
Vancouver Whispers of Love

"You were my everything, my today, and tomorrows. How did it all become yesterday? I miss you so much, Alex." Ryan whispered. In Vancouver, Alex's life changes when he meets Ryan. Their story explores love, cultural differences, and personal growth in the city of Vancouver. This isn't your typical tale—it's a journey through the complexities of relationships, family, and friendship in a vivid setting.

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31 Chs

I want a man

"In that moment when our eyes first intertwined,

I stumbled into love, lost and undefined."


"I want to have a man."

"A man who can navigate through my family dinners like a ninja, effortlessly switching between Mandarin and English, dodging my mother's matchmaking attempts, and surviving the chaos that is our family restaurant."

"Is that too much to ask?"

Meet Alex Chen, your not-so-typical university student with a knack for turning everyday life into a comedic drama. Balancing textbooks and takeout menus, Alex, the 21-year-old Business major with a focus on International Relations, had a checklist for his ideal man. Little did he know, fate had its own sense of humor.

For Alex, life was a balancing act between his studies, part-time work at the family restaurant, and pursuing his passion for photography. The Chen family restaurant, nestled in one of Vancouver's vibrant neighborhoods, was a testament to the fusion of tradition and modernity. It was where Alex had spent countless hours, not just serving meals, but immersing himself in the rich tapestry of his Chinese heritage.

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chen, had migrated to Canada when Alex was a child, bringing with them the flavors of their homeland. The restaurant, now a local gem, became a haven for those seeking authentic Chinese cuisine. Yet, beneath the bustling exterior, there lay a world of familial expectations and cultural traditions that shaped Alex's daily life.

"But, I don't want a man who adds more chaos to my life. I mean, between studying for exams, working part-time at our family restaurant, and attempting to have a social life – who has time for love? Plus, have you seen my schedule? It's like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded."

As much as Alex dreamed of romance, he found himself buried under a mountain of responsibilities. Doubts crept in – was he too busy for love, or was love just too busy for him? 


One ordinary day at the University of British Columbia, amidst the swirling sea of students, textbooks, and the occasional rogue skateboard, Alex collided with destiny. 

Well, more like collided with a 6-foot-something, well-dressed stranger who appeared out of nowhere. If there were ever a time for slow-motion replays, this would have been it.

"I swear, the guy had charisma raining down on him like confetti at a New Year's Eve party. And there I was, tangled up in my backpack straps, trying to make a graceful recovery. "

With disheveled hair and a sheepish grin, Alex managed to regain his composure. The stranger, who seemed as amused as fate itself, extended a helping hand.

"Hope you don't mind a little collision in your schedule," The man said with a chuckle.

The mysterious stranger's departure left Alex standing there, a mix of confusion and curiosity etched on his face. He watched as the enigmatic figure melted into the crowd, leaving behind a lingering sense of intrigue. As fate would have it, Alex found himself captivated, unable to shake off the magnetic pull of the encounter.

"Who was that guy?" Alex mumbled to himself, adjusting his backpack as he tried to make sense of the unexpected collision. His gaze lingered on the direction the stranger had disappeared, contemplating whether this was just a quirky twist in the plot of his life.

Days turned into nights, and Alex couldn't shake the memory of the stranger with charisma raining down like confetti. 

Between lectures, shifts at the family restaurant, and the occasional coffee-fueled study session, thoughts of the encounter lingered in the back of his mind. It became a tale he couldn't help but share with his closest friends, turning the mysterious stranger into a campus legend.

"I'm telling you, he had this way of making a random collision feel like destiny. It was like something out of a romantic comedy, but with more backpack straps," Alex animatedly explained to his friends over dinner one evening.

His best friend, Lily, arched an eyebrow. "You're not seriously falling for some guy you bumped into, are you?"

Alex chuckled nervously, realizing the absurdity of the situation. "No, no, of course not. I just... I don't know. It was strange, but kind of magical, you know?"

His closest confidants were Lily and Daniel, friends since their first year at UBC. 

"So, did you find out who Mr. Charisma is?" Lily asked, nudging Alex with a playful grin.

"No clue. But he's become this enigma in my life, like the protagonist in a cheesy romance novel," Alex replied, rolling his eyes.

Daniel, the rarely voice of reason in their trio, chimed in, "Maybe it's just a random encounter. Don't overthink it, Alex."

But overthink it, he did. The stranger's presence lingered in the back of Alex's mind, a distraction from the intricacies of university life and the demands of the family business. 


On an ordinary day at the university, as he delicately handled his camera, seeking to encapsulate the lively spirit of Vancouver's campus life, fate once again intervened unexpectedly. Unlike before, this encounter was not a mere collision but a serendipitous meeting that would set the wheels of destiny into graceful motion.

While framing a shot of the cherry blossoms in their full, romantic bloom, Alex's lens seized the image of the familiar and charismatic stranger from the car, now a welcomed presence, appreciating the same blossoms. Their gazes locked, and a shared smile unfolded, signaling the commencement of a connection that neither of them could have foreseen.

As the car passed by just a moment earlier, Alex watched it disappear, a lingering sensation in his mind.

"Maybe it's him?"

he whispered, a vow carried away by the soft breeze of possibility.

Hello! Here is my first web novel. I just want to let you know, this is not just a love story; it goes beyond love. Hope you like it.

Victor_Fukutaro_94creators' thoughts