple" he said in barely a whisper.

"Try me" i said giving him a genuine smile.

"My sister-...i got a call from my dad the other day and he said my sister wont make it. I had to rush out to go see her but by the time i got there , she was gone , fire was everywhere . I was this close in getting her to become the CEO of that company. Worst part dad doesn't care because she wasn't the heir to the company" he said said staring into thin air like he is visualizing the moment over again.

"Im sorry for your loss " i said sincerely.

"I just couldn't bare the pain, so I ditched school for two days , i didn't have the mind to face you after leaving you without an explanation" he said.

"I feel you" i said embracing him with a hug.


"Idiot" he muttered as he sat crisscrossed on the floor and laid his head backwards on the couch.

"Hey why did you call me that"

"Cause that's what you are" he said as his eyes flickered close .

"I know you are giving me that face but it won't work 'cause my eyes are closed"he chuckled.

"I could make your eyes open"

"I dare you" he said as all trails of humour vanished from his face.

His phone rang beside me, i looked at him expectantly waiting for his eyes to shoot open but it never did.

"You phone is ringing" I said glancing at him.

"I know that" he said in a duh tone

"Its your dad" i said stretching my hands out so he could collect it.

He groaned as he took the phone and picked the call before it could end.

At least that got him to open up his eyes.

"Okay dad" he said with an eye roll. He ended the call and walked out my front door.

After a few seconds a knock was heard on my front door , please let it not be lya.

"Hey sorry duty calls" he said as he placed his lips on my forehead .

"Sure get outta here" i said pushing him towards my driveway. He turned around jogging towards his car and drove off.

I got into the house shutting the front door, i guess ill be watching a movie alone then .

When i got to the sitting room, my notification sound went off. I picked up the phone and smiled as i read the text.

'Sorry to cut the day short I'll make it up to you~A'

I couldn't help the smiled that etched on my face as i unpaused the movie.